Status: Complete

For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic.

Pete Wentz ruins everything.

“I don’t give a shit who you are Ally, you fuck up a show and you pay the consequences.” Lance yelled at me and he paced back and forth on the bus. “And do you know what those consequences are?” Lanced asked me.

The whole time I stared at him, tears started to prick my eyes. I prayed that I didn’t start crying but if I did maybe he would stop yelling at me.

The rest of the band and crew had disappeared, It was only me and Lance on the bus until they got back that is. I shook my head to answer his question.

“Well let me tell you what is going to happen. This bus is now a dry zone not a drop of alcohol will be found on here, and if I find out you have had a drink so help me god I will call your parents.” Lance yelled.

Normally I would have been cool with a threat to tell an authority figure of all the bad things I do, but my parents that was a low blow.

Lance continued on his rant. “And you have a curfew of 11:30pm and if the show goes longer then that you have to come right back here afterwards and yes I sound like an angry father but I am pissed about what you did.” I nodded and was just about to get up to go and sulk in my bunk when someone knocked on the door.

“Dont move a muscle.” Lance warned me.

Lance walked to the bus door to let in whoever was continuing to knock. Thank god it is only my band either come to save me or come to yell at me some more. The first in was Tommy who gave me an apologetic look, something must be going down. Lucas and Derek followed closely behind not even bothering to make eye contact, they just stared at their shoes as they sat on the couch opposite mine.

Lance turned back around to face me as Pete Wentz entering the bus. It felt like a movie, Pete entered in slow motion in what seemed like a cloud of smoke and ominous music; it was all very Darth Vader.

“Ally, nice to see you haven’t changed a bit.” Pete stood beside Lance. Lance being 6 foot 3 seemed like a baby next to Pete, I hate to admit it but in this moment, I was kind of afraid of him.

“Who called Pete?” I asked and looked around, no one making eye contact.

“That would be me.” finally Lance spoke up, before I could speak again Pete sat next me and put his hand on my leg.

“Hey Pete I am not your girlfriend.” He knew who I meant, even if the rest of the bus looked confused.

“Ally, just shut the fuck up and listen. I understand, you think just cause I am the boss and The Pete Wentz that I don’t remember what its like to tour and feel so alone in a crowded room.” Pete tried to make eye contact but I just stared at the ground.

“I want to say it’s all your fault or that Cassadee has pushed me to do this or even that my band are just not cutting it but the truth is its none of those things. It is all me. I fucked up this time and I know it so if you want a new singer that’s fine, I will just go back to LA and live out the rest of my existence as a store assistant or something like that.” A collective groan came from the bus.

Derek was the one to stand up and walk over to me, he leant on him knees in front of me and grabbed my hands. “We love you, you big idiot. We love all of your flaws and your lack of self esteem, we love everything about you no matter how dysfunctional you are.” The rest of the band were smiling at me.

“Aww you guys are sweet, should we all hug now or something.” Tommy, Lucas, Derek and even Lance enveloped me in a hug. “Guys I didn’t mean literally. And Pete, thank you now everyone get off me I have to apologise to some people on live journal. “ The guys let me go and scattered throughout the bus.

I made my way to the passenger seat where my mac book sat. A knock came from the bus door again, jeez who could this be. It’s probably out manager to yell at me.
I opened the door to find a one Alex Gaskarth standing there looking tired with his hands in his pockets. Alex walked in before I could invite him.

“Who the fuck called him?” I yelled.

“That would be me.” Tommy reappeared from the bunk area. Now I know what that look on his face was for. “Ally, I had to call him you too have to talk about what ever has made you mad at him so we can all sleep and be able to play shows.”

“Ally he is right.” Alex said as he stepped further inside the bus to where Pete was sitting. “Ally, what the hell is he doing here?” Alex asked as his face changed from calm to furious in a flash.

“Alex what are you talking about? He came to talk about last night you know the reason Tommy called you.” Alex wasn’t listening instead he charged at Pete and grabbed him by the front of his shirt.

Alex pulled back his hand to punch Pete in the face. “Lance get him out of here.” Lucky Lance was so big, he doubled as a security guard. Lance pulled Alex out of the bus and dropped him on the concrete before his fist could make contact with Pete’s face.

“Alex, what are you doing?” I yelled at him, now most of the people outside the venue were staring at us.

“He is fucking her, he is the reason she broke up with me; he ruined everything.” Alex yelled back at, so blinded my hate he said the first thing to come into his head and to the first person.

“Well Alex if she means so much to you then have her because we are over. I guess Pete ruined another relationship of yours.” I slapped Alex in the face walked off into the direction of the other buses.

I left everyone back at my bus in complete shock. I don’t even think it has registered with me yet because my brain was not telling me to walk to the Hey Monday bus but I did anyway, my brain did not tell me to knock on the door but I did anyway and my brain sure as hell didn’t tell me to walk into their bus.

I stood in front of Cassadee as she read a book. “You win, he is all yours.” Cassadee sat there shocked a small smile playing on her lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, what do you guys think, was all of Ally’s fighting for nothing? What will Cassadee say? Will Lance get to watch the latest episode of Yo Gabba Gabba? And Will Travis save the day?
All this and more when you tune in next week
Buy anyway, what did you guys think? Please comment because I am not too sure if I like this chapter.
Thank you and goodnight