‹ Prequel: Suck It Up Dandie
Status: Editing. Thoughts?

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Chapter Five - "Either way I'm still hungry."

I raised an eyebrow.

John looked confused and then looked at Jack who was worried now.

"Brendon's looking for you....And you're not worried?" Jack asked.

"Has he found me?" J&J nodded their heads. "Then I'm safe right?" Again they nodded their heads. "So then there is nothing to worry about."

I smirked and walked off to the kitchen. Silly boys. Brendon won't find me. If he does then the wolves will smell him from miles away and-

"Hello," A girl's voice said, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked to the window to see brown-haired girl hanging upside down. She looked around my age.

"Um hi?" She wasn't a werewolf that's for sure.

"Are you Kaye?" I'm kinda worried because she has this lunatic smile on her face.

"Are you stupid?" Sarcasm is the best defense at this point.

She only giggled and replied, "No. I'm Mira."

I took a step back. I don't know if she's messing with me or being herself but either way I'm still hungry.

"Well then Mira, why don't go back to wherever you came from and stay there?" I walked over to the cabinets and opened up a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips.

She did a summer salt through the window, landing on the kitchen chair. "Nah, I'll sit here and hang with you."

I sat down across from there and we were in a comfortable silence. It seemed as if she was wondering what my personality is like. I think I like her but at the same time, it seems like she's my enemy.

I heard Jack's footsteps come this way and she quickly ran out the window whispering "Bye."

He came in and looked around before saying, "You've been in here for a hour and a half, just eating chips?"

I shrugged my shoulders and he sat down where Mira was just moments ago.

"I was thinking, we could hang out later tonight. Just you and me?"

I smiled and nodded. I got a date with Jack tonight.....Maybe we'll go to the canival!
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's late. I'm at my family's and I literally hate them.

I got Kaye's,John's, and Jack's character thingies up so check them out.

Also, my friend wants to make an account on here for stories she makes but they're different. They are twisted and don't have happy endings but if you're like me you'll like them. Can you guys comment whether or not you'd read them in personal interest and like them?