The Past and Present Collide

Bring me to life

The girl walked down the empty, dark abyss for what seemed like ages before shielding her eyes to the bright light that seemed to appear out of nowhere. She took her arm away to see everything was normal, until she noticed two of her old friends standing in front of her. As odd as the scene was she couldn’t help but smile at the two. The two friends walked up to her embracing her for the longest while, “don’t forget who you are,” the man said. “Remember your powers, remember your strength and you will see us again,” said the red head.

I opened my eyes only to close them quickly and rub them from the sun shining in. I tried to figure out the dream I had of Lily and James, but it was a bit early. I looked over to the window to see a man looking out of them, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Remus is that you?”

“Glad to see you awake sunshine,” he said turning around and walking over to the bed.

I stood up out of bed not caring if he saw me in my pyjamas or who bad my hair looked. He gave me a kiss on the lips, it was still the same as it had been many years before. I realized in that kiss how much I meant to him, he probably felt that I missed him as much. He stopped and sat down on the bed, I plopped down next to him. He took my hand and squeezed it gingerly and looked deeply into my eyes.

“I missed you so much over these passed few years, every day I felt like I would die.”

I could see that in eyes, he seemed tired, maybe from last night, I also could see the longing he had for me in those eyes. I knew by reading his emotions that he really did miss me, not that I really had too.

“I see you know that now,” he smiled curtly as he said it.

“Not that I really had to, your face gave it away, as did that kiss,” I replied, I then looked away and ran my free hand through my hair, “I almost broke down when I seen Harry, I miss Lilly, James and Sirius so much. I can’t believe I’ll never see them again.”

“You will someday,” Remus said wiping a stray tear from my face, “Harry and the others know about us, we told them for you, Harry found a picture of us in one of Sirius’s photo albums this morning. I hope you don’t mind.”

“That’s OK, I was going to let them know soon anyways I was just waiting for the right person to be here when I did,” I acknowledged.

“Sam are you forgetting about something?” He asked almost singing out.

“What?” I replied a bit confused at what he was getting at.

“You can talk to and bring back the life if you think hard enough, I know you can bring them back you’re strong. I have faith in you and I know you have a deep inner strength no woman I have met before.”

I blushed a little, but I knew what he was getting at, and I knew it was risky.

“Just so you know we can know what they’re up to and how they feel,” he went on.

“It’s risky Remus but I’ll try, we’ll need a big group to make sure nothing does go wrong. I think I remember Dumbledore telling me you taught defence against the dark arts. So Remus will you be by my side to help me out?”

“Of course who else would I allow to do such job,” he said smugly.

I raised an eyebrow and he just nudged me in the side, which caused me to giggle. Then I shooed him so I could go shower and get changed. I went downstairs to the kitchen to see only Remus with two platefuls of food on the table, my stomach growled.

“I see someone's hungry,” he laughed.

Then his stomach growled, I laughed with him then sat down at the table After we were done we cleaned up then headed to the main room where the others were. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was just before eleven I then looked over at Remus.

“I missed a lot didn't I?” I said looking over at the children.

“Yeah, if you want I can show you some of my memories of those days, and the days I was teaching,” he replied.

“Sure thing, it‘ll give me a piece of mind and make me a little happier,” I smiled at this.

We went in and sat down, Dumbledore looked pleased about something which didn‘t surprise ma at all. I could also tell he knew something that I had yet to figure out. That wizard was a mysterious one I don’t think anyone could ever figure him out.

“I informed the ministry about Sam, and I asked them about you Remus and they said that you could come back to Hogwarts where Sam can now look after you..”

Harry and Ron gave each other high-fives, Remus smiled and I couldn’t help but laugh at their foolishness.

“Kind of makes me wish the full moon was tonight Moony,” Hermione looked a little scared when I mentioned this, “Hermione I can control mine and turn into one anytime, so Moony over here will also be harmless. It’s also a bonus if there’s eve a second war which by the looks of it could happen at any time.”

She smiled, “well that’s a bit of relief, plus its good to know that we’ll have a couple of werewolves on our side.”

“Boy isn't this going to be weird,” I remarked.

“What?” Harry asked.

“Calling two of my friends Professor since I’m going to be at the school, it would look odd for someone young calling them by their first names,” I replied.

“And me sometimes calling you Miss. Harrison, I'd only do that before just to annoy you,” Remus barked.

This is when Severus spoke up, “well I’m used to doing it so it won’t bother me as much.”

“Well Severus, “ Remus spoke, “you have always liked Sam and respected her somewhat.”

I could see almost everyone cringe when Remus said that causing a smile to play on my lips.

“You did? But she was in Gryffindor"

“She still is a big part of it Harry.”

“I think it will be awesome to have Sam around,” Ron added.

I smiled, then I remembered what Remus said about me, “You know I could contact Lily, James and Sirius whenever.”

Harry perked up at this a smile broadening over his face.