Breathe It All In

One Month/3 Days

I could do this. I could do this. I could do this.

I used this mantra to get myself to get out of my car. I used it to get over to Jackie's doorstep. Then, I lost my nerve. I just stood there. I felt ashamed about how I had gotten pregnant. I didn't want her to judge me. I knew she wouldn't, because she's my best friend...but what if she did?

I hit the doorbell button quickly, before talking myself into going back to my house to have another Ben & Jerry feast and a Golden Girls marathon. The only reason I decided to get out of the house was when I accidentally began watching the episode where Blanche thinks she's pregnant.

Jackie immediately opened the door, yawning in the process. Her little dog Harlequin ran out to greet me, jumping up and trying to climb up my leg.

"Hey Gia. What's wrong?" She said opening the door wider so I could come in. I picked up Harlequin and walked inside.

"I have to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone," I said to her, looking her straight in the eye.

"Of course Gi-"

"I'm pregnant," I blurted out softly. Jackie just cocked her head at me before looking at my stomach. She shut the door, grabbed my arm, and ran me up to her bedroom. All she did then was smile at me.

"You found a boy! Oh my gosh, you have a baby now and a boyfriend and a whole new future. I can't wait until the baby shower. Can I be the maid of honor for your baby shower? That's how that works right? I'm so happy for you!" She said before giving me a bone squishing hug. Harlequin was ready to burst out of my arms, so I placed him on the bed before looking over at Jackie. I guess my eyes were filling up with tears again, since her smile faltered and she sat me down on the bed next to her.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. I was going to wait until marriage to have sex. I haven't had a boyfriend in so long because I've just been studying and working and then your party..." I trailed off, taking deep breaths.

"Gia, who's the father?" She asked me cautiously. I took a deep breath before telling her.


We laughed and talked about ourselves as I cleaned up the blood and put on two Hello Kitty Band-Aids on his head. I couldn't help but touch his hair, and he just looked and laughed.

"You like?"

"More like love. I think I might be a little jealous of your hair," I said as I began throwing away the papers into the garbage and cleaning up.

"You make a very good doctor," He said to me.

"Why thank you. You make a pretty good patient," I said to him. As I stood up to leave, Kasey stood still in the doorway.

"I've seen you around a lot," He said.

"Same here. We've just never been introduced."

"I'm Kasey," He said sticking his hand out. Even though he had introduced himself before, I smiled and played along.


"Kasey Smith? The Kasey Smith? Crazy haired, musician, skinniest person ever Kasey Smith?" She said, and I nodded.

"Yeah, something just exploded between us and we did it,"

"I could tell what exploded since you got pregnant," She joked.


"Everything is going to be okay. I'll help you in every way you need. Except deliver the baby for you. That I can't swing," She joked. I gave her a big hug and smiled.

"Thanks Jackie,"

"No problem. Now, the important stuff. Does he know?" I shook my head.

"I don't know where he lives or anything. All I have is a phone number. I will, just not right now."

" how was it?" She said, poking my arm. I looked at her before smiling.
