Status: On-going

Tesla and Ione


T: It’s rare to have snow around here. Especially perfectly white snow. But that’s what we have today. White snow, all luscious and big.
I: Yea.
T: We should go ask Mr. Henley why that is.
I: Why?
T: Why not?
I: Hm...I guess.
T: Follow me.
I: Why do you always get to lead?
T: 'Cause I always know where to go.
I: ...Fine.

I: I thought Mr. Henley's house was that way.
T: It is.
I: Then shouldn't we go that way?
T: No.
I: Then where we going?
T: To ask someone why the snow is so pretty today.
I: Then let's go ask Mr. Henley.
T: I will.
I: I'm so confused.
T: Don't worry.

I: "Littleton Inn." What?
T: Didn't I tell you not to worry?
I: But I can't help it. I'm worried. Let's go back.
T: No! We're almost there!
I: I don't care!
T: Ione, please?
I: No.
T: We're just going to have a little chat with somebody. Please.
I: No.
T: Please?
I: No.
T: Oh, come on!
I: No!
T: Wait, come back! Fine, fine. Let's go.

I: ...Who'd you wanna talk to?
T: A friend.
I: What friend?
T: Someone who knows all about snow.
I: Really?
T: Yep...You wanna see?
I: ...Not really.
T: Fine.
I: What do they do?
T: Take pictures.
I: Pictures?
T: Photography. You know, snap snap?
I: Ah, yea. Real photography?
T: Yep. With a blackroom and everything.
I: Huh.
T: So? You wanna go check it out?
I: Sure.
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Ione pronounced "I-own".