Status: Brand Spankin' New.

For What It's Worth

The Salesman,

"Jason, you eat like a pig."
The twenty-five year old looked up from his Big Mac, his mouth so full food was sticking out.

The strawberry blond boy was sitting on his skatebord, sliding it back and forth as he stuffed his mouth, Levi sitting on the hood of her Ferrari. She adjusted her skirt and a jean shirt, watching her friend, and the rythym guitarist in her band, allow food to fall out of his mouth as he looked at her.

He managed to swallow it all to speak.
"Whaaaatever." He chirped, sounding like he didn't give a flying fuck.
Which more than likely, he really didn't.

"Do you ever go on dinner dates man?" Blane asked from his own skatebord next to Jason, watching him devour yet another Big Mac. Jason glared at him, and swallowed.

Blane was a tall, skinny, dark haired, fresh twenty-one year old and the bassist for Letters from Home, his hair sticking up at odd angles, untamable no matter what, a pick constantly in his mouth- unless he was eating.

Jason nodded, the swallow not quite ready to go down.
Aaron chuckled from next to Levi, both of them enjoying their McDonalds on the hood of Levi's car, while the others sat on the parking lot concrete.

"How in the hell are you Megan Fox's cousin?" Levi joked, watching him shove half of his fries in his mouth.
He just shrugged in response.

When he could finally speak, he gave her a two thumbs up.

"Megan's thumbs creep me out. I can't hang out with her very long because I end up staring at her toe thumbs." He admitted, wiggling his thumbs, then returning to his food as his friends laughed.

Aaron slurped on his Dr.Pepper, and whined.
Aaron was the peace keeper of the group, wrangling the rowdy group on tour and little trips like these they made every so often before or after a show.

His hair was a dirty blonde, a black beanie always on his head. He wore black Ray Ban glasses, a silver lip ring, along with his black gauges.
He was the lead guitarist of Letters From Home, and kept a guitar pick stashed in the fold of his beanie.
It was like a good luck charm for the string-playing part of the group to carry a guitar pick.

"You're gonna choke one day, and I'm going to laugh at you." Zachry said to Jason, watching him shove the last of his fries in with a sip of Coke.

Zach was the youngest, the baby of the group at the young age of eighteen, fresh out of high school.
He pulled his spare drumsticks out from his back pocket, and began drumming on the concrete, tapping out one of their songs, pretending the air was the crash cymbals.

Levi glanced at her watch as Jason stole one of Zach's drumsticks, and hit him on the head with it, Zach reaching under Jason, and yanking his skatebord out from under him.

"Not cool!" Jason yelled, diving onto Zach.

"Hey! We got to go you jackasses!" Levi yelled over their fighting, Aaron sighing and sliding off the hood of the car to break them up.

Aaron easily broke them up, simply grabbing each one's left ear, and pushing them into Levi's car.
Levi slid off the hood just as her iphone went off in her pocket, the boys all squeezing into her car.

It was Kyle, she could tell by the ringtone, "Hurricane Haley".

"Hey babay." She said, a smile growing on her face as she got into the car, and started it.

"Hey there," He greeted in return. He was at home with nothing to do since Levi had a show tonight in Waco, Texas. "Just calling to call. I'm bored out of my skull." He admitted, making Levi laugh as she pulled out of the parking lot, heading to Art Ambush.

"I'm sorry," Levi said, obviously teasing him. She could imagine Kyle giving her a playful scowl on the end of the line. "Call Caleb or Marc, go out somewhere, do somthing. The Xbox is set up, you have Wonka and Max too." She said, offering him things to do.

He didn't give much of a response, except for a small 'ehh'. Basically meaning he was bored because he was being lazy, and didn't want to get up.

"Hon, where's the honey?" He asked, not realizing what he just said. Levi chuckled, but didn't point it out to him.
"Left cabinet next to the window, top shelf." Levi said, passing a slow truck.

She heard him looking through the cabniet, and then his small 'humph', when he found it.
"How do you do that?" He asked, sounding amazed.

"I'm a wizard, sorry I didn't tell you before." She joked. Kyle laughed.
"So thats why you're so magical in bed." He purred, making Levi giggle. She hear Blane imitate her in the backseat, causing the rest of the car to erupt in laughter.

Levi glared at Blane throught the rearveiw mirror, and then when she looked to her blind spot to change lanes again.
"Yes, thats exactly why." She chuckled, Kyle laughed on the other end.
"Look, I got to beat up some O'Faygean ass, call you later?" She said to Kyle, hearing him whine on the oother end.
"Otay." He said like a child. "I'll talk to you later. Love ya."

She smiled at the words.
"Love you too, bye-bye!" She said, hanging up first.

As soon as she hung up, she dropped her phone on her lap, and threw a french frie container at Blane, who yelled out when it hit him between the eyes.
"Hey! It was coming to you, Giggly Piggly!" He teased, tossing the container back to the front.

"Wheh, wheh, whehh." Levi taunted, saying gibberish as she pulled into the Art Ambush lot, driving to the back.
She saw how long the line was, and so did the rest of the boys.

"Whoa, big show, little venue." Jason said, his hands held out wide, stretching across the backseat, and getting small as he finished his sentence.
"Oh Jesus." Levi sighed, knowing it was going to be a crazy crowd. Texas crowds were always crazy, and that was because everyone was willing to actually move.

She parked in the back, and they filed out, walking straight into the venue.
They had played here a million times, this was Levi's third time playing there.

She followed the guys to the dressing room, her purse under her arm, a change of show clothes were the only thing inside of it.

The boys let her change, and went to do their part of the soundcheck while she changed.

"Hey! Poppy!" She heard Andrew, Aaron's brother yell from the hall.
She was putting on her makeup when he opened the door.

"EDIU is about to go on," He said as she put her things back into her bag, now looking at hiim. "You want to watch?"

"Of course! I haven't seen those boys in a while!" Levi exclaimed, following Andrew out of the dressing room to the sidestage.
She saw the boys she had gone to Belton High with standing onstage, grins on all of their faces.

"I haven't seen them since high school. They were still in the garage phase then." She explained to Andrew, who nodded in response, the music starting.

She didn't really pay attention to what they were doing onstage, but their crowd.
They were so supportive of the little band, and it wasn't surpising. A lot of them had red shirts on, with some sort of Belton emblem or another.

Everyone Dies in Utah was a bit of a electronica/hardcore band, so she was surprised to see so many... regular looking people there.

They were done shortly, seeing that they were just opening for Letters From Home they were only allowed to play four songs.

Dustin spotted Levi as he walked offstage, and barely recognized her.
"Levi?!" He exclaimed, opening his arms. She looked at him, and smiled, relizing that he hadn't changed a bit since high school.
"Hey Dustin." She greeted, giving him a quick hug. He looked her over as he let go.
"You look great!" He complemented as his bandmates walked by, Andrew rushing onstage to move their drumset, and replace it with Zachry's.

"Thanks." Levi said, not sure how to respond.
"You got a boyfriend?" He asked bluntly, but in a joking manner. She laughed and nodded, a smile on her face at the mention of Kyle.

"Whats the lucky guy's name?" He asked, handing his guitar to the other guitarist, who gave Levi a wink and a nod as he walked away.
She frowned, dissapointed they would choose a horndog for their new guitarist.

He wasn't even that good looking.

She looked back at Dustin, who was watching his bandmate.
"Kyle Burns." She said quietly, but still loud enough to hear. He looked at her in shock.
"Of FTSK?" He asked, surprised. "Damn!" He yelled, catching his horndog bandmate's attention.

He began to walk over, Levi could see him in the corner of her eye, and she leaned forward towards Dustin.
"Who's he?" She asked, pointing her eyes at the guy before as he walked over.

"Taylor. Don't worry about him, he thinks he's the shit, but he's not." Dustin said just as Taylor walked up, now frowning at Dustin's statement.
But he smiled as soon as he looked at Levi, a charming look on his face.

"Who's this Dustin? I nice fan?" He asked, checking out Levi. She scowled.

"LEVI! SOUNDCHECK!" Jason yellled, Levi secretly thanking the heavens that Jason was so God damned loud.
Taylor looked mortified.

Levi smirked at him.
"I'm the singer of the band you just opened for." She taunted, making Taylor scowl, and Dustin chuckle. He knew she was just saying that to get a rise out of Taylor.

She jogged onstage, and stopped Jason before he could exit.
"You have no idea what you just saved me from." She said, rolling her eyes and patting his back. He saluted, and said he was just doing his job.

She walked over to the mic, and adjusted it from Andrew's height two her own.

She leaned on the stand as she tested the mic, pointing up and down to Andrew, who was adjusting the volume.

She was singing the most ridiculous songs, some fans pulling out their phones and cameras to record Levi doing soundcheck.

"Baby, baby, baby! Ohhhh!" She sang, giving Andrew a thumbs up when it sounded just right.

The whole time during soundcheck though, a boy right in front of her was calling her name.
He was tall and lanky, and had a young face, no more than sixteen, and he wouldn't stop yelling at her the whole time, no matter how many times she waved and smiled, he wouldn't shut up.

She waved at him one more time before going backstage to be with the boys.
"We have a crazy fan, front and center." Levi commented as she walked in to the room, looking a little agitated.

Jason laughed because he knew which one she was talking about. The blond teenager in the front.
"Good thing you're not wearing a skirt today." Blane commented, the boys chuckling at the thought.

Before Levi knew it, Andrew ran in, telling them it was show time.

They all came together in a circle as Andrew ran off, and raised their hands, grasping each other's hands in the air.

"Whooooaaaaaaaa!" They yelled as loud as they could for as long as they could, trailing off with all sorts of noises, from monkey noises to opera singing imitations- which Levi did often, along with yodeling and indian calls.

"Woo! Lets go!" Jason yelled, running out of the dressing room, Levi right behind him with everyone else.

She waited for the boys as they strapped up, throwing on their guitars.

They went onstage as Levi shook her legs, arms, and popped her neck.

She ran onstage, the crowd cheering with her arrival. Levi went straight to her mic, and grabbed it off of the stand.

"Hellllllo boys and girls." She greeted, her eyes cast downward at the setlist, which they were very well know to change almost every show they played.

"Looks like we're playing Extreme first..." She said, looking up slowly.

The crowd roared, and she smiled.
"I don't think you guys want it enough..." She said sing-song, the crowd screaming louder before she could even finish her sentence.

"Okay... if you say so..." Levi laughed as the guys started the song, Andrew playing the recorded keys right on que.

Levi dove headfirst into it, the crowd singing with her as soon as they heard her voice.

She hunched over, her hair surrounding her face completly, givin an erie feel to the song, the venue dark, the purple and blue lighting creating the perfect effect

"Slice like a knife, your middle name's Danger,
Hunting tonight, you kill the park ranger,
Saving the life of any old stranger,
Your are large as a planet, but,
Locked to ground with attitude for days,
Rock to the sound of any song you play,
Shocking the crowd, smile on your face,
I just can't understand it, no..."

She stood up, her hair flipping back, now a mess, but a good looking mess.
She walked up to the crowd, hands touching her legs as soon as she got to the edge.

"Don't you think you are a little extreme?
Don't you think you are a little extreme?
Maybe, but then again this life is short."

"You are exactly what I'm looking for,
You are the key that opens up the door,
I'll take anything from you,
I'd long to love you,
You are exactly what I've waiting for,
Waiting has only made me love you more,
Tell me what you're gonna do,
I'm crazy into you..."

She walked away from the stage, reaching out and grazing hands with her fingers as she walked toward Zachry's drumset, propping her foot up on the bass drum, swinging her head back and fort to the music, Zach in his zone, beating on the drums.

She turned back around, and walked straight into the crowd, who held her up easily. She was standing on her knees, singing.

"White picket fence, the typical picture,
Think you should know that's not what I'm into,
I'm not an ordinary girl, got your scent and ,
I'm gonna follow it,
All of the girls think I'm a bit psycho,
Maybe I am but that's the way I roll,
And when I gotcha watch the whole world know,
I am truly original."

"Don't you think you are a little extreme?
Don't you think you are a little extreme?
Maybe, but then again this life is short..."

She came back to the stage, and she smiled at the crowd.

"You are exactly what I'm looking for,
You are the key that opens up the door,
I'll take anything from you,
I'd long to love you,
You are exactly what I've waiting for,
Waiting has only made me love you more,
Tell me what you're gonna do,
I'm crazy into you."

She held up the mic, the crowd singing the next verse.

"Don't you think you are a little extreme?
Don't you think you are a little extreme?
Don't you think you are a little extreme?
Don't cha, don't cha, oh!"

"WAAAAACOOOO!" Levi scream into the microphone, the crowd screaming just as she went back to the song.
She sunk down onto the ground and sat there, singing on the floor, the mircophone pointed straight up like her microphone.

"I long to love you, I long to love you,
I'm not enough.
I long to love you, I long to lo-oh,
I'm not enough.
I long to love you, I long to love oh-oh,
Tell me whatcha gonna do.
I'm crazy baby into you."

She came up to kneel, rocking her head back and forth, her eyes closed.

"I long to love you, I long to love you,
I'm not enough.
I long to love you, I long to lo-oh,
I'm not enough.
I long to love you, I long to love oh-oh,
Tell me whatcha gonna do,
I'm crazy baby into you."

She was back at the edge of the stage, but this time, she jumped down, not letting them pick her up. She was walking through, still singing as she grabbed people's hands, holding ten before going to the next bunch.

"You are exactly what I'm looking for,
You are the key that opens up the door,
You are exactly what I've waited for,
Waiting has only made me love you."

"You are exactly what I'm looking for
You are the key that opens up the door
I'll take anything from you
I'd long to love you
You are exactly what I've waiting for
Waiting has only made me love you more
Tell me what you're gonna do
I'm crazy into you."

"Don't you think you are a little extreme?
Don't you think you are a little extreme?
Don't you think you are a little extreme?
Don't cha, don't cha, don't cha don't cha, oh."

The song ended, and she was still standing in the crowd as they went nuts.
She walked back to the stage, a smile on her face, holding hands with several people before she was helped back onstage by Aaron's outstreched hand.

She kicked her microphone wire around for a moment, then raised the mic to her lips.

"Waco," She said, looking out into the crowd. "You are fucking awsome." She said, pointing out at them, making them cheer.
"Fuck yeah!" Jason yelled, the crowd a mix of laughter and cheering.

Levi laughed into her mic, just like Zach, Blane and Aaron did.

"How about a Bring Me the Horizon cover sound?" Levi asked, looking up from the set list taped to the floor.
The crowd roared, dying to hear a more hardcore song from the group.

"Cheeaaaah" She yelled, raising a fist. The crowd raised a fist with her.

The keys recording began, and Levi signaled for Andrew to loop it for a few so she could talk by drawing a small circle in the air with her right hand.
Left hand meant to stop it completly.

The keys were playing in a loop. Andrew would know to let it run when Levi took a step back, and rolled back foward on the ball of her foot.

She was teasing them, milking it for all it was worth.
Levi had made the band known for that, milking their audiences' becoming well known as one of th best bands to be in the general admission for.

She took the step back, and Andrew let it run, the rest of the band prepared, ready to start.
Aaron would be screaming and Blane would be singing it with Levi, since the song just wasn't right without a little screaming and back up vocals.

She was looking at the floor when the keys were playing, her microphone at her side, her hair surrounding her face.
The boys were fidigiting, ready to play on their que.

As soon as their que came, and the guitar, drums, and bass started up, she began to headbang, just like she did when she saw BMTH live.

She raised her microphone high before lowering it down to her lips to sing the song that Oliver Sykes would only scream.

(Levi,Blane, Aaron Screaming)

"Our legs begin to break,
We've walked this path for far too long,
My lungs they start to ache,
But still we carry on,
I'm choking on my words,
Like i got a noose around my neck.
I can't believe it's come to this.
I can't believe it's come to this.
And dear i fear,
That this ship is sinking, tonight!

She was on the floor again, singing it as powerfully as she could, trying to sound powerful enough to keep the song strong without the extra screaming.

"I won't give up on you!
These scars won't tear us apart,
So don't give up on me!
It's not too late for us,
And i'll save you from yourself,
And i'll save you from yourself."

Aaron was kneeling on the edge of the stage, fans hugging and grasping his legs, and touching his arms.

"Our legs begin to break,
We've walked this path for far too long,
My lungs begin to ache,
But still we carry on,
I'm choking on my words,
Like i got a noose around my neck."

Levi was standing now, but still focused on the song at hand, working her ass off, and the crowd could tell, she had her eyes closed most of the time, and she was standing in the middle of the stage, on hand slowly raising to the ceiliing, the other still holding her mic.

Suddenly, Aaron, Levi, Blane, and Jason were all headbanging in perfect sync, playing and singing perfectly still.

"I'm not coming home tonight,
I'm not coming home tonight,

'cause dear i fear oh dear i fear;
I'm not coming home tonight,
I'm not coming home tonight,

'cause dear i fear,
This ship is sinking,
Is there hope for us?

Can we make it out alive?
I can taste the failure on your lips!
Is there hope for us?

Can we make it out alive?
I can taste the failure."

They stopped halfway, and Levi had opened her eyes, the lightsl now bright. She walked up to the front of the stage, and knealed down, letting the crowd hold her up there.

"Close your eyes
There's nothing we can do
But sleep in this bed that we made for ourselves
You're trapped in the past
Like it's six feet under"

She was thrown back onto the stage, her hands flailing as she signaled for them to throw her back.
Levi ran over to Jason, and began to sing in his face, Jason singing back in her face just as loud, even if he wasn't supposed to sing.
She ran ove to the drumset, Zachary's skinny arms flailing, not missing beat on his trusty drumset, she began to headbang towards Zach, who was mouthing the lyrics.

"I won't give up on you,
These scars won't tear us apart,
So don't give up on me,
It's not too late for us,
I'll save you from yourself,
I'll save you from yourself,
I'll save you from yourself,
I'll save you from yourself."

Her favorite part was next, and Aaron and Blane let her have it to herself, knowing she would kill it, belt it with all her might- a non screamed verse that would make Oli Sykes proud.

"Try to numb the pain,
With alcohol and pills,
But it won't repair your trust,
You can't stand on two fuckin' feet,
With a substance as a crutch."

"YEAH!" The crowd screamed as Levi thrust the microphone in the air, screaming it along with them without the volume her microphone gave her.
The four began to headbang simutainously again, Levi's head turned slightly to the right, then turning to the left.

"I won't give up,
I won't give up on you,

We'll sing this symphony,
I won't give up,
I won't give up on you,

We'll sing this symphony of sympathy,"

Blane was holding his mic out to the crowd, letting them to his singing for the last verse.

"I won't give up,
I won't give up on you,

We'll sing this symphony of sympathy,
I won't give up,
I won't give up on you,

We'll sing this symphony of sympathy."

Levi didn't hesitate to ask them a question.

"So, on a scale to whisper to deafening roar, what do you think Bring Me the Horizon would think about that?" She asked, panting and sweating from all of the headbanging.

The crowd roared, obviously approving.

Levi's face was nearly cracked in two.
♠ ♠ ♠
Letters From Home boys.
Extreme written by Valora.