


Dear Andrew,

It hurts me to have to say these last words to you, but I see it in my heart to be the only thing to do well the only right thing to do. Please forgive me for I have cheated I’m trying my best in this last letter of mine to apologize, you have been a great boyfriend and fiancé I just don’t see it in myself to marry you. I’ve realized that if I’m cheating now then a long way down the road or even recently upcoming I would probably do it all over again and there for I see that you deserve better then a silly little house maid wasting your time on her silly little jokes and tricks.

Don’t get me wrong Andrew Bennett I love you and I always did, but there is something so deep down that tells me I love you so much that I can’t stand to do this too you anymore I feel you deserve happiness and all that life can give you. So tell your sister Angela I said hi and I wish her and her new husband well, I hope that while reading this letter you don’t cry like I did when I wrote it don’t feel heart broken there was a reason for this. You know me Andrew I always believe there’s a reason for everything I’m the mysterious one after all I guess since I’m babbling on in this letter must mean I don’t want to let go of you.

But I know I have too after all I saw the way you and the bakery girl look at each other and who am I to stand in the way of true love? Right? I mean really? Oh there is one last thing Andrew I must tell you before I go I have left you our lazy cat Felix I figured since you’re the one that got him when I first moved in with you from my apartment as a home warming gift you should keep him for old times sake and all the memories we made with him so for now; for then, and forever more my dearest Andrew I love you.

Rosa Parks
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lol idk wat im doing I'm just trying it out best friend suggested it for my writers block tell me what you think :) hope u all like it. It's for a 30challenge to help get rid of writers block and surprisingly it kind of does haha.