Status: Complete

For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic.

Yo Gabba Gabba will be the death of me.

Ally POV

Everything for tour was set up, it would be a two month long tour with Tears of Joie headlining, I wonder how that happened? No interviews had been set up with Cassadee and me, we had a replacement guitarist until my arm completely healed. It is some guy named Josh something, I have never heard of him but apparently he is good. If everything was going so well in my professional life, why did I feel like shit? Oh, that is right because Alex and I have hardly spoken since I told him about Pete and Cassadee, he says he is just too busy at the studio but even when he is at my house at night, he is different. We have not even had sex in like two weeks and that is kind of weird.

I lay in bed staring at the clock on my bedside table, it says 4:30am and I have to be up at five so I can get ready for bus call so we can drive to the first show. Alex said he would take me to the bus so we could have a huge goodbye but I seriously doubt he would want to do that. Lost in my thoughts I am pulled back into reality when I feel Alex’s arm around my body pulling me closer to him. He nuzzles his head into my shoulder and takes a deep breath.

“Are you sure you have to go on tour today?” he says sleepily before kissing me on the back of the neck.

I turn around so we are making eye contact and put my arms around his waist. “So now I am leaving you talk to me huh.” There was a joking tone to my voice but I think he got that I was being serious.

“Yeah about that, I am sorry it’s just work and everything but I promise I will try and come out on one of the dates to see you.” He smiled his crooked smile and kissed me gently on the lips, which made me melt.

I kissed him back but pulling away before it went any further. I was not going to give in that easy. “Ok well I need to get ready so you need to let go of me.” I said as I tried to squirm out of what seemed like a death grip, he pulled me back to him and flipped so he was on top of me.

Alex brushed my fringe out of my eyes and kissed me hard on the lips as he slid his hand up my shirt and rested it on the small of my back. I slid my hands down, pulled the drawstring of his pyjama pants, and pulled his shirt over his head. I kissed Alex harder as he slid off my booty shorts.


I stand in front of my closet with a towel around my body as Alex sat up on the bed with the bed sheets resting on his lap. He watched as I debated between a black tank top and jeans
or a black Fall Out Boy shirt and a pair of leopard print leggings.

“The leggings definitely, they’re super sexy. Oh and the purple bra.” Alex said as he winked at me.

I grabbed the t-shirt, leggings and purple bra and panties set and walk to the bed to get dressed.

“Why do you do that?” Alex asked, as he shifted in the bed at the sight of my naked body as I drop the towel.

“Do what?” I ask as I pull on my panties.

“Get dressed in front of me when you know I prefer you naked at all times.” Said Alex, I gave him a disapproving eye roll and threw the wet towel at him. I pulled on my shirt and leggings and walked back in to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I pulled my long fire engine red hair into a bun and applied nude makeup. There was no need for heavy makeup when I will just be on a bus till tonight.

I walk out to the living room where my suitcase was half packed with my guitar next to it. Alex sat on the couch starting up the Xbox so he could play some Halo before he took me to the bus.

“Alex if you are going to sit on my black leather couch and play that game please put some pants on.” I said as I sat on the floor with my suitcase in front of me, clothes and makeup were scattered around ready to be packed.

Alex looked down at him naked body grunted and walked in to the bedroom to put on his basketball shorts.

After what seemed like an hour of Alex yelling at the TV screen and me packing and unpacking trying to get the perfect order in my suitcase my phone alarm went off. “Hey Lex, you have to go get dressed properly and I will get this stuff ready.” Alex paused the game and went to get dressed.

“Ally” Alex yelled from the bedroom as I picked up my guitar to put next to the door. “Why are you taking that? You can’t even play yet, you still have a cast on your wrist.” Alex walked out while buckling up the belt on his pants.

“Um just habit I guess.” I take the guitar and put it back in my closet. “Ok Alex I am ready lets go.” Alex took my bags and opened the door for me guiding me to the elevator.
“So Alex you know you can stay at my place until you go back to Baltimore right?” Alex nodded. “And you can have the guys over but make sure Zack doesn’t break anything, Jack doesn’t steal my underwear and Rian cleans up after himself.” Alex nodded again. “And make sure the sex toys I bought for you and Jack get used I don’t want to think I wasted my money.” Alex nodded again.

“ALEX, are you even listening to me?” I yelled at Alex while he looked at me wide eyed.

“Yeah of course I am.”

“Then what did I just say.” I put my hands on my hips.

“You were saying the guys could come over but this tour is a drag and you need to get money out of the ATM.” He said happy that he thought I underestimated his listening skills.

I laughed, “Yeah that exactly what I said.” The elevator bell rang and we made our way out to the car. The car ride was fairly uneventful and the car was filled with the music of The Misfits until Alex turned it off at a red light and turned to me with big eyes.

“Ally promise me you won’t fall in love with anyone on tour.” Alex’s eyes and voice were almost pleading.

I giggled and pointed to the green light. “Of course I won’t fall in love with anyone on tour, just for you I will be the angry sad emo loner and make no friends.”

Alex got a cheeky grin on his face, “So what’s the difference from any other tour?”

“Just drive we are almost there.” I laughed and closed my eyes waiting for us to arrive.


“So this is goodbye huh?” Alex’s arms were around my waist and I was on my tippy toes trying to connect our lips but having some trouble.

“No this is not goodbye it is cya later. We knew this day was going to come so just kiss me, pat me on the ass and send me on my way.” I pulled Alex down and kissed him for what could be the last time for about a month.

“EVERYONE ON THE BUS.” My tour manager Lance called out. “That means you too Ally.” As Lance walked past he nudged me in the side. He is a pretty cool tour manager we call him DJ Lance because he wears big glasses and has a weird fascination with Yo Gabba Gabba. it’s actually kind of creepy.

“Ok so now I really need to go.” Alex kissed me again and let go.

“Here looking at you kid.” Alex called out as I was about to step onto the bus.

“Go you are so cheesy why do even date you?” I called back holding in a laugh.

“Because of these awesome abs.” Alex pulled up his shirt to reveal his flat stomach. I shook my head, blew him a kiss and ran on to the bus. I watched him from the window as the bus drove off. I rested my head against the cool glass of the window. I was really going to miss that kid.

Lance sat beside me and started to go through some papers on tour. “Hey buck up kid, you will see him soon.” I nodded and Lance looked at his watch. “Hey Lucas put the TV on Yo Gabba Gabba is about to start.” The whole bus erupted in groans but Luke did what he was told.

I rested my head on lances shoulder. “What are we going to do with you Lance?”

“Shh Ally, Yo Gabba Gabba is on.” Lances eyes were glued to the screen. Lucky for us it was a marathon. I got up and went to my bunk. There I could think about Alex without a guy in a full orange body suit talking to me through the TV.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think, kind of filler but there will be more drama. Sorry this update has taken so long but I promise I will try to be faster about it. :D Please comment, I love hearing from you all.
Thank you and Goodnight