Status: Textually active. ^.^

I Wanna Take a Ride on Your Disco Stick

Damn twins.

“Shane… why are there so many boxes piled up in the hallway?” Ehiko asked.

“Hmm? Oh that’s my stuff silly!” I giggled. “Now where should I put the mini fridge? I think there might be enough room between the armoire and the wall…”

“Where did all of this come from? Did your dad buy all of this?”

“No, don’t you recognize it? It’s my furniture from my room back home! My mom shipped over seas for me!”

“Oh yeah, I guess it does look kinda familiar,” Ehiko said. “You know you’ll never fit all of this in that little broom closet you call a bedroom.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure, I am pretty damn good at cramming stuff.”

“Well good luck. Dinner’s in half an hour, so I’ll see you then I guess.”

“Wait! Where are you going?” I called after him as he turned and headed down the hallway.

“To hang out with the twins. You’re busy anyway,” E shrugged.

Those damn twins! Why does E only hang out with them anymore? I’ve been his friend for longer!


“I’m so depressed,” I moaned, laying my head down on the table as very unrealistic tears streamed down my face.

“Why?” E asked. “Shouldn’t you be happy? You’re mom sent all of your stuff!”

“Yes, but I can’t fit my piano in my room!” I sobbed.

“You play piano?” Tamaki asked, suddenly interested.

“No,” I snapped sarcastically. “I’m crying over a piano I don’t even know how to play!”

“Shae, don’t take this out on Tamaki. If you’d like you can keep your piano in my room,” Ehiko suggested.

“Nah,” I sniffled. “I’d just wake you up at odd hours of the morning to play.”

“You’re so weird…” He muttered.

“If you’re that desperate to play, you do know we have a piano in the host club room,” Tamaki said.

“Really? Why on earth is there a piano in there?”

“Well it is a music room,” Honey said.

“Yeah,” Mori repeated. “It’s a music room.”

“Shane! Where the hell are you going?” Ehiko demanded when I started to walk away from the table.

“To the club room. Not like it matters to you though, you have twins to entertain, right?”

Okay maybe I was being a little harsh, but I was angry. We’re supposed to be best friends and he keeps running off with those twins and not even bothering to invite me! Not that I’d really enjoy what they’ve been up to… but still!

The doors to the clubroom opened with a bang. It was weird being in there all alone. I’d only ever been there with the others. But the most amazing thing was probably the view. From the giant windows that made up most of the far wall, you had a perfect view of the sunset, and sure enough there was a grand piano right next to it. Funny I’d never noticed it before, I guess I was always too focused on keeping track of where boys put their hands.

I sat down at the piano and threw back the cover in a rather epic way. And then I did what anyone would do when confronted with a piano and played, and as usual I ended up losing myself in the music. I didn’t even hear the door open.

“You play beautifully.”

My hands jolted with a start and I whipped around.

“Takashi? When did you come in?” I asked, a slow blush creeping up my neck.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have followed you, I just wanted to hear you play,” He said in his usual emotionless tone.

“N-no, it’s fine,” I stammered. “Uh… where’s Mitsukuni?”

“He’s taking a nap.”

“Er… right. Well I better get going, it’s getting pretty late. “

“I’ll walk you back to your room.”

“No you don’t have to do that! I’m sure you want to get back to your own room so you can be there when Honey wakes up.”

“It’s fine. Your room is on the way to mine anyway,” Mori shrugged. “It’s no big deal.”

“Well thank you Sempai.”

“How long have you played piano?” Mori asked once we set off down the hallway towards the dorms.

“As long as I can remember, though all this time I’ve never learned to read music,” I said.

“You’re very good.”

I think this was the most I’d ever heard Mori speak. It was actually kind of weird and awkward in a… nice way?


The rest of the walk consisted of a very awkward silence hanging over us.

“This is it right? Your room? 71.”

“Hmm?” I looked up and realized that we were indeed standing outside my dorm room. “Oh yeah. Thank you sempai,” I said for the third time and bowed slightly.

Once I’d gotten myself into my room and was sure Mori had gotten far enough down the hallway I began pounding on Ehiko’s door, demanding that he open up. When he didn’t answer I pulled out my key and opened the door. His room was dark and empty.

Damn twins.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so it was really short and I'm sorry but I'm suffering from a teeny bit of writers block at the moment. But this shows how Shae is feeling towards the twins which is a big part of the major Drama that's coming up in the near future...

*****First person to comment on Ch. (what is this 9? yeah I think so...) 9 gets a sneak peak at the oncoming drama!********