‹ Prequel: Suck It Up Dandie
Status: Editing. Thoughts?

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Chapter Four

Brendon's POV

"Master urie?" Mira asked, as she appeared in my room.

"What have I told you about knocking before you enter Mira?" I growled at her. I was sitting at my desk, looking over the new recruits that William was due to send me next month. None of them had very much potential from what I could see, William just wanted me to train them.

"Sorry." She squeaked exiting my room.

"Come back in Mira." I sighed. I didn't mean to yell at her, she just annoyed me in a sense. She had a suttle reminder of Kaye to her. Well, I mean aside from the fact that Kaye was human and she wasn't, and this girl would probably be with me until the end of my service to William. Kaye betrayed me though, by going with those fleas. "What is it?"

"William is here." She murmered, then curtly walked out.

Damn it

"Are they in the mansion?" I asked.

"Yes Brendon, we are." Williams' voice stated softly from behind me. I turned in my chair to see my leader frowning slightly, and looking at the door. "You know, I sent Mira wih you so that she would be protected from getting hurt."

"What are you talking about William?"

"That's of no business now. I want her to become one of us as well Brendon. I need to have her prepared, and as an equal with us. She has proven her loyalties to us and now, she is going to be second in command of the dandies' line here. You are to be the leader of here, but consult with me, understood?" He asked. I nodded then he walked to the door, "MIRA?"

"Yes William?" I heard her laugh. Her laugh made me smile as she was carried up the stairs by Carden. "Mike put me down, WIlliam wants me to talk to him, not your butt."

"Too bad." He chuckled, "We've missed you so much kid." Butcher was right behind them with Sisky and Spencer. I heard a smack and then more laughing, "That's my ass."

"Mike, put Mira down and leave us to discuss certain matters." William growled. Mike did as instructed and shut the door behind him. "Mira, I've told Brendon this and I'm telling you this. I want you to be second in command of the dandies here."

"B-but William...I don't...want to be part of the dandies line...you know I only agreed to stay for you." She sighed.

"Your Annalyse Ja'cord Richeau?" I asked surprised. Only one vampiress has been known to be hidden somewhere along the world in the dandies line, and she was given the only opportunity to save a vampire.

"You see this stake Annalyse, it could easily go through that heart of yours..." An elder calmly told her.

"Do it, I've only one man to live for, and you arragont asses have killed him." She growled.

"Tsk, tsk tsk Annalyse...we didn't kill him. he is still here. Alive that is." Another elder joined, "But we have an offer for you. We will turn him into the leader of a group of vampires...but you cannot love him...no you have to serve him, because we have tested your bloods, and your true loves are to come later in life. If you two marked one another you would regret it. We are saving you both. Annalyse, your only restriction is that you must stay with the dandies until you've found your match, and you must stay serving them. Understood?"

"William...he's alive?"

"I've been turned Annalyse...please...take the offer. You'll get changed too...and if we can't be together in life, then at least we'll be together in afterlife." Williams' calm voice pleaded.

"I go by Mira now." She murmered walking out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so I had the intentions for updating last night, but I saw Inception and we went out afterwards and I didn't get in til about 4 am. and I wrote this but passed out before i could put this update in.

SexyPeanutButter Thank you, and as for you ch. I lol-ed a lot. Was not suckish in the least.

As for our readers and commenters, thank you very much. I'm still so happy that SexyPeanutButter gave me the opportunity to write for this. I'm also thankful for the commenters and subscribers because they let us know that what we are doing is likeable.