Status: Work IN PROGRESS!

Heart without a Beat

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I saw that girl again, and I don’t know who she is. It doesn’t seem like anybody does. She looks so alone sitting in the corner scribbling away in her notebook. . .Her only friend. I knew what it felt like to be that person, but I wasn’t about to be her first friend either. I’d get Lana to go talk to her.

“Ada! C’mon then! Class starts in, like, 2 minutes.” Breanne called.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever, I’ll get there when I want.” I called back rolling my eyes.

“You did do your assignment, right?” She asked as I caught up to her.

“History and English. Math and Biology are a lost cause I think.” I shrugged feeling slightly guilty.

I didn’t want to tell her that I’d been too busy with her boyfriend last night to finish it. Something bubbled in my abdomen, and realized that I really didn’t feel that guilty. I think that’s what bothered me, but for some reason the meeting I had planned with Dameon for tonight was not going to be cancelled.

“Hey baby! Happy 6 month.” Dameon whispered wrapped his arm around Breanne’s neck as he kissed her temple.

He looked at me over her head and I smirked as he sent me a wink that she was oblivious to. I waved and took off down the hall to my gym class where Electra, Jeremy, McKenna, and Martin were waiting. I ran as fast as I could in my Converses and spun through the air like a professional dancer, before landing on my brother’s back.

“Lyndon call yet?” I asked peering over his shoulder at his phone.

“Lyndon never calls me. He’ll call you when the court hearing is over. I won’t be surprised if he spends the next 2 years in Juvie.” Martin rolled his eyes.

“He’s not guilty.” I protested.

“You said that too. Difference is they believed you.” He said with that retarded look on his face.

“Shhh. Not so loud.” I said mockingly.

I’m sure almost everyone knew I had been with Lyndon to burn down that school. Oh, well. Lyndon’s just gotta learn to lie better. My phone vibrated in my hand and I smiled in happiness.

“Hello, Ada’s house of pain, what will your torture be today?” I asked.

“Ada. Lyndon. You probably knew that. I get out today! They said that if I don’t violate my probation again I don’t have to go back.” He told me excitedly.

“Today?! Oh my god, that’s great! Do you need me to pick you up?” I asked.

“Uh, retard? You don’t exactly need to be violating your probation either. Your license is suspended. I have a ride.”

“Fine. Whatever, who is it?” I asked pouting.

“Someone I was in jail with. You’ll get to meet him when he drops me off.” He said.

“I love you, bye.” I said.

“Yeah, love you too, bye.” He replied hanging up.

Electra asked me about last night, and of course I told her all about it. All the way from homework to Dameon struggling to pull his pants on when we heard my dad’s car. The entire lesson the two of us continued to talk even after 6 warnings from the teacher. By the time the bell rang we were talking about what kind of party we were throwing for Lyndon. Maybe just a hang out with all of us. We could have a real party, but if he did anything and his P.O. tested him then he was screwed. If we didn’t have anything and we all just hung out and watched movies, Lyndon would complain.

There was a down side to each scenario, and I suddenly wondered what Lyndon would think was worse. Probably having no alcohol. Lyndon can be so illogical sometimes. That’s why we were so alike.

As I got to my third class of the day I felt a twinge, and a gurgle in my stomach like I’d had an hour ago. I laid my hand on the flat surface for a second before my tense muscles relaxed. I went back to scribbling in my diary until the twinge came back even more uncomfortably. I tried to hold back a gag, but I couldn’t help it.

I stood up and flung my diary closed locking it shut before sprinting out of the room. The more quickly I moved my feet the more my stomach clenched uncomfortably. I wanted to throw up with each passing step to the bathroom, and I don’t know how long it would be before I threw up all over the hall way.

I flung the bathroom door and slammed open one of the stalls. It hit the wall and flung back closed, but I moved so quickly I had slid by it and dropped to my knees over the toilet by the time it was on it’s way back. I dry heaved over and over until something finally started to come up. My throat burned and I wanted to cry. My eyes watered as I continually puked until I was dry heaving again.

I pulled myself to my feet and stumbled to the sink where I rinsed my mouth and fixed my lip gloss. I splashed a small handful of cold water over my face and dabbed it dry. When I stood up straight and looked in the mirror I had to hold in a scream. Dameon stood behind me looking concerned.

“Are you alright? I saw you running through the hall and I wanted to see what was wrong.” He murmured brushing strands of hair away from my face.

He tucked it behind my ear and his eyes traveled over my face taking in my pale complexion.

“What’s wrong?” He asked when I didn’t answer.

“How long has this been going on Dameon?” I asked quietly.

“2 or 3 months. Why?” He asked seemingly getting more and more panicked.

He didn’t want me to end it. For some reason in the time we’d been seeing each other behind Breanne’s back he’d grown an attachment to me. I was just now noticing, but it was kinda cute, if I was being truthful with myself.

“Did you use a condom every time?” I asked worriedly.

I didn’t want to admit, I’d been too excited to check and see if he had. It was extremely embarrassing.

“W-why?” He stuttered looking scared.

“I’m having morning sickness. I’ve taken 7 different pregnancy tests all at different times, and only one came up negative. That was the first one I took when I started craving Jalapeno peppers. I hated peppers.” I explained.

“H-how long ago was this?” Dameon asked closing his eyes as his hand subconsciously started rubbing tender circles on my stomach and it moved lower to the waistband of my jeans.

“A month and a half ago. I don’t know, I’m pretty sure I am. I’ve gotta go to the hospital in 3 days.” I sighed my eyes squinting slightly.

“Do you want me to come with you?” He asked tenderly removing his hand from my stomach and taking my hand.

“Oh yeah, cause Breanne will be so pleased. No, Lyndon is taking. We talked about this a million times while he was locked up.” I shrugged.

“But you didn’t tell me? It’s my baby, Ada!” He yelled.

“And because you’re admitting that is why I like you so much.” I said laying a tender kiss on his lips before sweeping out of the bathroom feeling much better.
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