The Past and Present Collide

Maybe this is the start of something new

The months leading up to December seemed to drag on, Remus had since apologized and we were back on better terms. Christmas break seemed to be closing in, before hand though it was mandatory for the professors to be there. I was more than eager to go to this, Remus was a bit un-easy since what had happened at the last one the two of us were involved in. I was invited to the burrow but since Remus was heading to his house and I wanted to keep him company.

This weekend there was a trip to Hogsmead and Hermione insisted I came with her to find a perfect dress for the both of us. I mentioned to her that we’d have to visit Fred and George to give them their presents and buy a few things from them. As of right now I was in the Gryffindor common room giving Ron, Hermione and Harry a little help with their last essays of the term. Once they had finished it was nearly midnight, I couldn’t believe that our talking and working lasted that long. As we rose I glanced at the fireplace, and seen a face randomly appear, a little tired, I jumped back.

“Is my face really that scary?” The voice asked.

I laughed at this realizing it was only Sirius, “oh Padfoot, I’m tired leave me alone.”

“I just wanted to inform you guys your presents are in the mail,” he laughed.

Then there was some pushing around but Sirius managed to stay put.

“Sam, Lucius sent you something too,” he spoke.

I got a little scared look on my face, because God knows what that lunatic would get me.

“Well I sent your stuff I hope you got it all right,” I added.

“Yup they’re under the tree,” he said smugly.

“Alright, I’m off to bed night Sirius, Remus is probably worried that I got lost or something.”

“Night Sam hurry up before he tears his hair out.”

Then I left to allow Harry to talk to his parents and Sirius. When I arrived at our room I smiled at the scene before me. Remus was curled up on the couch a book in his hand and the fire dimming. I walked over in front of his sleeping form and carefully took the book out of his hand and gently set it on the table. I then grabbed a blanket and placed it over his sleeping form, then headed to my room and changed for bed. Once my head hit the pillow I fell asleep almost instantly falling into a dreamful sleep of the full moon and freshly fallen snow.

The next day I awoke to the sun in my eyes, I looked at the clock and seen it was almost eleven. Hermione would be furious if I didn’t get down to see her so we could go shopping and see the twins. I showered, got dressed and got ready for my day. As I walked into our study Remus looked up from what he was doing and beamed.

“I was wondering when you would wake up my love, here have some breakfast,” he said as he conjured up two plates.

“Why two?”

“Well I thought it would be rude if I didn’t accompany you to breakfast,” he replied, this simple gesture caused me to smile widely and blush at the same time.

“Thank you Remus.”

“What are you up today?”

“Hermione and I had plans to go to Hogsmead and get our dresses for the dance.” I replied before biting into a piece of toast.

“Oh, I was going to ask if you wanted to go for a drink of tea in Hogsmead,” he said shyly.

“I’m still up for it I imagine I can lose Hermione to Harry and Ron.”

“Then its settled.”

I met Hermione at the gates she said to me that Harry and Ron were already on their way to Hogsmead.

“And then the boys wanted us to meet up with them at Honeydukes to look around for a bit.”

“Well dear Hermione I might have to skip that last bit,” I replied.


I smiled as an owl dropped a letter in my hand, it was from Remus and read for me to meet him at Madame Puddifoots in an hour.

“Who’s that from?”

“None of your business Hermione,” I said through laughter.

“Does someone have a date? Please tell me its not with Snape,” she groaned.

“No it isn’t with him of course it wouldn’t be.”

“Well then it must be Remus who else could it be at Hogwarts all of the other guys are way too young or way too old,” she pointed out.

“Fine you caught me, but no snooping around I know how you, Harry and Ron get.”

Then Hermione and I embarked to the dress shop, talking and laughing along the way. When we arrived, we stared at the beautiful gowns in the window. Even though I’m a tomboy at heart, beauty just comes natural to the girly side of me. Then after about a minute we went inside, my eyes immediately sat upon a long black gown with silver trim. I ran over check the price and size and they were both reasonable to me. I even tried it on just in case, not paying attention to whatever Hermione was doing, I heard a couple gasps behind me and turned around. Turns out, Fred and George must have been on a break to come and find me, I smiled.

“My, my doesn’t our Sam…” Started one.

“Look mighty beautiful.”

I blushed, “thanks boys, maybe if I were a few years younger,” I said winking and laughing.

I went back and changed into the clothes I had on before, by that time Hermione picked out a dress that came out of the renaissance era, it was just as beautiful. I paid for both then hugged the twins; I was excited to see them. We talked for a bit until I looked at my watch.

“Hate to break it to you boys but I promised a certain wizard I’d meet him for tea now I must be on my way.”

“Bye Sam have fun with you know who,” Hermione said smiling.

I arrived at the tea shop at the exact moment Remus stood out side the door. He warmly greeted me and held my arm on the way in.

“Is something the matter Remus?”

“No Sam nothing is wrong I just wanted to treat the most wonderful woman in my life to tea.”

“I’m happy I haven’t been treated to tea here in forever,” I said smiling.

“I haven’t either not since with you the last time I’m going to make everything up to you over the break.”