Status: Complete

For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic.

The cops aren't really into ROCKand roll

“So one last thing before we leave this bar and probably pass out in some gutter.” I say to Cassadee as the places a $100 note on the sticky grimy bar. She turns to me and waves her hand signalling me to continue speaking. “Why do you have the blonde in your hair? I mean don’t get me wrong it looks ok. I’m just a bit confused.”

Cassadee got off her stool and stumbled towards the door, at first I thought either she didn’t hear my question or she was going to totally disregard what I said. “Well, I like it and I think the boys like it.” She slurred, man she is so drunk she can barely stand up, I am equally as drunk but I can hold my liquor I guess having been drinking since I was 15 I have developed a tolerance to it. “Like you can talk anyway your hair is bright red and I know for a fact that is not your natural colour.” Cassadee stops and stares at me or a few seconds before continuing. “What is your natural colour cause your eyebrows are red?”

“Promise not to tell anyone?” Cassadee nods. “Well I am a natural blonde, like barbie doll blonde.” Cassadee starts laughing and I push her slightly. “Whatever I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks.”

Cassadee and I start walking down the dark street with bars and strip clubs on either side of us, it feels like a pimp is going to get us to work a corner or a drug dealer is going to sell us a bag of grade A heroin. Cassadee clears her throat and pulls me towards an abandoned building that looked like prostitutes had taken up residence inside. Cassadee picks up a handful of rocks.

“You know what, I am so sick of people judging us because we are girls and in this scene. Do you know how many times I get called a whore?” I shake my head in a no. “Well it’s a lot.” Cassadee starts shaking the rocks around in her hands. “Don’t you ever get angry?” Cassadee asked.

She had now turned to face me waiting for my answer. I thought for a second before laughing in her face. Cassadee gave me a curious look before frowning. I took one of the larger rocks out of her hand. “I am Ally Quinn, I have a broken wrist and almost broke your nose, I have a drinking problem and fans hate me, my boyfriend just dumped me and my parents don’t speak to me. I am angry at everything.” Cassadee rolled her eyes as I threw the large rock to break a window in the old building.

As I threw the rock I stumbled back balancing myself on a hand rail to the stairs leading up to the building’s entrance. “Ally what do you think you are doing?” Cassadee asked, looking around hoping no one saw me do that.

“Come on Cassadee, you just said you were angry. Take your anger out on something or someone or you will end up bursting one day and go on a shooting rampage and take a couple of hostages.” I took another rock out of Cassadee’s hand and threw it, this time it smashed the street lamp next to us. The glow dimmed leaving us in a more shadows and making us look shadier.

Cassadee looked at me then back to the rock. “You know you’re right.” Cassadee tossed the rock, not hard but hard enough to smash the window in the front door and set off an alarm.

Cassadee gasps as I laugh. “Ally stop fucking laughing this is serious what are we going to do?” Cassadee asked worried.

I stopped laughing and composed myself, as well as I could do while drunk. “Relax Cass we just run no one needs to know this was us.” I was facing Cassadee with my hands on her shoulders both trying to calm her down and to steady myself.

Cassadee gasps again, she really needs to stop doing that, and nods toward the road as a police car pulls up and turns his sirens on.

“Evening ladies, can you tell us what is going on here?” The middle-aged police officer asks us.

I wink at Cassadee and turn to face the police car, I walk up to the windows as sexily as I possibly could and lean on the door. “Hello officer what can I do for you tonight?” I asked. My speech must have been too slurred to recognise and the officers must have realised what we did because now I am in the back of the squad car with my hand in handcuffs and Cassadee beside me almost in tears with her head in her hands while I can’t help but laugh.


The police officer handed me a slate thingy and asked me to stand in front of the wall with the height measurement things, you know like the one at Pete’s bar Angels and Kings.

“State your full name please.” An officer with a beer belly and a gruff voice asked. Shit I hate my full name.

“Allison Chelsea Theresa Quinn.” Cassadee looks up at me from her seat with another officer about to start laughing when I shot her a look that could kill.

The police officer took me by the hands and lead me to the cells at the other side of the large room. He practically pushed me in. “You two will have to stay here until the morning when you sober up then we will process the vandalism and drunken disorderly arrest charges.” He closed and locked the cell once Cassadee was safely inside. With a grumble, he walked off, probably to eat some donuts.

Cassadee took a seat on one of the long metal bench inside the cell, sighing as she brought her legs up to sit cross-legged on the seat. “Now I know why I never tried to be your friend, Ally you just get in trouble.” Cassadee placed her head in her hands again; she has been doing that a lot tonight.

I sit next to her and sit back with my hands behind my head. “Come on Cass you’re acting like this is your fist time being arrested and in jail.” I look over to Cassadee as she lifts her head and raises her eyebrows.

“Because it is my first time Ally, I know you don’t care what fans, your parents or Pete thinks but I do.” Cassadee was now standing and yelling.

“Oh, I am sorry just sit and relax and the time will go by fast. NOW IF I COULD HAVE MY PHONE CALL.” I yelled the last part so the officers in the other room would hear me.

An officer walked in and sat at his desk shuffling papers and clicking the mouse of his computer. He stands and faces the cell Cassadee and I are standing in. “Ok ladies we have contacted your Tour Managers is it?” I nod “Yours did not seem happy.” He pointed to me. “And yours was worried but they should be here soon to fill in some papers.”

“Then can we leave?” Cassadee asked as he turned to leave.

“No, you have to stay here over night. Protocol.” He gave an apologetic smile and walked off.

“Shit Balls.” I muttered loud enough for Cassadee to hear.

“Ally, I don’t want to hear your voice so shut the fuck up. Actually do me a favour and never talk to me again.” Cassadee walked to the opposite side of the cell and lay on the metal
bench with her body facing the wall.

Geez, you get someone arrested and give them a bit of street cred and this is the thanks you get. No one has manners these days.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry it has been so long since the last chapter, I kind of hit a block and I have been super busy.

Please tell me what you think of this chapter, personally there is not enough Alex but that will change very shortly. I would also like some more love and for each subscriber to comment, I didn’t get that much on the last chapter but I do want to thank everyone who has commented or subscribed.

Thank you and goodnight.