Status: Work IN PROGRESS!

Heart without a Beat

Xx 2 xX

Lyndon’s P.O.V

“Lyndon, c’mon! We gotta get going! It’s already 4th hour at school.” Somebody called from behind me.

When I turned I saw Dimitri standing there and smiled. My heart skipped a beat and I ran to catch up with him.

“So, we’re going to school?” I asked confused.

“Yeah, I wanna try and make up my credits. I’m a Junior I can’t afford to not pass.” He explained.

“That’s cool. I wanna surprise my sister anyways.” I said smiling.

“Your sister? You never mentioned a sister.” Dimitri said suddenly interested.

“Really? I talk about Ada all the time. She’s my best friend, we do everything together. She’s the good looking one out of all of us. She does Underground fighting.” I said proudly.

“Oh yeah, you talked about Ada. You didn’t say she was your sister though.” He nodded.

“I don’t usually point it out. I don’t feel the need to. She could just as well be my best friend. She’s also the oldest, though.” I scowled jealously.

“Oldest? I thought you said you were a triplet.”

“Technically I am, but Ada was born 4 hours before me, and Martin was born 31 hours after me.” I shrugged.

“I would’ve hated to be your mom.” Dimitri laughed.

“My mom isn’t the one that hates us. It’s our dad.” I corrected.

He fell silent then, and I didn’t mind. I wondered how Ada was doing. I left her there to fend for herself all that time. I hope she was okay, and nothing too serious had happened. I stared out the window for the next 7 minutes until we pulled into the school parking lot.

We walked to the office in silence until we reached the front desk. The secretary just smiled at us. She was used to all the kids wearing dark shades of many colors.

“What can I do for you Lyndon?” She asked.

“I need my schedule.” I answered not smiling back.

She handed it to me and then passed one to Dimitri after he told her his name. We compared schedules in silence, and we headed to History. When I walked through the doors I smiled. Ada was standing in a corner speaking with Jay.

“I see you.” I whispered as I walked up behind her.

“Lyndon! Oh my god! I didn’t think you were coming in today!” She squealed jumping on me.

“Why don‘t you save the energy for gym. . .or better yet, when you‘re not at school.” Mr. Carter said looking at us disapprovingly.

“Hey. Don’t look at me like that.” She snapped.

Mr. Carter shook his head at her, but turned away to teach the part of class that would actually listen.

“Hey Lyndon.” Electra said nodding to me.

I nodded and gave a small smile. Ada went off to harass someone and I turned to see Dimitri staring after her. He didn’t smile though. It was more like a scowl, and he seemed not to like her.

“What’s wrong?” I asked putting my hand on his arm.

“Nothing. Nothing at all.” He said turning to smile at me.

I shrugged and he followed me over to my friends.

“This is my little brother, Martin.” I told Dimitri.

Martin didn’t smile. I didn’t either. Jeremy smiled and introduce himself, so did Electra, Jay, and Breanne. Ada was talking to someone that I didn’t know, but she was looking at Dimitri with a look that was a scowl mixed with confusion.

She spoke with rushed words, that were too quiet for me-or anyone else-to hear.

“Dimitri, I thought you were staying home.” The unknown guy said.

“I can do what I want Dameon. . .Just like you can.” Dimitri said looking at Breanne then moving his gaze to Ada in a gesture that Ada and the kid, Dameon seemed to understand.

Ada lifted her hand and flipped him off, but Dimitri just smirked in a mean way.

“Be careful who you tell that to.” He taunted.

“Bite me, bitch.” Ada growled.

“My pleasure.”

They were talking like they knew each other, or like they didn’t like each other anyways. I didn’t know how that could be, everybody liked Dimitri. . .Maybe it was Ada. Yeah, that had to be it. Mean bitch.

“Dameon, so this is your brother?” Breanne asked bounding up to him excitedly.

Ada looked at her and slowly walked away. She stopped and talked to Electra for a second until Dimitri approached her.

Ada’s P.O.V

I turned and saw that Dimitri kid approaching me. When he reached me he grabbed me by the front of my shirt, and pushed me into a corner.

“I know who you are. I know what you are, and I want you to leave my brother alone. You’re a selfish bitch, and he was just fine with his girlfriend until you butted in. Stay. Away. From. Him.” He growled in my face.

“I’ve been trying that for the past 2 weeks. Despite what you think I’m not a completely heartless bitch. He doesn’t take the hint, and I can’t tell him straight up.” I snapped back.

“Fine. I’ll do it, but you better stay the hell away from him.” Dimitri whispered menacingly.

He spun around and walked away, but I smirked and straightened my shirt.

“Bite me, motherfucker. I’m not afraid of you.” I called.

He stopped and slowly turned. His dark green eyes turned black and they snapped up to meet mine. He took 4 long strides forward and gripped the front of my shirt. He lifted me up and slammed me against the wall.

“I’m serious you dumb bitch. Don’t mess with me.” He whispered.

“I’m serious, you stupid little fuck. I’m still not scared.” I licked my lips as I looked down at him.

Dimitri slammed me against the wall again, hard enough to force the air out of my lungs, but I quickly recovered and kicked him in the gut. He dropped me and doubled over holding his stomach. I kneed him right above his nose to prevent a nose bleed.

He stumbled back, but came at me again, ramming me against the wall. Dimitri's shoulder rammed into my gut and something pulled in my stomach. After a second I started feeling something warm, so I quickly pushed him off and ran. I ran until I was in the bathroom stall alone.

I pulled my pants down, and saw how soaked they were with blood. Tears filled my eyes as I continued to bleed. I dropped my head into my hands and cried until all my tears were gone, and I’d finished bleeding.

$ Please bring me some pants. A. $ I sent to Electra.

$ Be there in a minute. E. $ She replied.

I held my stomach, as sobs came out of my chest. My heart ached worse than my gut, and I suddenly knew how much I really wanted to have my baby. It was mine, a part of me, and he killed it.

When Erica slid them under the stall I quickly change, and came out determined. I wiped the streaks of make-up off my face and reapplied it before slamming the bathroom door open. I stalked down the hallway. I opened my locker, threw the pants in, and slammed it shut to wait. When the bell rang kids rushed out of the rooms, but all I did was stand perfectly still. I saw Jeremy, Lyndon, Dameon, and then Dimitri.

They walked past without noticing, and I quickly started walking down the hall behind them. As Dimitri opened his locker and put his put his books in I hid behind the door. When he closed it and turned he nearly jumped out of his skin.

I reached up and grabbed a handful of his hair. I slammed his head against the locker, and pulled his head down as I brought my knee up. He stumbled backwards, but I grabbed 2 handfuls of his sweatshirt, and threw him down on the ground. My foot connected to his rib, and it hit so hard I could hear it.

Then he grabbed me by my ankle and pulled me down to the ground with him. A teacher came forward, but we were just laying in the middle of the hall. Nobody had witnessed a thing. It’s a good thing we were in the hallway with the broken camera. They thought nobody knew about that. Ha! They could keep dreamin’.

Dimitri was gasping for breath and coughing with a small smile on his face.

“Wow. Lyndon was right. You are good.” He complimented.

“I don’t want your praise.” I said flinging myself to my feet.

I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my ankle and made me fall again. I used my hand to keep my head from hitting the ground, and I felt it pushing up into my wrist.

“Can I please go to class?” I demanded.

“Nah, I want you to ditch with me.” He smiled.

“If you think I’m gonna ditch with you then you’ve got another thing coming. You must have multiple personality disorder.” I said yanking my ankle away.

I stood up again, and this time I sped down the hall before he could catch me. I was blushing furiously, and I don’t know why. Dameon was just as good looking as Dimitri.

Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that. the voice in my head said.

Holy christ, I thought you were gone. I groaned internally.

Nope. I’ll always be here. You know you like Dimitri. It replied.

No, I don’t. He’s a dick. I thought scowling on the inside and out.

He’s a bad boy. You know Dameon would never hit a girl. The pain turns you on. the voice said.

Holy Christ, am I really this sick, and psychotic, or are you some sick fuck playing a trick on me?

This is all you, baby. . .. Then the voice faded away.
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