Status: Complete

For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic.

Cassadee is such a suck up.

Ally POV

Cassadee sat on my couch looking around my apartment, probably thinking that hers is much better. She is dressed in blue skinny jeans a Glamour Kills shirt and a vest (her signature item). Fuck, I hate the vest thing.

I walked to the kitchen counter and picked up the black hoodie that sat there and put it on. I really didn’t want to be half naked in front of her. “Seriously Cassadee what the fuck do you want.” That came out as an almost yell.

“Oh sorry did I interrupt you and some random guy hooking up?” her words dripped with sarcasm

“You really are that stupid, that ‘random guy’ you speak of is Alex you dick.” It really didn’t take long for me to be fed up with her like that. “Can you just say what you came here to say and then leave?”

“Fine, so we have a few more therapy sessions left right?” I nodded; she continued, “So Pete and I were talking last” I cut her off

“Wait what; you and Pete Wentz were talking last night?” Maybe I should explain a little. Pete kinda likes Cassadee; I mean he favours Hey Monday over most of the bands including Tears Of Joie. Cassadee knows he is into her I mean she played into it, she would flirt with him I think she has even kissed him. Normally I wouldn’t give a shit my band and I don’t need to fool around with the boss to get somewhere but the fact that Pete is still married to Ashlee bugs me, Cassadee has even been to their house for dinner and baby sat for them.

“Yes Pete called last night and said that we have a tour.” I stood there looking totally confused what that fuck was she talking about. “Like Hey Monday and Tears of Joie co headlining tour, duh. Well you know monster energy drink they think we are edgy and they are sponsoring a tour with us.”

“No fucking way am I touring with you again, I don’t care how fucking edgy I am I am not doing it.” I had to close my bedroom door so Alex wouldn’t hear me yelling, except I suspect he was listening in and just waiting for Cassadee to leave so he could come out.

“You know, Pete said you would say that so he told me to tell you ‘the fire burns what the law binds’ Whatever that means I don’t get it but he said you would. So that is all I wanted to say, oh and I think we should do it, could be fun.” She stood up and started to walk to the door. “Oh and bye Alex” she yelled to him making me burn with anger. There goes my good night.

I start pacing the apartment talking loudly to my elf. Alex came running out completely naked which made me giggle a little bit. “Lex I am kinda in crisis mode so I think you should maybe put some pants on.” Alex nods turns back around to find the jeans I had thrown to the other side of the room.

“Ally what Cassadee said about a tour, are you going to do it?” Alex tried to sooth me by leading me to the couch.

“I don’t know I have to call someone.”I got up and almost ran to the phone sliding on the tiles a little bit.

I dialled the number that was almost etched into my brain. It rang three times before a women answered.

“Ashlee, can I please speak to Pete? Its Ally”

“Ok I’ll just get him” Ashlee sounded sweet on the phone, which is completely different from how she sounds normally. I hear yelling in the background, you could say they didn’t have the best marriage but who does.

“Ally, it didn’t take long for you to call. Cassadee told me she just left your place.” I could tell Pete had a smile on his face.

“Alright Pete enough of the fucking pleasantries, I want to know what the fuck this is all about. A Hey Monday and Tears Of Joie tour are you smoking crack or something?”
Pete laughed, he actually laughed “Ally, just listen. This will be good. People like your attitude, maybe because I told them that you work your ass off and girls like Cassadee are the reason why girls like you exist.”

“But Pete this makes no sense, if we tour together I will either kill her or end up breaking my other arm. So I am not doing it.” I yell into the phone.

“Ally didn’t you get my message? ‘The fire burns what the law binds’ if you don’t do this I will burn your contract and make sure no other label picks you up, is that clear?” now Pete was yelling slightly.

I sighed loudly “Fine, just please tell me the other bands are cool.”

“The other two bands are We the Kings and Boys Like Girls. Oh and Ally you don’t have a choice you will do this tour.” Before I could say anything, the dial tone rang through my ears. Pete really knew how to piss me off.

Alex stood beside me with a questioning look on his face “We have to tour together” I walk over and land heavily on the sofa.

“What are you talking about touring together?”Alex walked to the couch, wrapped his arms around me, and rested his head on my shoulder. He was still warm and a little sweaty. Our breathing started to match each others when I heard a vibrating coming from the kitchen floor. (I threw my phone after Pete hung up on me. it was probably broken, if it is it’s the 6th phone in 6 months. I have anger problems so sue me.)

“Do you hear that.” I asked Alex as I stood up, he sighed. Probably thought he was going to get some. I walked over to the kitchen trying to be as quiet as possible. It vibrates again and I see my phone flash with the name Tommy across the screen. A text message, at least it is not broken.

I pick up my phone and slide it up. I push the hair behind my ears and see Alex in the corner of my eye, slumped on the couch. The message read:

We have a meeting with the boss tomorrow. What the fuck did you do this time?
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so this chapter is kind of filler but sets everything up. I want to thank everyone for their comments and please keep doing it. Please don’t be a silent reader. Also I would like to know if anyone actually hates Ally and likes Cassadee, or who really likes Ally and hates Cassadee.