Status: It's a going.



This may be long. I will tell you the story.

It was the first day of my seventh grade year, and i was at my brothers soccer game after school. I heard some boys yelling, looking over i saw a black haired boy. He was wearing black shorts with a white sleeveless shirt. Our eyes locked for about 60 seconds, bot of us smiling. I didn't know his name so me and my friends gave him a nickname, if i say the nickname my friends that read this will know. I just cant risk that. For about a month i called him that nickname and saw him in the hall way. I wanted to talk to him so bad. When i went to my brothers soccer games, i would watch the varsity as well as JV. After a game one night, i asked my brother what his name was. I was expecting something very rare. but his name was very common. I didn't believe him at first until i looked at him and saw the name fit him perfectly.

For years i told my friends that different things happen between me and him, that never really did. When things really did start happening, i didn't know what to do, i couldn't push him away, but if he was around my friends and they brought up something that i told them had happen between us, that didn't that would be the end of it.

I just went with him, leaving my friends out of it. I told him i didn't want to go public because my brother hated him, and he agreed. When one of my friends that didn't know started to come one to him, and want him. Shit hit the fan. He didn't ant me anymore, he wanted her. But he didn't tell me that, he just stopped talking to me. And that was that. Until His senior year and my sophomore year. He was with a new girl, but he talked to me. I was happy with that. Until, the girl who i thought was my friend, told me i couldn't talk to him. Everything was over. I didn't want to start anything so i just stopped talking to him. And he seemed different around her now. That's when his sister told me that she ha cheated on him, twice. With two of his best friends. i couldn't believe it. I wanted to punch her, and very hard for that matter. I told him, and he told me he already knew. I wanted to hit him just then.

After a few more weeks, he saw me down town and told me that if he would have known i liked him, he wouldn't be with here right now. Liar, and he knew it.

They did end up breaking up, for good. But he hasn't talked to me sense. I have no idea what to do. I'm in love with him, and I'm not afraid to say it.
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Thank you all so much.
leave some help for her.
she needs it