Status: Textually active. ^.^

I Wanna Take a Ride on Your Disco Stick

Walking in on the Dean

Shae shot me a look and then continued slamming her head against the wall, out of embaressment.

The blonde haired guy took my hand and asked, “And what is your name princess?”

I suddenly paused for a second.

Shae burst out in laughter, “Haha why are you calling him a princess!?”

Haruhi then stepped in and said, “Well this is awkward...”

Tamaki -at least I think that’s his name anyway...- was still holding my hand, so I pulled it away. It was pretty awkward...

“Anyways to answer your question my name is Ehiko, Ehiko Naga. Also yes I am a boy , haha but its okay I’m always confused as being a girl. Though who cares? I am who I am,“ I replied with a big smile on my face.

Shae then opened her big fat mouth and started rambling again. “Ehiko has been my friend since we were babies, and our parents were friends before that. Though Ehiko moved to Japan right before our last year of middle school started. It was then that I decided I would go along too. And as soon as I graduated I packed my bags and headed for Japan to live with my father. My parents split several years ago. My mother was angry because she felt my father was a workaholic, which he is, but that tends to happen when you own a major corporation.  Needless to say, my mom thought he was a bad influence and kicked him out. He's not a bad guy though, honestly he's pretty awesome.”

While everyone was distracted by her monolouge, I ran over and started to whisper to her “Oh my gosh those twins are so hot! I call dibs! Please no stealing them I want them both.“

“Okay ,okay “ Shae replied “Im not even interested in them, I want him!" She pointed towards the little toddler looking kid with a bunny in his hand. Honey was his name, right?

“Really?” I asked confused “you want the toddler looking one? God, I never knew you were such a pedophile!”

Shae said “NO! Him! The tall one!” and pointed up. He was kinda scary looking, but I guess he was cute.

The Host club just stood there staring at us, I guess I shouldn’t have scooted over to her out of nowhere and started whispering, but I had to call dibs 'cause they are so cute and I didn’t want them to be stolen away from me.

I then walked around and greeted everyone around me and then when I got to the twins they both stuck out their hands. I grabbed one with my right hand and the other twins hand with my left. As they introduced themselves I started blushing. They stared at me and in unison said, “Whats wrong Ehiko?”

I turned my head down and then mumbled, “nothing.” When I took a peek back up they were both smiling.

I finished greeting the twins. Then I heard Shae ask (more like whine) Tamaki, “Can we join? It seems like fun!”

He then said, “We don’t take girls into this club. Also we are already full we have the whole entire pack as you can see”

I looked around at each member then I spoke up and said “You are missing someone.“

“Who?” he asked.

“The sensitive but sweet one. Also you could use a girl in the group, its been proven that most young women today have an interest in other women you know."

"He's right you know," Kyoya smirked. "And she would attract some of the male population of our school. And you know, more customers, more money."

Tamaki thought for a moment then sighed, “Fine we’ll consider it, but it's probably not going to happen. We need to discuss this privately as a club, so we will need to sleep on it and give you our answer tommorow.”

Shae and I thanked everyone, and I secretly kissed each of the twins on the cheek when no one was looking.
Shae and I discussed what had gone on today as we were walking down the stairs and out the door, also how much we hoped we would be accepted to be part of the host club. The main reason I want to join is to get part of those twins, they are so adorable and sexy. Well also it sounds like fun with all the different themes they do.

“Oh crap, Shae,” I said worried.

“What?” she asked.

“We need to go back and see if we can get a double bed room,” I said.

“Shiz your right!” Shae said. “Well let’s hurry!”

Shae sprinted off towards the door again, I ran after her to catch up to her. I finally caught up to her at the stairs. We then walked up the stairs while each of us tripped about 3 times because of the running we were still so out of breath. After the hike up the stairs we walked to the principal's room. We knocked and he wouldn’t answer at first , but I saw a silhouette so I opened the door and Shae and I found the principal making out with one of the school board members.

“That’s just gross,” Shae whispered to me. "Old people should not make out!"

“What do you want?” yelled the principal.

“Sorry we are new students here and we never got our rooms yet. We were hoping for a double bedded room?” I said very fast.

Out of nowhere he had a mood swing and was all sympathetic. “Well there are no more double rooms left, but I can give you two rooms right next to each other that have a connecting door if you'd like?"

“That sounds great!” Shae said with a very wide smile.

The principal then gave us 2 room cards each. “In case you loose one he said. Also a maid comes around every Friday. If you need her to clean just ask.” The principal had another mood swing “Any more questions?” he asked, suddenly very frustrated.

“Um, none that I can think of right now but thank you,” I replied.

“Well...” said Shae, I then covered her mouth and pulled her out of the room with me.

“Shae what were you doing couldn’t you see he was about t flip out?!”

“Great we have a bipolar principal! Well as long as we stay out of trouble we can avoid his bipolarishness I guess. Hehe knowing you, you're probably going to have a hard time avoiding his office 'cause we all know what you plan on doing with the hitachiin twins,” Shae giggled like an evil little elf.

Urgh she’s trying to push my buttons.

“Well you're going to have a hard time avoiding his office too! Remember this morning with that little bit of coffee? So we just gotta watch each others backs I guess.”

“I really hope we get into the Host club” whined Shae.

"God stop being such a baby!"

But I was really hoping to join too, so I was secretly okay with her whining.

We ended up talking about joining the host club all the way till we realized we past our rooms.

“Umm, these rooms are 127, and 129. Not our rooms we passed them we gotta go back look for 71 and 73.”

As we were walking back I decided to ask “Which room do you want 71 or 73?”

“71!” She said. "It's like 17 backwards, and you know that's my lucky number!"

“Okay sure,” I said while handing her the room cards for Room 71.

We finally found our rooms we each opened our doors and entered or rooms.

I looked around my room then I closed the door behind me. It had bright orange walls, carpet flooring. big bean bag chairs, and 36inch flat screen tv.

What an amazing room.

I also had a big closet and a dresser. I went to go lay down on my bed when I found a light green colored laptop on my bed. I thought for a second then picked it up and looked at the back and on it had a sticker saying property of Ehiko Naga. My jaw fell to the floor.

“Holy shit this school must be rich… to give every student a laptop...”

I stood up and walked over to the connecting door and knocked on it. “May I come in?” I asked. “することができますが来るか?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha my chapter:D
Your turn mommy :)
BTW readers “することができますが来るか?” means "Can I come in"

**--This chapter was edited by Mrs.Hatake--**