Status: Brand Spankin' New.

For What It's Worth

Split Evenly In Two,

Kyle didn't speak the whole hour they waited for Levi across the street in a record store.

What if she cried because it hurt?
No, Levi does cry if it hurts, she cries if you hurt her, not physically but emotionally.

What if she has an allerigic reaction or somthing?
Levi is allergic to everything but air.

What if Romeo makes a move?
She'd slap him senseless.

"Kyle, man, chill." Caleb said, patting his friend's back. Kyle looked up at him, a worried look in his eyes. "Levi's a big girl. She can take care of herself."
Kyle sighed.
"I know, I know... It just makes me nervous when she does stuff like this, you know?" He said, throwing his hands up, letting then fall back down onto his knees.
He suddenly chuckled.

"Remember that time she decided she wanted a dog?" He asked Caleb, a grin on his face. Caleb chuckled when he remembered the day they went to the animal shelter, Levi determined to find a puppy that fit her criteria. Which was pretty much every single one there.
"Yeah, I do own that dog now. I think I would." Caleb chuckled, making Kyle laugh.

"Man, I though she was joking when she said she wanted to take it home. She would have if our building's limit wasn't two pets." Kyle laughed, Caleb laughing too.

"Uh-huh, so I got to take it home." Caleb laughed rolling his eyes. Chelsea hated the dog with every thin bone in her body, but Caleb loved it to death. He refused to get rid of it when he brought it home.

She called him a nasty flea bag that belonged back on the street to starve to death.
She'd obviously never had a pet before.

Kyle's phone went off before he could say anything else, Levi's name and face popping onto the screen.
"Hello?" He answered, sounding eager.
"All done!" Cheered an excited Levi, making Kyle laugh.
"Alright, be right over." Kyle said, letting Levi hang up.

"She's all done." He said, standing up. Caleb and the rest of the guys followed, crossing the street quickly to get to their freind.
Kyle was the first one to walk in, and Levi was being patched up, Romeo covering up her first ink.

She saw Kyle in the reflection of one of the many mirrors in the shop.
"Kyle!" She laughed, watching him walk over, his long legs making it a short walk.

"Can I see?" He asked, kissing her cheek.
She looked at Romeo.
"Is that alright? Or does it need to stay covered?" She asked.
"Yeah, just don't take it all the time." He advised, removing the bandage so Kyle could see.

Kyle wasn't expecting alot, but the small tattoo on the back of her neck surprised him.
It was a small eye that looked like it was coming straight out of her skin, but instead of her own eye color, it was a peircing blue, like Kyle's eyes.

"That, is cool." Kyle said, honestly very impressed by how it looked. He looked at Romeo. "You did a great job man!" He said, giving him a handshake, and what Levi called a "man hug".

"Her idea." He shrugged, motioning to Levi. "She actually drew it up."
Kyle laughed.
"Sounds like my girl." He chuckled, letting Romeo patch her back up, covering the tattoo.

She just lightly punched his arm, and he laughed again, kissing her forehead.
When he was done, Levi turned around, and gave Romeo a big hug. Kyle's right eye twitched.

"Thank you so much!" She laughed, letting him go.
"No problem, its not everyday I get to ink Ophilia Levine." He said, making Levi laugh.

Kyle took her hand when, and entwined their fingers, pulling Levi away.
"Thank you!" Levi called out as she exited the shop with Kyle.

As soon as they joined the rest of their group, Levi showed them all the tattoo, covering it up as soon as everyone had seen it, and Kyle had taken a picture of it for her to send to Halvo.
Yes, Halvo and Levi were still very close friends; In fact, Halvo even knew what size sock Levi wore.
And Levi knew everything about Havlo, just the same way he knew everything about her.

She sent the picture to Halvo, telling him that she had just gotten it, and it was completely unplanned.
He replied not two seconds later.

"THAT IS SO COOL. Dude, what is ever planned with you? Seriously. ;)" Levi laughed at his text, showing it to Kyle, who go just as much of a laugh out of it.
Halvo knew all.

She texted him back, telling him that he needed to visit "soooooooooooon,sooon,sooooon!"

He texted back a plain "lol, knowing it would piss her off.
She simply shoved her phone into her pocket, and ignored the next few messages.

Levi unlocked the car, and everyone that had come with her climbed in, the rest piling in with Andrew in his car.

"I'm beat." Caleb yawned from the backseat.
"You better not be, we still have the hangout tonight." Levi scolded, pulling out of the parking spot, and speeding them a few blocks home.

She was about to pull into her regular spot, when she noticed a silver slug bug in her spot- and Chelsea in the driver's seat- fuming.

Levi had never liked Chelsea, especially since she called Levi a 'gold-digging whore who was only in the industry because she got one her knees, and sucked a few off', straight to her face.
She did leave with a black eye, but Levi had always felt that he business with Chelsea had never been finished.
"Levi..." Kyle said slowly, noticing how her knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. Caleb hid his face in one of his hands, and Aaron looked a little worried.
Levi leaned on the car horn, and kept her elbow in place, Chelsea's face going from blank to peeved in a second flat.

Levi rolled down her window, noticing that Chelsea's window was rolled down too.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SPOT, BITCH!" She screamed, not caring who heard or saw.
Chelsea flashed her the bird, not knowing that Caleb was in the backseat.
Until he climbed out of the car.

Chelsea's hand dissapeared so fast you would have though it turned into air.
She looked like she was looking at the Grim Reaper.

"Caleb, I didn't start it! She whined getting out of the car.
Levi made a very immature sound from the driver's seat.
Kyle and Aaron couldn't help but snort and giggle like school girls.

"I don't care who started it Chelsea!" He yelled, making the snorting and giggling stop.
This was it.
Caleb had had enough.

"I'm ending for good!" He yelled, sounding absolutely ferocious. Chelsea stumbled back a little, shocked by his outburst.

Chelsea could only stutter for a moment.
"Y-you're breaking up with m-me?" She stammered, a little too shocked to understand what Caleb was saying.

He paused before answering.
"I am." He said. "Get your stuff, move out, don't come back. You have until tomorrow." Caleb said coldly, his face as hard as stone.
Chelsea broke into tears, her cries like a dying cat.

She began screaming profanities, yelling about how she wasn't some cheap whore he could throw around and some shit, throwing her keys at him, throwing the lipstick in her hand at him, screaming and screaming.

Levi leaned on the horn again, and she shut up.
But then she flared again, just like a trick candle.
"YOU! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" She screamed, pointing at Levi, begining to walk towards her. Levi waved, a smug smile on her face.
Caleb held her back, Chelsea thrashing and angry, he managed to shover her back into her car, tossing her keys at her.

"Get the hell out of here, and don't come back." He snarled, stepping back from the car.
Levi was well out of her way as she pulled out, her bug's tires squealing.
She made sure to flip everyone off one last time before pulling out into the street.

Caleb made his way to his own car, and unlocked it, sitting in the drivers seat at Levi parked.

He started the engine.
"Caleb!" Levi yelled, causing Caleb to shut off the engine he had just started.

"Stay with us tonight." She said, ordering more than she was offering. "You need it."
She took his car keys from him, and shoved them in her vest pocket, leaving him no choice.

She opened the door, and held it open for him.
"Come one." She encouraged, waiting for him to get moving.

He didn't budge.
"Well... okay... just come up when you're ready, I guess..." She mumbled letting the door close.

He nodded.

She kept his keys, and helped Kyle and Aaron get the bags from their day of shopping. They headed upstairs, knowing that Marc was probably there by now, seeing that he had their only spare key.
She let herself in, not saying a word.

"Hey Leeves!" Marc and His girlfriend greeted, both waving at her, along with Kent and Johnothan. She sent them a smile, and walked down the hall, tossing her bags in her room, and taking off her sweater and shoes.

She looked in the mirror, and inspected her face, making sure she didn't look like shit or anything.

She looked fine, except for the look of guilt in her eyes.
"Hey," Kyle whispered. She jumped, not noticing him walk in. "You okay?" He asked, opening his arms, and embracing her.
She nuzzled her head into his chest.

"No." She mumbled, sounding upset.
"Its not your fault Levi." He said quietly, kissing the top of her head. "He's been wanting to do this for a long time now."

She looked up, almost hitting Kyle in the chin.
"Why didn't he tell me that?" She asked, looking offended. Kyle chuckled, and kissed her fore head.
"Darling, telling you that would be like giving you a shotgun," He looked her in the eye. "You'd shoot everything that pissed you off."

She though about the weird statement, and then agreed with him.

"Well, yes, but-"
"There is no buts in this, we know you too well." He looked her in the eye again. "I know you too well."

She smiled, and placed a kiss on his lips, Kyle bringing them closer together by pulling Levi closer than she already was, his hands running up and down her sides.
They broke apart when they heard glass break in the kitchen.

Levi sighed.
"Austin's here."
Kye nodded.
"Should we go look?"
"I kind of don't want to."
"I understand that, but this is Austin we're talking about."
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