Tell Me Why

Making Dinner & Tickle Time

"Joe" Nick said and I looked up from putting some of the mac and chesse into a pot.

"Yeah Nick?" I said knowing he was probably going to ask me exactly the same question that he had been asking ever since Kevin had moved out.

"When are you going to tell Kevin you know that you love him" Nick said whispering the last bit cause Kevin had just come back downstairs and he didn't want Kevin to hear this.

"No yet" I repeated but this time it was better cause Kevin had just gone through breaking up with Dani so I could say that without Nick getting annoyed at me.

"You'll have to tell him soon you know" Nick said and I nodded going back to putting the mac and chesse into the pot whilst I saw Kevin go to the fridge and take out a bottle of water as he knew we always had water and he loved it.

Turning the gas on low, I walked away to prepare a salad leaving Nick to look after the food and Kevin was doing nothing which he hated.

"Do you need a hand with anything?" Kevin said from his seating position at the long table whilst I shook my head but Nick nodded saying he had to go to the toilet but I gussed he was doing it just to get me to talk to Kevin about what had happened.

I began to sort through the salad chossing what to put in the I turned to Kevin.

"Kev, what do you want in your salad?" I said and Kevin looked up from stiring the mac and chesse.

"Er some lectuce should be fine" He said and I knew Kevin didn't like salad or fruit or veg as much as me and Nick.

"Okay" I said going over to the three plates that Nick had set out and putting how much salad everyone wanted onto each plates.

"So how have mom and dad been?" Kevin said and I looked up. Ever since Kevin had moved out, mom and dad had not spoken to him as much cause they thought he had got married too young.

"Good, Frankie got all A's on his tests and there coming down tomorrow to see us" I said and Kevin nodded looking upset that he had missed this.

"Kev" I said walking over and hugging him from behind. "Don't you dare think it's your fault that you missed this, Dani always said she'd tell you when you got home from work but it looked like she didn't."

Kevin nodded still looking down so I slightly tickled him and he laughed this time trying to get my away from him just as I heard Nick come back downstairs.

"Joe please" Kevin said but I didn't stop cause he hadn't said stop. It was something we had done when we were kids. When one of us were down, the other would tickel the other and wouldn't stop until they said stop.

"Please what Kevin?"

"Joe please stop please" Kevin said and I let go of him and turned to see Nick standing there with a small smirk on his face but I told him to shut up and I got back to making the dinner.
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funny chapter eh. Comment plz