Status: Textually active. ^.^

I Wanna Take a Ride on Your Disco Stick


Shae is such a big doof, she just cant keep her mouth closed. ..Ugh how much longer till this class ends. I just really want to go to art class I like doodling, ohh and making sculptures... especially ones of naked...
"Your answer Ehiko Naga" demanded the teacher .
"Uhm... hmm , I seem to have forgotten the question can you repeat it please?"
"Mr. Naga please try to stay focused. I know you are ahead of the whole class , but can you at least just not doze off."
Wait was I really asleep. Ugh whatever it was only a warning just try to stay awake long enough for art class. I just cant stand having boring classes in the morning i always fall asleep.
What the hell that's not even a real bell its just someone over the intercom.
Sorry students our bell is broken , so I am going to be your bell for the day. Thanks now move to your next class.
Yes finally art.
I packed up all my things and walked hastily towards the door. I reached for the handle when someone elses hand layed over mine. I turned to my side to notice it was Hikaru's hand. My face lit up.
"Hey Ehiko , whats your next class." Kaoru asked.
"Urm.. Art,"
"Oh we have cooking but we have Social Studies together the class ater next." They both responded.
"Haha cool see ya then."
I turned away and walked down the hall looking down so people wouldnt see me blushing. I didnt want anyone to know that me and the Hitachiin twins were flirting.
"Ehiko, I missed you" Shae said then hugging me , as I stood up.
"Oh why hello there Ehiko" Said Tamaki who was standing up also.
" Im so sorry i wasnt watching where I was going. Wait why are you going that way Shae? Art class is in the sculpture garden today, didn't you hear? Unless you and Tamaki here are going ... umm haha well..."
"WHAT! I would never in a billion years sneak off with him to go , ya know what ever it was you were implying." Shae screamed.
Tamaki then curled up into a ball and started crying.
"Aww Tamaki, it's okay she can't control what she says." I said while hugging him.
"I'm fine , I'm fine. Haha. " Tamaki lied.
"Well lets go Ehiko we are going to be late." Shae said impatiently.
While walking I decided to start a conversation. "So Shae, how was the office?"
" Eh it was fine, he wasn't mad, he just said don't end up here repeatedly."She replied."But I gotta tell you something that happened on the way there."
"Let me guess you got lost."
"Mhm, but I was so happy I got lost." She said as we pushed open the door. "Ahh the sun light , it burns!"
"Uhm Shae are you high cause you really seem like it."
"Yes, I am high off of love."She said.
"Sounds like something you would hear from a late 80''s zitcom about hippies from the 70's."
"What the hell" She mumbled. Then cleared her voice " Well actually I ran into Mori, and he carried me to the office."
"Ohh romantic..."
"Shh-up and listen, haha, then when he set me down I tripped. Then he helped me up with his eyes staring into mine." She said lost in a daydream.
"Uhm how much of that was made up?"
"None I swear!" She giggled.
"Uhm okay then, well we turn left here and we should be to class I hope we arent late cause I really like art and I don't want to miss probably one of the best classes of the day. Ugh thanks Shae i caught your disease. Were I just mumble on and on and on without even realizing it because I am nervous. I have to have Social Studies with the twins next, I think you are in my class too,yay. Haha anyways I want to sit next to them in class if you don't mind."
"Grr, I want to sit next to you though. And HEY thats mean, you can't catch someones nervous reaction... At least I think."She replied.
"Well I promise I'll sit next to you in every class we have after. And plus in Social Studies you can sit behind me, so we can still talk."
"Fine" She said as we walked up and sat down at the art tables with rest of our class.
"You girls are a tad bit late, but it's outside so I can understand. Well anyways as I was telling everyone today we are looking at statues and admiring what we like about them. Also what stand out about them." The teacher said very loudly so everyone could hear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, well you can murder me in the next one momma.
And yes thank you readers and subscribers and commenters for encouraging us to write more. Sorry for my nooby writing skills. As you can see I am getting better each chapter :).