Status: Complete

For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic.

Not everyone is going to like the things you do Cass.

Cassadee POV

Fine if Ally was not going to listen to me then I will have to take this into my own hands. Why did I even think she would listen to me considering our feud, but no matter how much I tried to get Alex back and no matter how much of a bitch I was towards Ally, I know her and Alex should be together.

Yes, I know that I tried very hard to break them up but I had my reasons. For now I need to find Alex, lucky for me he got hotel and the rest of his band joined him probably to help him forget about Ally.

“Cass, Cass.” Mike called out to me. “Where are you going?” Mike finally caught up to me as I got to the gates of the venue.

“I have to find Alex.” I pulled out my cell phone to call a cab.
Mike grabbed my arm. “I will come with you.” His eyes were wide as he spoke to me.

“No I need to do this one alone.” I smiled at Mike, kissed his cheek and ran to get my cab.


“Keep the change.” I threw a $50 dollar bill at the driver and made my way to the hotel front desk.

Standing at the desk waiting for a teenage boy, who looked too young to work here, to get off the phone and help me I heard a voice coming from behind.

“Cassadee Pope?” A male voice asked, probably a fan. I turned around to see Rian Dawson standing with a six-pack of beer and a wide smile on his face.

“Rian Dawson, long time no see.” I stepped toward him but refrained from hugging him, that might be a bit awkward.

“Are you here to see Alex?” I nodded “Well I will take you to him; I am guessing you two have a lot to talk about.” I followed him to the elevator and pressed the button. “No, we are on the second floor so we might as well take the stairs.” Rian smiled and pointed to the door that leads to the staircase, I smiled wide and followed him.

Not watching where I stepped and having my shoelaces untied I tripped up the stairs and hit the ground with a grunt and hitting my knee really hard.

Rian let out a laugh before reaching down and helping me up. “Are you ok?” Rian asked. I nodded and felt heat rise to my cheeks.

Rian opened the hotel door to reveal Zack, Jack and Alex sitting on the beds playing a drinking game to Star Wars. As far as I could tell, you had to take a shot every time the words ‘The Force’ were said. Lame I know.

I entered the hotel room and stood there as the boys stared at me. Rian went and put five of
the six beers in the small fringe under the sink after he throws one to Alex. “Alex I would really like to talk to you.” I look to the other boys, almost glaring but they didn’t seem to take the hint. “Alone.” I almost yelled.

Jack and Zack got off the bed and walked towards the door. Zack glared at me as he left the room and Jack not so quietly called me a slut. I guess they know about Pete or they are totally on Ally’s side. As Rian left the room, he put his hand on my shoulder, gave me a small smile and apologised to me.

I closed the door after them and walked over to the bed. “Cassadee I really don’t want to see you right now.” Alex slightly slurred his words.

“Well I don’t give a shit what you want because I want to talk right now.” I sat on the edge of the bed and Alex sighed hanging his head, indicating I should continue.

“Ok so what I gather is you know about me and Pete, and you are pissed but you and I are so far in the past it does not even matter.” I paused so Alex could say something, anything.

He sighed and waited about 30 seconds before saying something “We maybe in the past Cass, but you left me for someone I look up to. We were so in love and you threw that away for a married man.” Alex’s eyes looked heavy and his voice soft as he spoke to me.

I sighed and got up, pacing the room. “For fucks sake Alex, we were not in love, we dated for seven months and it was going nowhere.” I had now started yelling. “Alex I never loved you, you were just convenient.” I sat back on the bed facing Alex, his cheeks turning red.

“If we weren’t in love then why did you try so hard to break Ally and me up, why do you hate her so much?” Alex was now speaking in a whisper.

I closed my eyes “Because she has everything. She is beautiful, everyone likes her, and she is talented. You fell in love with her after a week and I could see that Pete was as well.” Alex looked at me wide eyes. “She reminds him of himself, back in the early days they are too alike so I thought if I tore her down everyone would see how good I am.”

“Cassadee that is absurd, everyone likes you if they were going to like anyone I thought it would be you. Let’s face it Ally isn’t the easiest person to get along with.” Alex moved closer to me. “But you didn’t end up breaking us up; I did that all by myself.”

“That is why I need to fix this, because I am an idiot so you need to clean yourself up so we can get back to the venue and win your girlfriend back.” I stood up to walk out when I felt
Alex’s hand on my shoulder.

“Thanks Cass, you can be a good friend when you want to be.” Alex smiled at me and walked to the bathroom. “Cass, what exactly do I have to do?”

“Just shower and I will explain on the way.” I went to wait outside the hotel room where Jack, Zack and Rian were waiting. Zack and Jack still glared at me but Rian smiled.
“Cass, are you alright? We heard some yelling.” Rian asked

“Yeah everything is alright now. Would you like to get some coffee with me while we wait for Alex to get himself cleaned up?” I asked with my hands in my pocket.
Rian followed me to the small cafe, behind me I heard Jack ‘Yeah we don’t want coffee anyway bitch.” Yeah like I want to hang around with people that hate me.


We arrive at the venue at 10:30pm, Tears of Joie’s set should finish in about 20 minutes so that’s all we had to set up. I got out of the cab and headed towards the Tears of Joie bus.

“Ok Alex so you know what to do, I think this will work. You and Ally will be getting sweaty together in no time.” I smiled at Alex and continued walking to the bus.

I spotted Travis Clark and his giant mop of orange hair coming towards me. “Cassadee, wait STOP.” He yelled after me. People have been doing that a lot today.

“What is it Travis?” I asked running out of patience.

“Is that Alex going into Ally’s bus?” he asked trying to catch his breath.

“Yeah why?” now I was getting annoyed, Travis is a sweet guy, but I don’t need this right now.

“If you are trying to get her and Alex back together I think you should probably not.” Travis stared into my eyes.

“Travis what are you talking about? And make it quick I don’t have all night.” I stood in front of him with my arms folded across my chest.

“Well, I don’t think you should get Ally and Alex back together because.” Travis looked down at his shoes before continuing. “Because, I want to be with her.”
♠ ♠ ♠
OMG Travis wants to be with Ally, who saw that coming? Ok so what do you guys think of this chapter, it is completely in Cassadee’s POV which was a little daunting to write. I hope this chapter had redeemed some of her bitchyness. Please comment because I want you guys to love this story.
Thank you and goodnight.