


“Krista!” I jumped as I sat on my bed.

“Yes mother!” I hollered back down to her.

“Scotty’s here!” yes! I thought to myself Scotty was here the greatest boyfriend I’d ever had in this whole entire stinking world he’s just what I needed when I was down; and right now was one of those times that’s how I ended up sitting on my bed with tears going down my cheeks. Oh my god I was a mess I couldn’t let him see me like this! Yikes!

“Coming just a minute!” I screamed springing from my bed to the mirror by my bed one glance at myself and I could see I looked like crap; scrambling for the box of tissues on my bed I turned back to my mirror dabbing my eyes with it and pulling my hair up into a messy bun. What should I wear? I spotted the perfect thing on my chair my Aeropostal jacket that was it, I dropped the tissue box to the floor and sprung across the room to my chair by my bedroom door grabbing it and throwing it on I turned and stood straight in front of my bedroom door then whispered to myself, “Come on Krista you look fine now he loves you no matter how you look.” Then slowly opened my door and walked out into the hall it took me seconds to go down the brown squeaky stairs because I took them two at a time.

“Hey there beautiful.” I heard Scotty’s voice as I hit the bottom step he looked great today standing in my living room he was in his basketball short and jersey like always smiling at me his smile so wide before I knew what hit me he was standing in front of me picking me up off my feet in excitement to see me.

“Scotty put me down.” I giggled out like always. He did as he was told and just smiled down on me lightly kissing my lips, his kisses were always so sweet to me his mouth wash was so hot and minty and I loved ever second of every kiss he and I had this was love and I had found it.

“Are you ready?” He asked I nodded quietly.

“Sure am.” He turned and opened the door for me and I walked out gracefully and seconds later I heard the door shut and felt his hand find mine his finger intertwined with mine the warmth of another that before him I’d longed for so much it was like a dream for me, but was it for him?

“So where too?” He asked.

“Sandwich U.” His smiled grew wide and his face turned pinkish then he laughed, “What?” I asked looking at him sternly.

“Not only did I make you fall in love with me, but I made you fall in love with my favorite sandwich shop in town.” This was true I’d never knew it existed before and I’d lived here my whole life, “What are you thinking about?” He whispered in my ear as we walked on the sidewalk.

“How do you always know when I’m thinking?”

“Because you have that thinking face and I have sense and feelings that tells me I know when you’re distracted or thinking.” He kept his bluish green eyes with silver lines in them staring at me waiting for an answer he always had to know what I was doing, what I was thinking, where I was going, “Well?” He prompted.

“Nothing.” I said back to him.

“Liar tell me.”


“Because I want to know and I have to know otherwise it bugs me.” His eyes were probing me still.

“Ok ok it’s just I’m afraid of losing you and what if you are playing me and I just don’t know?” I looked down at my feet for a minute and we stopped walking Scotty made the first move this time he turned me to face him and pulled my chin up lightly with his hand to look at his face.

“Baby I love you you’re my world I’d never do that to you and trust me you’re never going to lose me not a day as long as I’m alive.” His words set a whole warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach one that said he’s the one the words I’d always said I wouldn’t say to someone because I’d always said them and then that person wasn’t it, but this was different; mother kept saying it was just puppy love, but only I and Scotty knew this wasn’t this was the real deal for us we were done searching for soul mates we’d found each other already through think and thin.

“Thanks.” I whispered.

“Your welcome anytime baby girl.” His lips found mine and we made out for a few minutes his hands went from leaving my hands to pulling me to him and holding my lower back wrapping himself around me front to front it was such an amazing feeling to feel; the rest of our walk to the sandwich place was great we casually walked and talked to each other had our sandwiches then went to his dads house to relax and chill the day had gone well and we’d spend it all of it together.
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I actully halfly took stuff from and my boyfiends experince to make this chapter better bt some of it is fiction haha like only the beggining though ahhahaah :) hope you like it.