The Past and Present Collide

Hogwarts again

Finally after what seemed to be forever, the last few weeks of summer dissolved into nothing. Soon enough it was time we went through the barrier that lead from platform nine and ten to platform nine and three quarters. I noticed a group of girl's eye up Harry then giggle, this caused me to look back at Harry who was blushing. This caused a little laugh to escape my lips, Remus who noticed as well let out a small chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” Harry asked looking at the two of us.

I pointed to the girls who stopped and quickly ran for the train, I lowered my voice, “it reminded me of the girls who used to do that to your father and Sirius.”

He laughed as well, then we headed for the train after saying our goodbyes to the rest of the gang. I got an extremely big hug from the twins. While walking towards the train I heard the some of the other students whispering about Remus being back. Some expected Dumbledore had something to do with it, I knew different. I walked closer to him, the closeness caused him to look over at me, I smiled in return, he always had that affect on me. We finally got to a compartment which happened to be the one I used to sit at before disappearing.

“What are you looking for?” Hermione asked a bit confused.

I found what I was looking for as soon as she spoke,

“Hey Remus, I mean ‘professor’,” which I was to call him around other students since he’d be my mentor, “take a look at this.”

The trio, as well as Remus took a look at the small writing etched into the wall, it was the marauders, and Lily’s name written into the wall.

“I can’t believe it’s still there,” he exclaimed.

“Me either,” I replied.

From then on the train ride was really boring, I ended up falling asleep on Remus’ shoulder. I awoke with a couple of nudges to the ribs, I rubbed them a little.

“Sorry,” he replied looking a little worried

“No worries Remus, you had to get me up somehow,” I smiled back, a warm smile creeped on to his lips.

I grabbed my bag and headed to where the carriages awaited, I had received weird looks where I was a “new” student. Plus I heard people say things like, “is she dating a professor?” or, “Did you see that new girl on Professor Lupin’s shoulder?”

“You hear those whispers Remus?” I whispered to him.

“Yes you should think nothing of it,” he replied.

“Really Remus,” I said a little tearfully not raising my voice, “you can’t say you don’t have feelings for me, you kissed me after all.”

“I wasn’t thinking,” He said looking away from me.

I glared at him, I also noticed a bit of hurt in his eyes, I didn’t need to read his emotions to know he was lying. This caused more students to stare at the two of us, I sighed and walked ahead of him a little. It didn’t really phase me much; I kind of liked the attention, once at the carriages I stopped, glancing at the threstal I strolled over and started to stroke one of their long manes. I stared into it’s bright red eyes reading its thoughts, telling him I’d do him no harm, then proceeding to get in. Harry looked at me with big eyes.

“How’d you do that?” Harry asked me.

“It’s very simple really, though I bet I looked very foolish to some people.”

“Blimey Hagrid will love you,” piped Ron.

I smiled, “good old Hagrid, he's still working here?”

“Yes, he almost got fired one year, but you know how Dumbledore is,” Hermione replied a with a smile.

“Dumbledore’s a great man,” I spoke.

They all nodded in agreement, five minutes later we finally arrived after a very long and bumpy ride. Professor McGonagall stopped me at the door leading into .

“I know you already know the professors but the Headmaster would like to introduce you with the first years. Of course you’ll be the first one introduced.”
“All right then,” I said , “lets do this then.”

So I proceeded with the first years and sticking out like a sore thumb. We made our way up to where the sorting hat was Dumbledore stood.

“Now I think you’ve noticed, by now, the one new person sticking out with first years, she will be mentoring under Remus Lupin, I want you to treat her with the utmost respect, her name is Sam Harrison, now let us start the sorting.”

I then went and sat down at the end next to Ron, I noticed a shockingly familiar face as I looked around the great hall. I knew who he was immediately. It was Draco Malfoy; he looked exactly like his father did at his age, very odd. He noticed my gaze and winked at me, exactly like his father would at his age. Dumbledore stood up and began to speak again.

“Our Defence against the dark arts teacher is Professor Lupin, now you're wondering about his little problem,” at this Snape rolled his eyes and glared down at Lupin causing me to glare at him, he noticed and stopped immediately, “don’t worry he is under a watchful eye and will not harm anyone. Now I think everyone is a little hungry, so, lets eat.”

We dug into the feast that to me, seemed like yesterday I was with my Remus eating with him. I looked up at him and smiled. I sure as hell missed this school, I missed everything about it. After supper I walked with Remus to the area in which we’d be sharing it had two bedrooms or course though it would only need one when I was done this year.

“Sam, Sam wake up its morning,” Remus said nudging me.

“Five more minutes Remus” I replied rolling over.

I felt him lay on the bed next to me and put his arm over me. A smile appeared on my lips.

“As much as I want to let you sleep,” he started in my ear, “but we’ve not only got breakfast to attend but classes to teach.”

He then got out of bed causing me to groan and get up.

“I hate you right now Remus,” I said with a smile on my face and a fake glare.