Status: Complete

For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic.

Hey Monday fans can be badass.

Ally POV

“Waffles or pop tarts?” Tommy asked me as he held up both boxes. I just stared blankly out the window of the stopped bus. It was 12:30pm and we had just woken up. “Ally what the fuck do you want?” Tommy asked again this time yelling it and throwing a frozen waffle at my head. Lucky for me he failed gym in high school so he was a shit aim.

“Oh sorry, um pop tarts.” I spoke softly and looked back out of the window, I sighed before speaking again. “Tom, do you think last night’s show was good?”

“Yeah it was awesome, I threw up my drumsticks and caught them and went crazy in my solos. Why do you ask?” Tommy continued making breakfast/lunch with a happy glint in his eye as he thought about last night’s show.

“Well for one someone threw a full bottle of water at my head, and another person threw up a bracelet which said ‘Eat shit Ally Quin’ so I don’t think I did that well.”

“Forget about those idiots, now eat your breakfast.” Tommy placed a plate full of pop tarts in front of me. “Plus we have a full tour meet and greet in a couple of hours before the show.” I groaned and slumped back in my seat, Tommy put his arm around my shoulder. He is like my best friend, cool big brother and awesome band mate all rolled into one. “Now come on kiddo, we only have like 4 of these to do you don’t even have to see Cassadee. Now eat you look way too skinny, I like meat on my women.” Tommy patted my head and pulled his arm back so he could eat his food.


I stood in the back lounge of the bus in front of the full length mirror we had back there in a yellow and black under wear set debating between two outfits to wear to the meet and greet then later the show.

The first was a purple skirt then fell just above the knees, with black leggings and a long sleeve leopard print top. The second was a pair of red skinny jeans with a black glamour kills shirt and a leopard print vest. (So what if I was stealing a bit of Cassadee’s style, she did try to steal my boyfriend.)

God why does choosing a stupid outfit have to be so hard, I think I need help on this one and since we don’t tour with any other girls I need the only one who got me. “TOMMMY” I yelled

I heard a knock on the door to the back lounge. “Ally what is it, is everything alright?” Tommy asked with a worried tone to his voice.

“Yeah everything is fine it’s just, could you come in here I need you help with what I should wear.” I asked with my sweetest voice. Tommy sighed and walked in to find me in my underwear, which he has seen many times before but it always makes him blush which in turn makes me giggle.

Tommy totally turned my outfit choices upside down and created a whole new option which I knew I would wear. You see Tommy isn’t gay but he has a killer sense on style and knows what I look hot in. He says it’s because he knows me so well but I think it’s because he has had a crush on me since me met in the 9th grade.

So I put on what he had chosen, the purple shirt with the leggings, the black glamour kills shirt and the leopard print vest. Now for some shoes, Tommy walked out of the back lounge and before I could ask him what shoes a pair of black flats came flying at my head and this time hitting me. He was totally going to pay for that on stage but for now, I have to focus on trying to avoid Cassadee Pope.


I walked into the small club venue to find about 50 fans. This meet and greet was different from the rest. There were less people than usual and everything was super casual. I saw Travis and Danny from We The Kings and headed straight for them.

“Why hello Ally, are you ready for the wonderful night we have planned?” Trav asked. I couldn’t help but smile when I was around the We The Kings boys. They just made me want to be a better person and I didn’t want to make Travis cry so I didn’t say anything mean to anyone.

“Yeah, I guess it will be good.” I looked around the room to see what Cassadee was doing. I found her in the corner of the room surrounded by three fans, she looked a little uncomfortable but the fans didn’t even notice.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see a little girl about 12 years old wearing a Hey Monday shirt turned into a dress, her long wavy brown hair was pinned behind her ears. I guess she was cute if you like kids and I don’t.

“What can I do for you kiddo?” I asked the girl who had a smile playing on her lips.
She pointed to my broken arm “How did you do that?” she asked. Answering a question with another question, which was totally annoying.

“Ahh I was in an accident.” I swept my fringe across my face, with the rest of my hair in a bun.
The little girl stood there with her finger on her lips while the thought. She took a deep breath and stepped closer to me, I thought she was going to ask for an autograph, oh how I was wrong.

“You hit Cassadee in the face, we love Cassadee and we hate you.” The little bitch screamed at me then kicked as hard as she could in the shin. I dropped down clenching my leg a tear ran down my face. She really kicked me hard. I was just about to grab her and pummel her to a pulp when someone grabbed me around the waist and pulled me back out the door.

“Travis, what are you doing?” I asked slightly crying, my leg aching. Travis pulled me to the buses and stopped in between the We The King’s bus and the Tears of Joie’s bus.

“Ally, I had to get you out of there or would have killed that little girl and I cant have that.” Travis smiled as I sunk down to sit on the ground, I pulled my knees up to my chin.

“Travis you did see what she did to me right?” I asked as he sat down next to me.

“Yeah but Ally there will always be people like that and you have to forget them and surround yourself with people who love you like We The Kings.” Travis smiled and put his arm around my shoulder.

“Thanks Trav, you are a good friend now if only you had been there when I did this.” I held up my broken arm and pointed to it, he both laughed but were interrupted by cell phone.

“Ally where the fuck are you? I saw what that little girl did I thought you were going to kill her.” Tommy yelled down the phone.

“No Tom, I am fine I am with Travis, I will see you at the show.”

“Ok, make sure you are there ok.” Tommy laughed and we both hung up.

Travis and I sat in silence for a few minutes before I looked at my watch. “Travis what is the date?”

“It is the 15th, why” he asked still with his arm around my shoulder, which he seemed totally comfortable with.

I jumped up and did a little squeal, which I think surprised me more than it did him. “Alex is coming out tomorrow, which means the whole day of just us on the bus hanging out.”

“Well in that case I will be sure not to drop by your bus tomorrow; I don’t want to see anything gross.” I sat back down and nudged Travis in the ribs and we both giggled.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry it has taken so long to update but I have been super busy, If I could I would not go to work or school and just write stories for you guys anyway. So what do think of this chapter, it is just filler because I really needed to set up the relationship between Ally and Alex but it will be full of plenty of drama in the next few chapters.

But I think this one will be finishing soon, if you think I should continue it speak up or forever hold your peace. I was also thinking after this one I might start a Pete Wentz story but don’t know, anyway enough of my babbling.

Thank you and goodnight.