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I Wanna Take a Ride on Your Disco Stick

Your Pee Could Save My Life

Holy shit, I feel asleep in the rose garden! Oh my God I’m gonna be late for class! Wait a second… why is Shae here? … Oh that’s right I’m not outside anymore.

All the memories from last night came flooding back into my mind. The puppet, the creep, the rose garden, and Shane. Shane, who currently had her arms wrapped around me and her face snuggled up against my chest. It was really cute and heartwarming until-

“Shae, move, I gotta pee.”

“You disgust me,” She grumbled, but didn’t move.

“I’m not kidding, if you don’t move right now I’m gonna pee on you.”

That caught her attention. “I’m up! I’m up! For God’s sake go pee.”

I tried to roll out of bed. Key word here: tried. I kind of forgot that Shae’s room is retarded and that the bathroom door’s barely a foot from the edge of the bed.

“Oh my Jesus! Are you okay?” Shae squeaked.

“Yeah, yeah. My face might be broken, but I’m cool,” I snapped, sarcasm prominent in my tone.

“I wasn’t aware you could break your face…”

“Shut up smart ass.”

“Hey! I thought we just started being friends again!”

“I wasn’t aware we ever stopped.”

“Well… yeah, but we were mad at each other, right?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You know… I was mad at you because of the Hiitachian twins, and you were mad at me because I wouldn’t give them a chance?”

“Oh yeah… about that.”

“Aren’t you mad”

“No, honestly you should just give them a chance. Like meeting a few new people, cause lets face it we haven’t met too many people that we have actually befriended.”

“Befriended? Wow big words E,” She giggled.
“Yeah, you know how I said we? I meant you.”

“Go to hell.”

“Been there done that. You know it’s not a big party like everyone thinks.”

“Who the cuss thinks that?”

“Well I always thought that until I went there…”

“Hey, don’t you have to pee?”

“Too late.”

“GET OUT OF MY ROOM!” Shae screamed.

“I was kidding.”

“… I knew that.”

“Newspaper muffin, never mind it seems more of a banana nut muffin day…”

“Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with you.”

“I know. Well I’m gonna go pee and get ready for class, you should do the same.”

“But I don’t have to pee…”

I began to slowly turn the doorknob behind me. “Pretend you have to pee then.” I said as I stumbled into my room.

“Why the h…” Shaes words get cut off by me slamming the door shut.

Man, now she's gonna be bitching about this all during class