Status: Complete

For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic.

Jail is fun...NOT

Laying on my back on a cold metal bench in a cold jail cell is not the way I wanted to spend my night. And from the sigh of frustration I take it this isn’t the way Cassadee want to spend her night either. So far, we have been in this cell for two hours and Cassadee has not spoken a work to me since she told me to shut the fuck up. Usually I would like the silence and not speaking to Cassadee but being in this cell is making me chatty.

The hard footsteps of the large officer on the concrete floors of the corridors woke Cassadee from her thoughts. “Cassadee Pope?” he nodded towards me, I shook my head and pointed to Cass. “Alright well your tour manager is here and we just need some signatures then you can go.” The officer gave a warm smile to Cassadee, that always happens to her.

Cassadee stood up with a deep breath out and made her way to cell doors, I followed. The officer opened the door and basically slammed it in my face. “Just Miss Pope.” He said as he locked the cell door.

“What the hell is this then? We did the same thing and she was way more drunk then me.” I started yelling at the officer, I know completely bad idea but I really don’t care I just want to go and sleep in my own bunk.

The large officer with a patchy beard and a slight southern accent-even though we were in New York- walked Cassadee over to his desk completely ignoring me.
“Hey man, I know this is making you feel like a great cop ‘cause you got to arrest two drunk girls and you get to fill out the paper work and use these shitty cells but why does she get to leave before me?” now I am getting pissed.

The officer glares at me before he starts to speak in a low angry voice. “This really isn’t my decision so I suggest you calm down and sit back down someone will be in very shortly to speak with you.” The large officer continued to speak in a soft voice with Cassadee.

I walked back over to the hard metal bench and with a sigh and a grunt as I sat down muttering in cohesive cuss words under my breath. As Cassadee was being escorted out of the jail with the officer she shot me a small smile which I met with a particular finger.


It felt as though an hour had passed but I had no idea they took my cell phone away from me hours ago when we first got here. I now lay on the concrete floor staring up at the ceiling thinking can I really break out of here with a spoon and a nail file. As I mentally check if my tattoos are actually floor plans of the jail cell I hear muffled whispers coming from the hall way outside my cell.

“Maybe we should leave her in there; it wouldn’t hurt her to spend one night in a jail cell would it?” A deep male voice I registered as Lance’s spoke.

“We cannot do that, besides we need to get on the road. I have a feeling this will be the last time this will ever happen they said they would talk to her maybe they can straighten her out.” The second voice who sounded a lot like Toms spoke. “I also want her to know it was not my idea or choice to bring then in.”

“Yeah ok but first he has to go and talk to her, I can’t deal with this romance angst stuff any longer.” Lance spoke but it soon fell silent. The door opened but only one set of footprints entered the room. Anyway, I was happy I was finally getting out of here.

“Ally.” His voice was soft almost like it was a dream, it sounded as though he had been crying. “Ally can you please stand up we need to talk?” Alex stepped closer to the cell as I stood up.

I had thought about this moment all night, how I would act when he wanted to talk. I thought I would use my usual front and be mean to him but that thought disappeared when I saw his red eyes. I cleared my throat and began to talk. “Alex what are you doing here? And have you been crying?”

“I came to get you out I figured we could talk without any distraction in the form of a ginge singer and no I haven’t been crying.” He wiped his face with the back of his hand he looked tired and sad. I hate making him feel that way.

“Good idea, Alex I ju-“ He cut me off by putting his finger to my lips. I don’t know when we got so close it just happens.

“Don’t Al, I am sorry I know you weren’t sleeping with Travis, you would never do that or try to hurt me like that and I am so so so sorry I acted that way about Cassadee I know you are the one I want to be with.” A tear ran down both mine and Alex’s face. In that moment all I should have wanted was to hold him and tell him how much I loved him but I couldn’t.

“Alex I know you are sorry I can see it in your eyes but you still acted that way and thought I would cheat on you.” I took a step back and another tear escaped. Alex reached out and wiped it from my cheek. I guess I didn’t step back far enough.

Alex kept his hand there and spoke in a whisper. “Ally, believe me when I say this will never happen again. I love more than words and I know that seems impossible to you but it’s true.” Alex pulled me slightly towards him but I really didn’t need to force me.

My voice was low, soft, and full of tears as I spoke. “I believe you; I just had to see if you believed it.” I kissed Alex though the bars. The kiss was soft and full of love, it was just us wanting to be together. I knew we would get to the more passionate stuff when I was out of here.

I pulled away from Alex as I heard the door open and a cold breeze swept through the cell.

“Allison, I knew it was only a matter of time before we had to bail you out of jail, I can only imagine what Jesus thinks.” Her shrill voice cut through my skull.

“Now now, we all know Jesus doesn’t think about someone who sins as bad as Allison has.” His deep voice echoed throughout the jail cells. The two of them stood there with angry glares plastered on their faces.

Alex turned around to face the middle-aged couple. “What the Fuck are they doing here?” I yelled to no one in particular. The look on their faces grew grimmer with my casual use of the word fuck.

“Who are they?” Alex asked with a strained voice.

“We are her parents.” My mother said, her voice harder this time. “And who may you be young man?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update, I kinda was at a block and I just finished exams but now I am finished school for the year so I will try to update as much as possible. Another reason I took so long to update was because I only got one review on the chapter and I knew it wasn’t that bad. I don’t want to the bitch (But I do write Ally after all) but if I don’t get more comments on this chapter I might have to rethink writing it.
Anyway please tell me what you think.
Thank you and good night.