Status: Textually active. ^.^

I Wanna Take a Ride on Your Disco Stick

Hello princesses

Yay this is so fun i love this cosplay, I always used to dress up when i was younger. I dont even know what I am dressed up as i think im one of those luggage people. Ohh the twins are dressed up as room service. Boy would I like them to stop by my room. Haha now i can do it in a club while entertaining people and staring at the hottest people I have ever seen in my life. Hmm Honey is dressed as a hmm well I dont know what they are dressed as. Shae is a slutty maid, and Tamaki is the door man, and Kyoya is the manager. It's like a dream job except not much of a job all I have to do is entertain women haha. It will be easy just compliment them alot , especially on their hair and eyes.
Shae and I sat down at a table drinking tea, while waiting for the girls, and guys now to.
"So maid , whose rooms are you cleaning tonight." I say while laughing.
"It's not funny I dont see why I have to be a slut.' She said whining.
"Maybe this will help you in a way if you think about it. You will have guys complimenting you all over. Come to think of it, it will help you in more than one way. First of all you won't think your fat if guys are complimenting you all the time get rid of your self concious problems really. Also it would make Mori jealous of all the attention you are getting from other guys. He would want to step in and show that you are his if he is interested. Haha."
"I guess you're right, maybe this will help me in general, but it still doesn't explain why I have to be a slut." She says slowly starting to accept it.
"Because that's what guys these days want to see. It's the same as the U.S. Now get used to it. "
Shae continues whining."Fine, but if they make me dress like this every day I come here then I am leaving the Host Club. Cause you know me im not slutty at all."
"Stop whining, everything is going to be okay I won't let anything happen to you. If guys touch you in an inappropriate way, just kick them in their balls, or I'll do it for you."
Then the door opened and then a cannon above the door shot flower peddles out into the crowd of people. We all got into position around the chair, and said "Welcome". The crowd came in an all went to different tables asking for different people.
Man I'm going to buy some extensions, All the girls will get me confused with a girl if I leave my hair like this I need to cut it down to my chin length. I might as well dye it then. Then buy extensions to make it long when I want to.
"Whose that?" A few girls were saying while pointing at me.
I walked up to the table "Hello my dears, my name is Ehiko Naga, I am a new member of the Host Club and I would be glad to sit with you pretty ladies."
Their faces turned pink. Then they started to talk to me and ask questions. I just kept nodding, and answering yes or no. I kept glancing over to where Shae was. She was sitting down at a table with 4 other guys with her. Everything seemed to be going well so far.
" Would you excuse me for a moment princesses." I said while standing up. I walked over to Shae and whispered to her "Hows it going?"
"Are you a lesbian?" One of the guys asked me.
"Uhm no? I am a guy I just look a lot like a girl. And plus that was very rude."
"Yeah they are kinda douchie." She whispered to me. "They also really want me to Clean their rooms."
"Haha I told you people were going to say that haha it's guys they always come up with wierd perverted jokes that are only funny to other guys most of the time."
" Ya guys will always be the same, well until we grow up, and until I marry Mori." She said with a big smile on her face.
I then hastily walked away back to the girls I was with earlier.
"Sorry my dears, I was checking on my friend."
"Do you like her?" They both asked.
"Oh no princesses, she's been my best friend since 2nd grade. I have to watch out for her."
"Awwww so caring" They both said.
These girls think everything is adorable. This is going to be so easy, haha, also it is kinda fun being complimented I guess. I dont want to get to full of myself like Tamaki does or else I'll have little break downs too. Wow this day seemed so fast, this is probably the longest part of the day. I can't wait till dinner cause I am really hungry.
"Ahh do you ladies know what time it is?"
"Oh uhm , it's about 4:45," One of them answered.
"Wow only 15minutes left, time flies by when your talking to two young beautiful princesses." I said.
There faces got all pink again. "Aww".
Yay only 15 minutes left, then I can go back to my room and snack a bit. Ugh why is dinner at 6:00. This is just like ugh I am so hungry and I don't want to eat cake right now I have had enough sweets for the day. I just want some cheesy potatoes.
"Ahh cheesy potatoe" I said day dreaming about them.
"Ehiko are you okay. Cause you are saying some really bizarre things right now." One of them said.
"Oh sorry I must have been thinking out loud. I am really craving cheesy potatoes right now, I don't know why though I haven't had them in 2 months. Haha so for going off track. "
"Oh its okay we understand, well there is 5minutes left and we need to get ready for dinner so we are going to leave now" They said as they got up and walked towards the door.
Finally they are gone I just wanted some alone time anyways.
Suddenly I doze off.
Ahh the zombie lord is coming, we must summon Steve the Party Crab. (Chanting in the background) Steve the party crab, Steve, the party crab, Steve, the party crab.
"Ehiko Naga wake up already" Shae yelled. "We are the last 2 in here now lets go back to our rooms."
"Fine, fine lets go."I got up and walked with her towards the door. "Ya know that is my second time falling asleep today. I think I need to go to bed earlier tonight so I won't be as tired tommarow. "
" Yeah" She stated as she pushed open the door.
"Boo" The Hitachiin twins yelled when we walked into the hall.
"Holy Shit where the hell did you guys come from i screamed" I said as I fell back wards tripping over Shae's foot. " Shae didn't that scare you at all?"s
"Nah we planned it, to make sure you were up for good." She said wh a smile.
"Well yea now I am up. "
"Me and the twins were talking, haha." She mumbled to me as she helped me up. " We were talking about what happened between you guys last night."
" I Thought you weren't into that stuff." I replied.
"NO WE WEREN'T TALKING ABOUT THAT." They both said hastily.
"About what?" She said. "Cause I know everything that happened because I caught Ehiko walking in last night with only a towel around him."
"Umm, this is getting awkward." Mumbled Hikaru.
"It's okay, she is okay with it, but no one else needs to know about this."
"Agreed" everyone said.
Wow even just saying that was awkward, especially with Shae around.
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haha mommy's turn again
Steve the party crab