Status: Writing but not all the time

My Complicated Life

The fight scene

I woke up and the sun was shining through my window I looked over at Sam his skin was shining he looked beautiful.
“ Morning”I smiled
“ Morning” He kissed me, best feeling ever. Suddenly he jump up threw on his jacket.
“ What's wrong?” I asked
“ Edward coming up, I see you later” He said then jumped out the window then right on cue Edward knocked on the door.
“ Come in” I said
“ You going school today?”He asked.. wow normally I wouldn’t have a choice.
“ I have a choice?” I asked
“ Err no” Ah knew it was to good to be true.
“ Fine let me get dressed then” I said so he closed the door.

An hour later

( In P.e)

P.e the best lesson In the world... yeah right and worst of all it volleyball.
“ Heads up Carlie” Someone said and I quickly hit the ball over the net. Sam seemed really good at it but yet again he was a vampire. I was deep in thought when someone threw a ball at my head I turned around and it was this random girl who would alwyas cut her eyes at me.
“Do you have a problem?'” I asked
“ Yeah your big head in the way” She said
“ Oh I'm sorry bucktooth the only problem you should have is your split ends” I said
“ Jones, Harris back up” I teacher yelled
“ Watch you back bitch” I said smiled then walked away.
“ No one better mess with you” I heard someone whisper I turned around and it was Sam we also kissed when we remember where we were and stepped apart, I looked over at Edward he gave me a glare so I smiled then turned away from his burning stare.
“ OK right I'd better go” He said then walked away then Edward was by my side.
“ Who was he?” He asked
“ New student” I said
“ Oh really?” He said then the bell went
“ Oh would you look at that, got to go bye” I said then walked away before he could get anything else in.

( Lunch)

“ We have to be more careful” I said to Sam
“ With you how can I” He laughed then kiss me
“ Cheap shot” I said
“ Ouch” He said pretending to be hurt.
“ Aw poor baby” I joked when the bell rung again
“ Not again” I moaned
“ Meet me outside after class” He said kissed me then walked away.

( At home)

“ No one's home” I smiled as Sam picked me up making me laugh then he kissed me softly on the lips. Someone coughed from behind me. Oh no everyone was there they were all looking at us it was the worst thing in the world. Sam put me down and I stood in front of him.
“ Well this is awkward” I said
“ Carlie, who's this?” Esme asked
“ Everyone this is Sam” I said
“ anything else you want to tell us?” She asked again
“ He's a vampire” I said when I looked at every expression that's not what they wanted to hear they didn’t even know... maybe Sam played human better then I thought kind of impossible but there you go.
“ Sam make a break for it” I whispered but he stayed right were he was.
“ Can I break his arm” I heard Emmett whispered
“ NO! Sam you can go I'll see you later” I said he nodded then slipped out the door.
“ Right I know what your going to say but your all wrong” I said then sat on the couch.
“ Carlie it's dangerous Dating a vampire” Carlisle said
“ But your vampires!” I said
“ It's not the same and you know it” He said and it is true somehow it is.
“ Not being smart or anything but even if you said I couldn’t go out with him I would” I said trying not to smile. They all looked at me I felt really small at that moment.
“ OK well I'm going upstairs” I jumped up from the sofa and walked upstairs knowing they were going to discuss about me but I didn’t care I was glad there were no more secrets. I opened the door and jumped back.
“ Sorry didn’t mean to scare you” He said
“ You have to go their already mad enough Emmett might actually break you if he finds you here” I half laughed
“ I'm sorry it's urgent” He said
“ OK what’s wrong?” I asked
“ Just promise not to get mad” He said
“ OK Sam your freaking me out, tell me what’s wrong” I said
“ I’ve been working with Victoria” I was dumbfounded he just said he was working with my evil sister Victoria.
“ She wanted me to bring her to you but ever since we met I grown feeling for you and I didn’t want to do it” He said
“ Why are you telling me this huh because if this is a joke I am seriously going to kill you” I said
“ She coming tonight, so I want to save you from her” He said
“ OH AND WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO” I yelled then the door burst opened.
“ What the hell... you!” Emmett snarled
“ Em go back downstairs it's fine” I said but it wasn’t I felt on the edge of breaking down.
“ Oh I don’t think so” He demanded
“ Were just talking do you mind?” Sam shouldn’t have said that because Emmett threw him out my window. Everything was wrong Sam turned out to be working with Victoria but I still loved him I was mad at Emmett for doing that but I shouldn’t be.
“ Carlie? Are you ok?” He asked I didn’t answer so he gave me a hug.
“ Emmett she's coming tonight” I finally said
“ Don’t worry we'll sort it” He said but I knew Victoria she isn’t stupid, she wouldn’t be alone.

That Night

I couldn’t sleep, not surprising. They had all been on guard as soon as the sun was down waiting for her. I had be waiting for her to kill me while I was asleep. I kept hearing things or I thought I kept hearing things. The window burst open making me scream but then I shut up didn’t want anyone to think the wrong thing. I closed it up, calmed back in bed and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and Sam was leaning over me I was about to scream when he put his hand over my mouth.
“ Shh please just hear me out” He said then sat down on my bed
“ You were going to hand me over to my physco sister why should I hear you out” I demanded
“ Because I came to senses, I'm trying to save you” He said
“ And that makes it so much better” I said
“ You have to come with me, your out numbered” He said
“ What so you can bring me to her” I said
“ Look trust me I wont let anything happen to you” He begged
“ if you hadn't betrayed me I would have believe you” I could see on his face he was desperate but I didn’t care well not until he said what he did.
“ I love you” He said
“ Oh don’t pretend anymore...” I started going on at him when I was cut short.
“ I just said I love you and you go on at me like I'm faking, your so annoying” He said
“ That's a good way of getting me to forgive you isn’t it” I said when he kissed me I was going to push him off and I don’t know why I didn’t but deep down I did love him even if betrayed me.
“ I'm trusting you Sam, don’t let me down” I said he nodded then picked me up.
“ Close your eyes”

(2 Days later)

My whole body was burning my throat felt like acid I needed water but I couldn’t see anything it was like all of my senses were cut off, I couldn’t smell, see ,hear all I could do was feel pain. I wanted to scream but it hurt too much. I heard a voice it sounded like Sam he asked if I was ok but if I open my mouth to answer I would scream I didn’t want to cause him pain by me screaming in pain. I tired to move but my limbs wouldn’t let me they felt like jelly. I gave up I try to channel the pain out hoping it would suddenly stop.

(48 hours later)- 2 days later

The burning had stopped my senses were back accept I still couldn’t see but it wasn’t as dark as it was before. I opened my eyes I could see dots everywhere and then thankfully everything became clear. I looked around and I realized I was in Edward and Bella meadow.
“ Carlie how are you?” Sam asked
“ I'm fine” I croaked
“ You hungry?” He asked I nodded
“ Sam what happened?” I asked
“ I turned you” He said
“ Yeah I know but why?” I asked
“Don’t you remember?” He asked
“ Remember what” I demanded
“ Your friend Vicky she came and she said that no matter where you hide Victoria would find you and rip you heart out” He said, well isn’t that nice.
“ Oh I don’t remember it” I said
“ Strange well anyway do you want to hunt now?” He asked once he said that I felt my hunger rushing back to me making my throat burn again.
“ Yes please” I said so in inhuman speed we ran into he woods

“ Well that was interesting” I said
“ You did quite well” He said
“ I probably did better than you” I said
“ Whatever keeps you through the day” He laughed so I punched him in the gut
“ Ow, Carlie that actually hurt” He said
“ HA I'm stronger than you” I laughed
“ I can take you” He smirked
“ Oh really?” I said then jumped on top of him we started playing fighting when someone growled I looked up it was a wolf if I wasn’t mistaken it was Seth.
“ Seth it's ok, he's isn’t hurting me... not that he could” I laughed then he transform back into human and wow he was naked.
“ Seth cover up cover up” I said he went behind a tree and started to put on clothes well by clothes I meant jeans.
“ Carlie please don’t tell me your not what I think you are” He said
“ I'm a vampire” I said
“ I'm guessing it this prick fault” He glared at Sam
“ Watch what you say Mutt” Sam said
“ bring it on” Seth said then change again, Sam moved me out the way they were ready to rip each other throats out. I stood between them.
“ No that's enough, Seth go home” I said he whimpered when I said that. I knelt down to him stroking his fur it felt cool against my cold skin.
“ Go Seth but don’t tell anyone what happened to me I love him Seth they hurt him when they find out but it wasn’t his fault” I said, he nudge me then ran off.

Next Morning

“ Carlie, there something going on” Sam said
“ What!” I asked
“Victoria has been raising an army of newborns there coming for you and Bella” He said
“ What the hell” I yelled
“ The Cullen’s and the Mutts are working together to kill her and the army” He said
“ Why didn’t Seth say anything” I said
“ Mutts have short memory” He said
“ Sam your my boyfriend but if you called them Mutts one more time I wont be blame for what I do next” I said
“ Feisty, but alright” He said
“ We have to help them” I said
“ No I will you will stay here” He said
“ There my family I need to help them” I said
“ I will help them I don’t want you to get hurt” He said
“ But I don’t want you to get hurt either” I said
“ I'll be fine just please stay here” He begged
“ Alright fine but be careful” I said then kissed him on the lips
“ I'll be back soon” He said then went off to fight.


It's been an hour Sam still wasn’t back I was starting to get worried. I promised him I wouldn’t go but I had to see what was happening they might need my help. With inhuman speed I ran off through the woods listening for any sign of them or fighting or the howls of the pack. Then like it was just on cue I heard voices; Edward, Bella, Vicky, Sam and Victoria. I looked through the trees Vicky had Bella by the throat, Seth was fighting with this Vampire I didn’t know who he was but that didn’t matter. Edward and Sam couldn’t help Bella one wrong move and Vicky would snap her neck, I had to do something. I snuck up behind Vicky and kick her as hard as I could in the back of her leg making her crumble onto the floor. She looked around to see what happened, and she saw me but she didn’t seem shocked she just smiled then attacked me but I was ready. We want into a death fight I was a little bit stronger because I was just turned.
“ Vicky you don’t have to be like this Victoria was lying to you” I said then went to punch me but missed so I then threw her against the tree.
“ Vicky stop this now or I will kill you” I said
“ Yeah I like to see that Bitch” OK that's it whoever this person is she isn’t my best friend
“ I'm sorry” I said then with in a flash I was behind her. She turned around and I grabbed her by the throat.
“ It didn’t have to be this way” I snarled then twisted my arm around her neck, struggled a bit but finally it snapped and her body fell to the floor limp. I didn’t look back just went back to the clearing.
“ Oh look who it is” Victoria smirked
“ Come to join the party?” She asked
“ Carlie, you ok?” Edward asked I nodded.
“ I killed Vicky so it just 3 against 1, you don’t stand a chance” I smirked
“ All I came for was for her and you” She said
“ Well I came here to kill you” I growled
“ Bring it on little sis” She laughed she really was pissing me off, we both lunged for each once we smash into each other we fell to the ground fighting. She grabbed me then threw me against the tree . I heard my back crack it really hurt, I got up and snapped it back, Edward was fighting her now I could see she was winning I went to help him but Sam stopped me.
“ No, take Bella and go I'll help Edward” I said no matter how much I wanted to kill her Sam was right. I got up grabbed Bella and ran out of the clearing.
“ Go to Alice I need to go back” I said
“ Alright but Carlie be careful” She said hugged me then let me go back to kill Victoria.

Victoria knew she was outnumbered I could see her struggling she threw both of them against the tree and try to bail but I caught her by the back of her hair making her scream. I threw her on the floor then grabbed her by the throat.
“ Now it's your turn to die” I said she screamed and kicked against me but I had a strong grip I tugged on her and until finally her neck snapped and she fell against me, I let her drop to the ground her red hair covered her face. I couldn’t believe it I had killed Victoria it was the happiest feeling ever. Everything would be good again now nothing could go wrong.
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Sorry I've been so long updating have been busy with other stories
Hope you enjoy!