Status: On-going

Tesla and Ione


I: Why are we doing this?
T: Because I want him to know what he's done to me.
I: I understand but...why like this?
T: What other way is there?

T: Hurry, Ione.
I: I'm coming.
T: Tickets?
I: It's fine.
T: Okay. Deep breath.
I: I'm actually excited.
T: Are you?
I: Uh huh.
T: Oh, oh, it's moving.
I: Usually it's me that's over-reacting.
T: Ugh, I don't feel so good.
I: You wanna go to the bathroom?
T: Nah, I'll just take a nap.
I: Okay. Should I sing you a song?
T: Oh, please no. That's even worse.
I: Do you even listen to yourself?

I: What makes you think he's coming here?
T: He dropped a travel brochure.
I: It's so tiny.
T: That's probably why he wanted to come here.
I: Hm...
T: I know he came here. He circled a few of the places in the town.
I: Ah.
T: 'Scuse me, sir. Do you know a Colin Burroughs?
S: Who?
T: Colin Burroughs.
S: Hm, no. I don't think so.
T: Oh, well, thank you.
S: You're welcome.
I: Don't worry. That was only one person.
T: Yea, I guess.

I: Nice place.
T: It'll do.
I: So where do we start?
T: Let's go to the Museum of Unwanted Arts.
I: Weird.

I: Are we in the right place?
T: That's what the map says.
I: Okay.
T: Let's look around.
I: Where's the entrance?
T: I wonder.
I: Maybe it's telling us we're unwanted, too.
T: Don't be naive. Maybe it's on the other side.
I: But the road leads to right here.
T: Just come on!
I: Fine, fine.
T: See, what'd I tell you?
I: What kind of person would come up with something like that?
T: You're just angry I was right.
I: Humph.

T: Ah, I see someone.
I: Finally.
T: 'Scuse me, Ma'am.
M: Yes?
T: I wanted to ask you a question.
M: Well, ask it quickly.
T: Erm, has there been a man around here. Name Colin, blonde, 'bout this high?
M: Colin Burroughs?
T: Yea.
M: Yes, I have.
T: ...And?
M: He comes around often, 'bout every couple weeks.
I: That's often?
T: Ione.
I: Just sayin'.
M: Well, there's a lot of places to go around here.
I: Is there?
T: Stop it, Ione! Ma'am, do you know where he lives?
M: Well, no, I don't. Now if you don't mind. It's closing time.
I: But opening time is ten. It's only eleven.
M: Well, today's a holiday.
I: What holiday?
M: My birthday.
I: Happy birthday.