Status: Writing but not all the time

My Complicated Life

The not so happy couple is back

I knocked on the door but there was no answer.
“Charlie” I called but there was still no answer, slightly worried I pushed open the door and searched around to see if there was any sign that something might be wrong.
“Charlie?” I called again but yet again nothing. I heard some movement upstairs so I went to check it out. As I reached the top step I could see Charlie in his bedroom looking at some photos. I quietly got closer and saw a picture of Rene holding two babies.
“Charlie who’s the other baby” He jumped up when I spoke.
“What?!, I ... that’s just one of Rene friends baby” He said then quickly put them back in the box.
“You really expect me to believe that?” I asked
“I was hoping” He said. I sat on the bed and took the picture from the box.
“Is this me?” I asked
“Yeah it is, I know I have a lot of explaining to do...” He said
“Well let’s start with why you gave me away”
“It’s not what you think; you and Bella are twins...Non identical of course”
“Were twins..?” I said shocked
“When you were born you weren’t breathing so they had to take you to intense care and then an hour later they told us that you had died.”
“But why would they say that if it wasn’t true?” I asked
“When you first came to forks you reminded me so much of Bella and I took a DNA test just to be sure, I asked the hospital and they said that you must have got mixed with another baby”
“ They got me mixed up, what kind of hospital mixes up babies?” I asked in disbelief.
“I’ve already had that conversation I don’t need to have it again” He said seriously
“That means I’m not related to Victoria, oh thank heavens” I smiled.
“Who’s Victoria?” He asked, oh shit.
“Oh ... she’s no one trust me, anyway she died so it doesn’t matter”

“Charlie I have to go it’s getting late” I said then hugged him goodbye.
“Ok and you know you can call me dad” he said
“I know and I will but I just need some time to get use to it” I said
“I understand, see you later” He said then I got in my car and drove off.

10 minutes later

As soon as I got home I could sense something was wrong. I quickly parked my car and ran inside then followed the angry voice.
“What’s going on?” I shouted to make myself heard and stopped when I saw Bella.
“Edward what’s wrong?” I asked worried
“Bella can tell you seeming as she’s making all the decisions right now” He said then stormed out the room.
“Hun, what’s going on, you look awful” I said then when to go sit next to her.
“I’m pregnant”
“Um... I ... what?!” I was actually speechless.
“Yeah I know pretty big right?” She smiled weakly
“Pretty big?! Bella you’re having a baby no wait, you’re having a vampire baby!”
“Oh come on not you too, I thought of all people you wouldn’t judge me”
“Hey I’m not judging you I just wondering if you know what you’re doing?”
“I know that it may seem reckless and stupid because of what I’m going to put myself into but I want to do this, I know I wasn’t bothered about having children but it’s just this baby... his baby”
“I understand why you’re doing this; I know if it was me I would do it”
“I’m really glad that I’ll have you to help me get through this with”
“Of course whatever you need”
“Well actually I was wondering if you could talk to Edward for me... Please?”
“Yeah I will but afterwards I need to talk to you about something” I said then went to go find Edward.
I walked downstairs and found him lurking in his room.
“Can we talk for a second?” I asked
“If you’re trying to change my mind then don’t, I’m not in the mood”
“Well get in the mood because Bella needs you” I said
“The only thing she needs is to get that thing out of her!” He shouted
“That thing is your child!” I shouted
“No it isn’t” He said
“Listen to me, Bella knows what she doing and she wants this baby, and you being her husband need to be supportive whether you agree with her decision or not!”
“That thing is going to kill her she not strong enough to survive this!” He said getting angry again.
“She is strong enough, it’s Bella for god sake, and you just need to have a little faith!”
“Faith! Faith! Did you actually just say that?” He laughed
“Yes I did! Now I want you stop sulking and be there for her because right now she needs you”
“Just get out ok before I get even more pissed off at you” He said
“I’m not leaving until you stop being a jerk”
“No you’re going to leave right now “He said showing me to the door.
“No I’m not” I growled at him
“Yes. You. Are. “He said then grabbed my arm but I pushed him off of me.
“Edward please”
“Carlie I love you and all but just leave me the fuck alone”
“What’s going on” Sam said
“Nothing’s wrong Carlie just leaving”
“Carlie?” he asked
“Everything’s fine, come one” I said then took Sam’s hand and walked out the room.
“What was that about?”
“I was trying to knock some sense into him”
“Well honestly Carlie I agree with him, if it was you and you wanted to keep it I be mad too” I couldn’t actually believe he said that.
“Care to repeat that?” I dared him
“Oh come on this is a incredible dangerous we have no idea what it is” He said
“It! It’s just a normal child for fuck sake so what if it’s half and half it’s still normal, I can’t believe you” I said then went to push past him but he stopped me.
“You can’t be serious” He said
“Deadly serious” I said then shrugged out of his grasp and stormed upstairs to Bella
“How’d it go?” She asked
“Sorry sweetie but he’s still being as ass”
“Oh right” She said and looked like she was going to cry.
“Please don’t cry, you still have me”
“I know it’s just I couldn’t live if Edward rejected this Baby, it would hurt me more than this baby ever would”
“I make him see sense, it’ll just take time”
“Yeah you’re probably right”
“Anyway I’ve got some news” I said
“Good I hope”
“Defiantly” I smiled.
“Oh good tell me”
“I was talking to Charlie earlier and he told me that were related” I said
“What?! Like how?” She said excited
“Like sisters... twins to be exact”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took so long but here it is, enjoy x