Ripped Up Feelings

Wish Upon An Areoplane

It Glittered. It glinted. The brightest star there. I closed my eyes. I wished. I wished that I could get rid of this empty feeling of loneliness in my heart, mind and soul. I hoped it would come true this time. For the last 3 years, every night, I have found the brightest star, and wished the same wished. For 3 whole years. And you know what? It never came true. I can never feel like I belong. I opened my eyes. The star had gone vanished. Just completely disappeared. I looked around at the sky. Gone. Just like everything in my life. The happiness, they joy, and the comfort. And why? I just don't know. I glanced up at the sky again, and gave it a quick scan. Then, my eyes fell upon the 'star' I had just wished upon. Yet again, it was an areoplane. Moving on. Getting away. Escaping. I sighed, and got - 'Kayleigh?! Why are you still awake?!' Shouted mum, up the stairs. I flung open my door, 'Because I WANT to!' I snarled. I know, a bit aggressive, but we'd been a bit off with each other lately. I'm defiantly a daddy's princess...and my mum's burden! Did she not realize I needed alone time? The fat thing of a mother started making her way up the stairs (well, attempting to) and when she got to the top, she was huffing and puffing. 'Your light has woken your brother up, Kayleigh! Come on! Be the responsible sister,and get into bed!' she whispered, loudly. Maxie stumbled out of his bedroom, wailing quietly, and snuggling into mum's fat. 'Ohh, Maxie', she cooed 'Kayleigh, a boy of 6 should not be woken up by his immature sister, and 11:30! On a school night, too!' Oh come on! He's practially 7 years old! I rolled my eyes, and slammed my door shut, without saying anything. All she cared about, was little darling Maxie! What about my problems? How about my feelings? Mum and I used to get on so well! We've grown further and further apart, over the last couple of years. My phone buzzed, and light up. I looked at it, and open the mesage I'd recieved.
"I'm gonna get you. Maybe not 2day. Maybe not 2morrow, but some day. And when I do, you'll be sorry for what you did"
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I know, this is a pretty pathetic attempt to write a story, but.....I'm try! =]