Status: Textually active. ^.^

I Wanna Take a Ride on Your Disco Stick

Ehiko's Midnight Adventures, the Arrival of Nekozawa.

I hastily made my way, down the halls towards my room. Well at least as hastily as one could with an injured ankle. Just as I reached for the door handle, a random hand grabbed my wrist. Then another covered up my mouth, and everything went black. When I woke up, I was in a dark room, kind of creepy if you ask me...

"I believe you have something of mine," Boomed a mysterious voice.

"Wha- what are you talking about? Who are you? Where am I!?"

"Answer my question. Now!"

“But you didn’t ask a question!” I protested.

“Oh… Well… I know you took it! Now where is it?!” As my eyes adjusted, I just barely made out the figure of a cloaked person coming towards me.

"I have nothing of ..." then I remembered, I picked up that wood doll I tripped over, "yours..."

" Yes you do, I saw you walk away with it yesterday."

"You mean that dumb wooden doll that made me sprain my ankle?"

"Beelzenoff is not a dumb doll! It contains magical powers that can curse you." He said, his voice wavering in what I assumed to be a spooky way.

" Wow that is so scary,” I snorted. “Now untie me please."

"Fine just give me Beelzenoff back and then we can continue our lives. You know you shouldn't just take peoples things you find on the floor."

" You shouldn't just leave your Beelzenoff thingy on the floor where someone can, sprain their freaking ankle!"

His hands were shaking as he removed the ropes from my wrists and ankles. "Are you okay, miss?"

"Yeah, I am fine" I responded curtly.

"You know you're kinda cute from this angle."

"You know you're kinda a creep from every angle. Now if you will please show me the door, I can’t see a damned thing!”

He led us out of the dark room, down a flight of stairs, and across three corridors, until we finally made it back to my room. I grasped the cold metal handle and then attempted to open the door. "Hmph. It's locked, and I can’t seem to find the key… It must've fallen out of my pocket back in your room."

"Well let us go get it then." He tugged on my arm.

"Can't I just wait here? I’ve had enough of this walking around, my ankle is still healing you know!"

He pursed his lips, and gave an exasperated sigh. "Fine, but don't move a muscle or else." As he walked away he kept peeking behind him making sure I wouldn't move.

Once he was out of sight, I lifted my self up. Then I reached into my bra, felt around those jelly packs that substituted as "boobs", until I grasped something small and metal.

Ahh there it is.

I pulled the key out of my bra.

After I had made it into my room I turned around and locked the door. I went over to my dresser and grabbed my sleeping shirt not even bothering to take the bra off. I crawled into bed, and without any idea of the time, I fell asleep.

"I swore I turned the lights off before I went to bed."

My fingertips gently rubbed my eye lids.

Something doesn’t feel right.

I finally opened my eyes, and stared blankly at my alarm clock. 1:45 a.m. Suddenly as I came "back alive" I stood up and walked over to my drawer and pulled out the wooden doll.

"Aha! I knew you had my Beelzenoff."

My body suddenly froze as I felt goosebumps run up my back. He then walked over towards me and then attempted to grab the doll. "Give it to me now!" He then grabbed my arm roughly. "Give me Beelzenoff, or else I'll break your arm."

"Fine let go!"

He removed his grasp from my arm. "Now, hand it over!"

Yeah right, like I was gonna let him tell me what to do. Instead, I kicked him where the sun don't shine.

"You little bitch" He snarled through gritted teeth, bent over in pain.

I ran out the door, and in a panic I slide Beelzenoff under Shae's door. Without a single thought in my head other than getting the hell away from that creep, I sprinted off and ended up in the courtyard. I could hear footsteps from not so far away.

"Now you are going to get it!" He yelled.
Anxious to make an escape, I ran up to the rose maze, only I realized a second to late that the entrance was on the right side, not the left! In a moment of sheer panic, I went crashing right through the wall. I broke through wall after wall of roses, thorns slashing across any exposed skin, leaves and bramble getting tangled in my hair, but I didn’t stop running, I couldn’t! Until finally I came to a stop at the gazebo. I slid under one of the benches for cover, in case that weirdo did decide to follow me.

I started taking deep breaths, and my adrenaline finally came to a complete halt. My heartbeat slowly shifted from a pounding thud, to a gentle soft ba-dum. My only prayer was that someone else would find me in the morning before class.