Status: On-going

Tesla and Ione


I: Maybe we should go back.
T: Come on, we're almost there.
I: But--
T: See, this is what happens when you change your mind at the last minute.
I: Why couldn't we have just gone tomorrow?
T: Becuase he might've left.
I: He?
T: Yes, he.
I: ...What if, you know, something happens to us?
T: Don't worry, he wouldn't do anything.
I: And you know this how?
T: Are you doubting me?
I: No. It's
T: Okay. Good.
I: ...Is he cute?
T: Meh.
I: So he's better than good.
T: Well...
I: So he's not?
T: I don't know.
I: ...This is so unlike you.
T: Quiet, we're almost there.

T: Ah. He's not here.
I: I'm sorry.
T: No, I'm sorry.
I: What for?
T: Now you'll never get to see the pictures.
I: Oh, no worries.
T: Okay, well, you wanna go back?
I: Yea, sure.
T: You upset?
I: No! Of course not. Let's go.

C: Tesla!
T: Colin! Hey!
I: Colin?
T: Shh!
C: What're you doing?
T: Actually, we just came back from your room. You weren't there.
C: Yea, I can tell.
T: Oh, um, well, this is Ione. My best friend.
C: Hey, I'm Colin.
I: ...
T: Be nice!
I: Hi.
T: We were wondering if--
I: Tesla, we need to get going.
T: What are you talking about?
I: Please?
T: ...Yea, okay. Bye, Colin.
C: See you later. Bye, Ione.

T: What was that?
I: I don't like him.
T: Why? You don't even know him!
I: ...I know. But I just have this gut feeling and--
T: Well, forget your gut feeling! Colin is a really nice guy.
I: Wait, you don't like him, do you?
T: Well, no, but--
I: You do! How long have you even known him?
T: Couple of weeks. I met him on the train. He's leaving soon, he said. But I don't know when.
I: Humph. Well, I don't care. I don't like him.
T: Yea, yea. Whatever. Let's go eat.

I: Look.
T: What's she doing here?
I: I don't know.
T: Let's go talk to her.
Do we have to?
T: Why not?
I: Oh, fine.
T: Hey, Alice.
A: Ah, Tesla. Long time no see.
T: Yea. Hey, kid.
Z: My mommy says not to talk to strangers. You shouldn't talk to strangers either, Alice.
A: No, Zoe, this is my friend, Tesla. So, how's break?
T: It's okay. I haven't really done anything.
A: Me neither. Hey, Ione.
I: Hi.
T: Well, just wanted to see you.
A: Oh, okay.
T: Bye then.
I: Bye.
A: Bye.
I: She dyed her hair.
T: I noticed.