The Past and Present Collide

Dancing with tears in my eyes

“Today our Dark arts class will be getting a little help from the care of magical creatures professor, instead of the regular classes of discussing the creature we will learn how to defend ourselves from the real thing.”

There was some talking throughout the class, with only Hermione and I keeping quiet. We just exchanged looks and smiled smugly while Lupin proceeded to talk.

“If you don’t mind collecting your things and heading out towards Hagrid’s hut, the faster we can learn.”

I could hear Draco whispering to Crabbe in the crowd, “lets just hope that there are no bloody Hippogriffs."

Me and my sly ways of reading memories, I read the one of him, I smiled inside, there’s one thing he definitely got from his mother, lack of common sense. On the way down to the hut I walked behind the crowd of students with Remus and talked about how the class was going.

Once down to the hut, we noticed a group of salamanders. One creature that tended to be more stubborn then James Potter himself, and don’t forget arrogant. Like I really needed to be here for this, I could control them, make them do what I want. This should be a piece of cake not only for me but Hermione as well.

“Now,” Remus spoke, “who knows how to defeat these?”

Hermione’s hand of course flew up in the air.

“Yes Miss Granger.”

“You have to get rid of the fire it’s the only way to kill them, to stun them you just have to shoot them with a slight amount of water.”

“Correct, ten points to Gryffindor.”

The students then lined up behind one another, the Slytherins like always ended up at the back of the line. I stood next to Remus to talk about the students techniques, once they were all finished he called them all over to the two of us.

“Now Miss Harrison here possess a wonderful gift, the one to control all mystical and mythical creatures, why don’t show us your abilities?” He asked which caused me to fake glare at him causing him to chuckle.

I smiled and went ahead to the salamander in front of me. He stepped forward, eyes burning red; I could feel the heat coming from him. When he was about to shoot fire at me, I forced him to shoot it up in the air. I had gotten respected clapping from both Slytherin and Gryffindor. The salamander shot a phoenix into the air that seemed to fly away. I walked over scratching its neck, and conjured up a treat for it. This caused Hagrid to look at me in awe.

“I’m glad yeh tamed ‘em, I ‘ave been tryin’ to do tha’ for the past couple a days now,” said Hagrid.

Then it was time for Remus to speak, “well I think we’ll head back to the castle now so you won’t be late for your next class, see you Hagrid.”

The rest of the day dragged on, and by the end of it I was pooped. I finally had a break in the afternoon Remus decided to have tea in his office where I went for a stroll around the castle. I made my way to the dungeons where I ran into Snape.

“Sam how was your first day as an apprentice?” He questioned.

“Long,” I replied.

He smiled, “how about you come to my chambers for some tea?”

“I’d love to Severus,” I beamed.

As we ventured to his little common room type of chamber I felt it get colder. At this he noticed and took his billowing cape and wrapped it around my shoulders. When we arrived with the flick of his wand he had a teapot heating up. For a couple of hours we discussed old times and he told me what he was up to lately.

“Oh Sev, now I have another reason to worry about you I’d hate to see any of my friends die because of that snake.”

“I know Sam but I’m doing it for a good cause,” he replied.

“Just be careful ok,” I looked at the time noticing how late it had gotten, “well we better get to supper or everyone will wonder what we have gotten up too.”

At supper I had a seat at the staff table which I didn’t get the night before.

“Where were you all afternoon Sam?” Asked Remus who sat to my left.

“I ran into Severus he invited me to tea and I accepted his offer,” I replied before taking a bite of my chicken.

“Are you sure you can trust him.”

“Remus I never thought I’d hear this coming from you,” I angrily said at him, a bit low of course.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” he replied.

“You hurt me everyday Remus,” I said finishing up my supper, “now if you don’t mind I’m going to go back to my room.”

With that I excused myself and left, when I made it to my room I got changed and collapsed on my bed. A few tears escaped my eyes. Minutes later I could hear Remus in the study that was between our rooms, I could also hear the huge sigh he let out.