‹ Prequel: Here, Here, and Here
Status: First chapter should be up by the end of the week (7\15 - 7\17\10)

Beside You


“So Tom,” my uncle asks as soon as grace has been said, “What do you do for a living?”

“Um” he glances at me, not sure, I raise my eyebrows and smile. He lets out a sigh, “I’m a guitarist.”

“Ah, so my niece supports the three of you?” Uncle Ivan takes a jab at Tom. Kielye snorts, she knows that Tom is famous and rich (she likes to keep up to date in international music.)

“Partly” Tom just sits there letting my uncle think what he wants because he doesn’t want to get into an argument with him.

“So how are things with the two of you?” Aunt Jade-Lynn asks to interrupt the silence.

“Good” I sigh, “We’ve been really busy and still are and it’s a touch stressful.”

“Stress is never good for a relationship” Uncle Ivan butts in.

Tom steps in, “Actually it’s only you that stresses out Avina.” He looks at me and smiles.

“You have me to make sure you don’t stress out” I roll my eyes, “It’s my job to take all your stress and make it my own!”

“Well why are you so stressed out?” Kyle asks between mouthfuls.

“Between a four year old, touring with four boys, and planning a wedding it’s a wonder I don’t have gray hairs!”

“A wedding!?” all my aunts yell at once. My uncles only stare.

“Yes” I say raising my left hand and showing off the ring, “Some time at the end of summer or early fall.”

“Yay!” Kieyle yells and jumps from her seat. She rushes over and gives me a hug.

I hug back, “I was hoping you’d be one of my bride’s maids?”

“Well duh!” she smiles.

“Hmm, I think this is a very irresponsible decision Eibhlin” Uncle Ivan voices his candid opinion.

“Why do you think that?” I look him dead in the eyes.

“It’s so soon and with you just starting your job and the money issue” he explains.

“What money issue?” I question.

“The one where you are the main bread winner of your family” he says with a hint of bitterness. It’s very against his beliefs that a woman is making the money.

“Uncle, there is no money issue” I roll my eyes, “Between my paycheck and Tom’s there is plenty of money to spare for a large extravagant wedding plus an exotic honeymoon and a large new house. Not that I’m one for over indulgence and flaunting wealth.”

“I’m confused” Uncle Rich speaks up.

“As am I” Uncle Ivan says through gritted teeth. He is upset at the tone in my voice, thinking I spoke out of turn for a child. Too bad, I’m not a child.

“Tom can you get my laptop so I can explain?” I turn to him. He nods his head and gets up. A few seconds later, he returns with my laptop in his hands.

I open it and log on. “Give me a minute and I’ll show all of you.” I open Youtube and search Tokio Hotel. I click a video from one of their 1000 Hotels tour, enlarge it, and turn up the volume.

They all watch as the boys are surrounded by screaming fans and cameras and security. There are clips from interviews, backstage, and on stage. I hear one of my aunts gasp as she sees Tom on stage and I look at the video. I grimace because at that moment Tom was doing one of his classic moves, humping his flying-v. I cut the video at that point.

“As you can see, Tom is a guitarist in a world famous band” I smile, “Our relationship is stable, we have plenty of money, and Caoimhe is happy and loved, there is no reason to not get married when we want.”

That was the last time that topic got brought up that day.
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It's been so much longer then I thought but here it is.

Also check out my new original story "Far From Never"!