Creatures Of Forever

000000000(The title has been changed from 'Bite Me' to the current 'Creatures of Forever'.)

00000000000000000000000000000Monster. Lust. Death. Blood.

00000000000000000000000000000Comment/subscribe/enjoy :)

00000000000000000000000000000000©thirteenftw, 2010.

  1. Lilith's POV
    "What the hell Wes? I was about to get dinner."
  2. Lilith's/Wesley's POV
    "Keep your dirty fangs off! It's MINE!"
  3. Marisol's/Jasper's POV
    “Mari, you feel that right?” Jasper asked uncertainly. I nodded. “I have a bad feeling."
  4. Wesley's POV
    "It was the first kiss I shared with her in over a century."
  5. Lilith's POV
    "It was Torn’s fault! He did this to me. I’ll find him and rip his head off."
  6. Omniscient POV
    “A vampire never forgets anything, you know.”
  7. Wesley's POV
    ""Nenorocita de monstru," I muttered as I lit up. "***ing monster.""
  8. Omniscient POV
    "You’re the laziest immortal I’ve ever met."
  9. Wesley's POV
    "Why did I enjoy that small sound of agony?"
  10. Omniscient/Kitka's POV
    "***. Just what I need."