Tell Me Why


I sighed as I stepped into my house. I'd been out working all day and now I was able to go home and be with my wife or so I thought.

As I walked up the stairs, I could hear laughter coming from my room then I opened the door to find my wife in bed with another man.

"Danielle what the hell" I yelled and she looked up stopping like a deer caught in headlights when she saw that it was me.

"Kevin, er what are you doing home so early, I thought you were working till later."

"I was let go early and I come home to find my wife in bed with another man, Danielle I thought you loved me."

"Kev, I do, Kevin please" She said but I shook my head then told the other guy to get the hell out before turning on Danielle once he was gone.

"Listen to me and listen closely, I want a divorce and I never want to see you ever again" I screamed at her grabbing a bag from the cupboard and shoving most of my clothes into it then zipping it up and walking out the room noticing that Dani was right behind me.

"Kevin please, please stay."

"Why? So you can cheat on me again. No I'm outta here. Goodbye Danielle. I'll be back for my stuff tomorrow and make sure you never take my name on anything" I said heading downstairs and grabbing my car keys from the bowl then heading outside getting into my car and begining to drive.

As I drove, I began to think about where I was going to go then decided to phone Nick and see if I could stay with him and Joe for a while.

Sighing I pulled off to the side of the road and got out my phone then phoned Nick.

"Nick hi it's me Kevin" I said once he answered.

"Hey Kev, what's wrong you only phone if something bad has happened so what's going on?"

"I caught Dani in bed with another man and I left her" I said and could hear Nick sigh on the other side of the phone.

"Woah that's harsh so do you need a place to stay, cause you can stay here if you want" Nick said and I said yes then said bye saying I'd see him in about five to ten minutes.

Soon enough I pulled up outside the house that I used to live in before I got my house with Dani then I got out grabbing my bag and walked up to the door then rang the doorbell.

Two minutes later the door opened and I was face to face with Nick who let me in then shut the door behind me.

"Thanks" I said and he nodded just as I sat down on the couch then placed my face in my hands and sobbed.

Nick came over and sat next to me then I felt him hug me and I began to sob more as I had really missed my brothers and it was good to be back with them.

"Where's Joe?" I said noticing that Joe wasn't in the house like he usually was at this time of day.

"Oh he's out a work."

"Wait Joe got a job?" I said not really beleiving it as Joe hated working unless he was working out but he didn't like working with other people.

"Yep, I know hard to believe isn't it, he just got it about two weeks ago and he works from 12-3 so he should be home right about now" Nick said and the next thing the door opened and said brother walked in.

"Hey Nick, Kevin, Kevin what happened?" Joe said rushing over to me seeing my upset face.

"Danielle cheated on me and I left her" I said and Joe told Nick to scoot over then he sat next to me and hugged me allowing me to bury my face on his shoulder as he rubbed small circles in my back.

"Thanks Joe" I said soon enough breaking away from his grasp to see Nick pull three plates out of a cupboard.

"It's fine so how does mac and chesse sound for dinner" he said and I laughed silently. Mac and Chesse was Joe's favourite dish and would have it everyday if he was allowed.

"That sounds fine, is it alright if I put my stuff away" I said and Joe nodded knowing I would remember where to go as my room hadn't been touched as he had told me the day after I moved out.

Once I got up to the room I placed my bag on my old bed then unpacked it and saw that Danielle had managed to place a bit of paper in it when I hadn't been looking probably as I just wanted to get out of there.

I picked the paper up and unfolded it to see the words....

Kevin, I don't want you to leave cause I'm pregnant and it's yours.

I stopped there and then cursing her silently. I hated her.

I didn't care about this but she had lied to me before so she could be again.

I wasn't going to pay any attetnion to it at all.
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first chapter up. Comment please.