Breathe It All In

One Month/10 Days

I woke up to the sounds of the busy street below us. The window blew in cool air, sending goosebumps over my bare shoulder. I opened my eyes, blinking against the light coming in. I stretched a little, feeling Kasey's grip on my waist tighten. I put my arms over his, snuggling up to him more. His body was pressed into mine from behind, and I could feel him breathing softly.

We hadn't done anything scandalous last night. We just sat on his couch watching old That 70s Show episodes while sharing a bag of microwaved popcorn. Afterwards, he let me sleep in one of his Kiss tank tops and a pair of his baggy sweatpants. He offered to sleep on the couch, but I just held his hand and sat him right down next to me on the bed. It wasn't done sexually. We both knew that. I just wanted to lay next to someone, feel their warmth, and know that at least for a night I wouldn't be all alone with the baby.

"Good Morning," I heard him mumble, lowering his head to kiss my shoulder. I stretched and turned to face him.

"Good Morning," I said to him, smiling. His eyes were slits as he seemed to still be half asleep.

"How was your sleep?" He said, his voice cracking a little from sleep.

"It was nice. How about you?" I said, a content sigh escaping my lips.

"I'm not sure, I'm going to go back to sleep and I'll let you know when I get up." He said smiling, pulling me closer to him. I gigged and wrapped my arm around him, placing my head on his chest. I let my eyes close as I began to drift back to sleep with him.

A few minutes later, my stomach woke me up. It was a churning sensation that I had felt before and knew all about. My eyes sprung open before I immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I think Kasey said something, but I could only focus on getting to the bathroom in time. As I fell to my knees in front of the toilet I upchucked everything in my stomach, just making it in time. I heaved a few more times, letting everything that I think I've ever eaten come up and into the toilet. I felt my hair being pulled back, but I could barely focus on it as I heaved a few more times, barely anything coming up. With one final heave, I had finished. I felt really weak, and I lost my balance on my knees and tipped over. I felt Kasey catch me as he helped me sit down. I reached out and flushed the toilet, a blush starting in my cheeks. I can't believe the timing in all of this. I looked down, and I gratefully noticed that I hadn't gotten anything on his clothes, my body, or the outside of the toilet.

"I'm sorry," I said to him. He gave me a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay. It's morning sickness. Are you feeling alright?" He asked, concern in his voice. I nodded, getting up off the floor.

"I should probably be going," I said to him, still embarrassed about what had just happened. He frowned, not saying anything for a moment. Honestly, I wanted to go back to cuddling, but I smelt like barf and sweat.

"Okay, let me just put shoes on," He said leaving the bathroom. For a minute, I thought he would of convinced me to stay, but then I remembered what he said. He promised to be here in the morning, and he was. His part of the deal is done.

I shut the door to the bathroom, washing my face in his sink before swishing some water around in my mouth. I pulled my hair up loosely with a hair band I found on my wrist before doing my business and washing my hands. I walked out of the bathroom and went over to the couch where I had put my dress last night. I noticed Kasey had already folded the bed back into the wall. I took my dress and things into the bathroom to change. I folded the clothes Kasey gave me neatly in a pile before walking back out.

"Where would you like these?" I asked him, lifting up the pile a bit.

"Oh, I'll take them. Thanks," He said, sounding distant. He put the pile on the couch before putting sunglasses on his face.

"Ready?" He said. I nodded and followed him out the door and down the stairs. We were silent as he opened the door for me at the bottom of the stairs. We didn't talk until we were back on the road.

"It's just hitting me," He said suddenly. I knew exactly what he meant.

"Oh, okay. I'm here if you want to talk," I said, not knowing what else to say. He didn't respond. We pulled into the parking lot, where my car was still waiting for me. No one took notice as it was right next to a hotel, so it wasn't towed or ticketed. As we pulled to a stop, I looked over at Kasey and forced a smile.

"I'll see you around?" I asked.

"Bye Gia," He said. And with those words, I said goodbye before getting out of the car and going over to mine. He waited until I started the car and waved at him before he drove away.

As soon as I couldn't make out his car anymore, I began to cry. I hugged the steering wheel and let the tears fall. That promise he made me didn't feel as warm and welcoming as it did last night. I knew it was because he had done what he said. Now, I was alone again. And in my gut, I doubted that he'd ever be coming back.