Status: Work IN PROGRESS!

Heart without a Beat

Xx 3 xX

Zacky’s P.O.V

I looked around and noticed that Electra had made it to lunch, but there was still no Ada. I looked around, but I couldn’t find her anywhere. Then my eyes landed on her walking in, rubbing her wrist with a scowl that she tried to cover when she saw me looking.

“What you looking at baby?” Honey cooed nibbling at my ear.

“Nothing.” I said smiling at her.

“You were looking at Ada, weren’t you? What did I tell you about looking at other girls?!” She demanded growing enraged.

I cowered leaning away from her in fear.

“I don’t even like Ada like that! She’s like my sister!” I protested and even if that hadn’t been the truth I would’ve said it.

Honey is terrifying. Electra is also slightly scary though. So is Ada. I turned to look at them and I saw that Dimitri guy walking up behind Ada. She whipped around when she sensed him, and backed away from him with a sneer. Wow, they really don’t like each other. Just like Lyndon said.

Dimitri just gave her a smile like she was his best friend, and that just made her sneer deeper.

“Hey, bitch. Don’t talk to my little brother like that.” Electra said leaning across the table to get in Honey’s face.

“For real, why don’t you just back off. He’s a guy for Christ’s sake, he’s gonna look at other girls. Although looking at you, I’m surprised he hasn’t gouged them out yet.” Ada said her voice growing lower and angrier with every word.

“Haha, you guys are funny. I’m laughing my ass off.” Honey sneered.

“Oh, look at that, maybe you should stop, your ass is gone.” Ada said mockingly as she leaned around Honey.

I sunk lower in my chair to hide the fact that I was laughing. It was true. Honey had absolutely no ass. Ivy on the other hand. My gaze drifted to the blonde on the other end of the table and a small smile made it’s way to my face.

Ada’s P.O.V

Dimitri had gotten on my nerves already, and Honey was only making them worse.

“He’s my boyfriend. I will tell him what to do if I want to.” She said glaring at us.

I rolled my eyes angrily, and reached across the table grabbing a handful of her hair.

“Ada, don’t!” Electra yelled, but it was too late.

I smashed her head against the lunch table, and it bounced off and she fell to the floor. There was already a growing lump and she was swaying like she was having trouble staying conscious.

“Does she have anger issues?” I heard someone mutter.

I turned and saw Dimitri leaning into Lyndon to whisper.

“Most of the time yeah.

As my eyes scanned the lunch room I saw some people turning to look with curious looks, but most people just glanced and went back to their normal routine. It wasn’t the first time I’d lost my temper at school. It wouldn’t be the last, and most people were used to it by now.

“God damn it, Ada!” Electra yelled pushing me.

“Get off my case!” I yelled.

“I’m just looking out for you! You know what this means! I’m tired of coming to see you through bars!” She screamed.

“Then quit coming.” I said turning and running out of the lunch room.

I heard footsteps following me and I expected it to be Electra, but it wasn’t.

“Cousin! Wait up!” Someone yelled.

I cast a glance backwards and saw my cousin Drake behind me.

“What?” I demanded.

The last time we’d actually talked he’d seriously stabbed me, and I’d ended up having to go to the hospital for blood loss. Of course, that was in self defense, when I’d pointed a gun at him, but he threw a glass sculpture at me first. Oh yeah, my family is so sane.

“C’mon, unless you actually wanna go to jail.” He said holding up his keys as he rushed towards the doors.

He looked around for any cops and ran to his car, leaving me to trail behind as fast as I could. He had the car started and in gear by the time that I’d reached it.

“We have to hurry. They’ll be reporting this soon, and the cops will have my license plate numbers. We have to get my car and you hidden.” He said speeding out of the parking space.

“Why are you helping me?” I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

“Because believe it or not, we’re so much more alike than you’d like to admit. So just shut up and let me think.” He ordered.

I did as I was told and watched as 5 cop cars flew past with their lights blaring. When they turned around a bend he whipped onto a side road so unexpectedly that I flung against the door.

“Holy Christ.” I said laughing.

Drake cracked a smile, but kept silent as he turned down different roads that I couldn’t keep track of. Finally he came to a dead end and we got out.

“Ummm, I am not standing in the woods and waiting for you to come back for me.” I said looking at him like he was insane.

“You don’t have to.” He said smiling at me.

He lead me into the grass of a well hidden trail and moved a tree branch where I saw a hidden four-wheeler.

“What the fuck?” I asked confused.

“Just get on.” He said patting the seat behind him.

Drake started it up as I got on and straddled the seat. He backed up too quickly and I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

“Duck.” He said and I did as he said just in time to miss the branch that was hiding the parking space.

He sped down the trail turning corners and curves so fast that the four-wheeler went on 2 wheels.

“Where are w-” I stopped when we pulled up in front of a big wood paneled house.

“This is where my Uncle Jon lives. His sons Dan, and Jake live here, too. They’ll take care of you. This house technically doesn’t even exist. It’s pretty fuckin awesome.” He nodded with a look of success.

“This is great. Thank you. How long do you think I’ll have to be here?” I asked.

“Well you’ll have to stay out of the way of the cops, and the public eye until you turn eighteen. Any record you had as a minor will be erased by then, and your warrant will be mute.” He explained.

“Not a problem. I can have friends over, right?” I asked hopefully.

“Just let things blow over for a while, but yeah, he’ll be cool with it.”

“This is crazy. A month ago I narrowly avoided juvie, and now it would be inevitable.” I sighed to myself.

“Don’t worry. It’s happened to us all. It’s not like it would be the first time you’ve been to juvie anyways, though.” Drake said hugging me.

“I know, but. . .I was looking forward to my Senior year.” I shrugged.

“You don’t look forward to anything in school. Who’re you trying to kid?” He asked ruffling my hair and walking past me to lead the way to the front door.

He opened the door without knocking and I examined the inside of the house. I don’t know how they got all this stuff out here without a truck.

“Uncle Jon. I need a favor.” Drake called.

“What now, kid?” Someone called.

I looked to the top of the stairs to see a long haired Native American at the top of the stairs.

“Uncle Jon!” I yelled.

“Wait. . .you know him?” Drake asked.

“Yeah, he’s my mom’s friend. He and his kids used to be at my house all the time. Where a Karmen and Dakota?” I asked looking around.

“They’re downstairs with their brother’s it’s been so long since I seen you little girl.” He said coming down the stairs to hug me.

I hugged him extra tight before rushing downstairs.

“Kota!” I yelled excitedly.

“What?” She called from the couch behind a wall.

I approached her and she squinted her eyes as she examined my face.

“Oh my god! Little girl, it has been forever since I seen you!” She yelled jumping up to hug me.

“Who’s this?” One of the many guys sitting around asked.

“This is my homie, Ada. She’s my cousin’s cousin.” She explained pulling me down to sit. “What brings you around these parts?” She added happily.

“I’m on the run.” I said sheepishly.

“Dude, I thought you just did your time when you got in trouble.” Karmen said from across the room.

“I did, but Drake showed up and drug me here.” I shrugged.

Everyone nodded and they passed around a gross smelling cigarette. Then I looked at Dakota and realized it wasn’t a cigarette. It was a joint.
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