The Lost Saiyan

A need

“What you mean i can’t train!” Teara yelled.
“You’re a girl, and you need to concentrate more on school than fighting” Chichi said while drying a dish.
“But mom, you know that’s not fair. Gohan has been training since he was 8.”
“Teara You know that was not under my control.” Teara looked at her dad for help.
“I can’t can’t help you there. I told you to ask your mom, and she said no.”
“Don’t you guys think this is more my decision more than yours?”
“Teara, You will not be a suitable house wife if you fight.”
“You did it, And your fine.”
“But we’re also struggling to keep food on the table cause of it.”
“Fine, you won’t let me train, I’ll find a way.” Teara stomped off to her room. She grabbed a bag and threw her clothes in it. she looked at her older brother Gohan and younger brother Goten sleeping in there beds. She knew that what she wanted, her destiny was on her own shoulders now. She grabbed a pen and paper.

You won’t let me do what I think I’m set out to do. This is my choice. Please don’t come after me. We will meet again in time.
Love Teara