Status: On-going

Tesla and Ione


I: Wah, it's gorgeous.
T: I know, right.
I: I wish we had a camera.
T: Maybe we can borrow one.
I: From who?
T: Ah. You're right.
I: What's this place called again?
T: The Infinite Rose Garden.
I: Man, these people really don't know how to pick normal names for their places.
T: Better than Appleton Village.
I: Too true. Does it smell good?
T: Yea.
I: I could never really smell roses.
T: Why?
I: I don't know. They just never smelled like anything to me.
T: Poor girl. You don't know what you're missing out on.
I: Besides, I like looking at them more.
T: ...Look.
I: Hey, it's what's-his-face.
T: Colin.
I: Yea, Colin.
T: Hide.
I: Eh, why?
T: ...
I: Have you ever seen her?
T: No.
I: Do you still want to tell him?
T: ...No. He doesn't deserve to know.
I: ...
T: Come on, Ione. Let's go home.
I: Okay.

I: What'd your mom say about the baby?
T: What can she say?
I: Are you keeping her-slash-him?
T: Yea.
I: Are you scared?
T: So, so much.
I: Don't worry. You have me.
T: I know.
I: So, when is she-slash-he due?
T: Some time around September.
I: Eh, you have six months left! That's too long.
T: No, it's too short.
I: Do you want a boy or a girl?
T: Hm, truthfully, a girl would be nice.
I: Ah. I want a boy.
T: It's not your baby.
I: No, but an aunt can wish.
T: Aunt?
I: Or Godmother. Whichever.
T: I don't know.
I: Why?
T: I don't want to leave my baby in the hands of person who can't even take care of herself!
I: I can take care of myself fine!
T: Yea, tell that to the ten plus cups you broke these last two months.
I: I swear, Tesla, I have no idea how they broke! They were there one minute, and then gone the next.
T: Admit it, Ione. You can hardly even feed yourself.
I: Now that is a whole other thing. I have my limits, you know.
T: Oh, don't we all.