Empire of darkness

Mages minute

Onic hit the ground hard. Harder then he would have wanted in the ideal situation of course this was not the ideal situation. He was in a dark jail cell. He could sense the dark power in more ways then sight tasting like soot like black soot. It clogged his nose and eyes causing him to be near to blinded by the power. Not that good sight could have helped him at all in his new dark windowless room lit only by the blue flame torch out side in the hall of cells.

“Blue flame,” taught Onic trying with all his strength to advert his mind from the darkness that was slowly chipping away at his mind. He knew about blue flame and its power. It was a different type of fire that, instead of releasing light to push away the darkness, just consumed the darkness leaving a blue colour in the area of the missing previously consumed darkness. The consumed darkness of the blue flame would be left in a block in the ashes being from the size of a pebble to the size of a long sword and shield and could be used in the improvement of Dark born (see chapter 2) or of shadow shells the most feared beasts of the darkness. The remains of someone who let their heart and soul become consumed by darkness left the body behind for the most powerful sprit demons to inhabit it against the power of other leaser sprit demons. Onic shuddered at the taught of the Shadow shells.

Moving to a bench of stone he lay himself on it and begun to think about today’s events. They had been hunted for four days being the last of the old school of blinding spells until Ewis told him to go through the portal to the promised lands(Areas free off the shadow born and then things got out of hand. The portal had been diverted by the darkness to raven-Hearts castle and Onic ended up at the feet of Raven-Heart the great dark mage. Raven had grabbed Onic by the hair, lifted him up and started to put him trough the portal. What Onic had seen after that was horrific. Ewis was near to dead battling the Dark born. An assassin got past the barrier and went behind Ewis and then stabbed him in the back. Ewis turned around and killed the freak of darkness. It was then he saw Onic.

“I said not to come back you fool,” he shouted “I did not want you to die”. Onic was pushed further and soon Ewis saw Raven behind him.

“OH How noble of you Ewis,” said Raven in a sarcastic powerful voice. “You seem to be beyond your time old man.” noting the age of the mage.

“You seem to be beyond yourself boy,” replied Ewis in a mocking tone. “That is why I gave up on you.”

“Gave up on me? That is rich and comical. I was the one who gave up on you and your fool’s teachings. Can’t you see the power that has been given to me by the darkness and you wasting away to nothing? You where a poor teacher and still are seeing your new student.” These words hit Onic like a knife. He looked into Ewis’s single good eye and it showed sadness. “Looks like your knew idiot student has finally learnt something.” said Raven who finished such his statement with a screeching laugh.

“You do not get it boy,” said Ewis in a sad voice “There is more to life then money and power. There is love and friendship and the beauty of nature. The same nature you are destroying.”

“That is the talk of failures you your self once said to me “ Only losers talk about immaterial things this is there last resort they are fools and should not be listened to power is all that matters” And now I will show you my power and how much I matter” Dark hands of odd proportions came out of Ravens cloaked back. These hands that where so much bigger then the arms that held them, in real life the amazing hands would break such feeble arms. The hands grabbed Ewis lifting him up. Ewis struggled against the arms and then, radiating from Ewis’s hand, came a blinding light that broke the dark hands away from Ewis. It was a stone in his hand with the mark of light put so deeply and perfectly that it was near to perfection.

“How did you get that old man?”

“I made it”

“HA you are not strong enough to make such a spell especially after taking such a beating.”

“No you forget one thing boy. You never did the last test when you learn how to do the mages minute. When your life’s magic becomes one for one minute before your death.”

“Interesting I will learn it from the next binder mage of the old school. Then I teach it to my shadow born so every one of them will deal damage after death.”

“You can’t boy. I am the last one of the old school.” And with that statement Ewis through the magical rock at raven. The rock hit and was soon covered by darkness.

Raven laughed and said “See old man your years of magic focused into a perfect light spell didn’t’ even make me flinch. I am powerful beyond your wildest dreams.”

“You will see the power of such a spell when you start to take your last breaths. It has been foretold.”

Even the taughts of that day forced Onic to start to cry in his dark dap rat infested cell rocking himself back and forth.
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OK so I wanted to keep trucking for this story I am not that happy with this chapter but I am planning to start putting in a few of my more obscure ideas for chapter 4 (like chapter 1). So I need people to just hang in there. If you like this chapter please show the love and subscribe if you are not subscribed and comment. If you have any ideas for this story then please don't stay quiet and say something I lve people who are willing to say there mind(with out beinfg abusive). I am planning to start putting little leasens to my story that will cause self reflection.Please just hold on the net chapter should be done before febuary