Status: On-going

Tesla and Ione


I: Ow. Stop moving around so much.
T: Ugh, sorry. My stomach hurts.
I: Already?
T: No, you dummy. Mom made some weird eggplant thing.
I: Sh...okay. Let's go.
T: You know, this is the first time you decided to do something yourself.
I: Here.
T: Smells good.
I: It always does.
T: Careful, Ione. Don't fall. I can't help you so easily.
I: Don't worry. I know how to, erm, manuver myself around here.
T: Are there fishes in there?
I: I doubt it.
T: Really?
I: I don't know actually.
T: We should take a picture.
I: Of what.
T: The moon in the lake.
I: Did you bring a camera?
T: No.
I: Then too bad. Can we meet here again in a couple days?
T: At night?
I: When else. Your Mom hasn't let you out of the house since we came back months ago.
T: Fine. When?
I: Have you forgotten your own birthday? I have a present ready for you.
T: Oh, right.

I: You're so fat.
T: Shut up!
I: I don't like summer. It's too hot.
T: Stop whining and eat your ice cream.
I: Can we name her Skye?
T: Who. The dog or the baby.
I: Mm, the baby. But we can name the dog Skye, too.
T: I'm not naming my baby after a dog!
I: Actually, we're naming her after the sky.
T: No, I don't mean that. Why do you want to name her Skye?
I: I don't know. It's just. The sky's always so pretty. In Winter and Fall and Summer and Spring. Doesn't matter really.
T: Yea, you're right.
I: Did you bring your camera this time?
T: Erm.
I: Again?
T: Why don't you bring your own?
I: I don't have one, remember?
T: Ah. Yea.

I: Remember how we used to play "Dragons" on the trampoline?
T: Yea, why.
I: When Skye gets older, will she play "Dragons", too?
T: Maybe. Or something better.
I: Like faeries.
T: Yea, sure. If she's not hanging out with guys.
I: Skye should be a universal girl.
T: She's not even born yet and you already have expectations of her.
I: And she should be a carbon-copy of her mom.
T: Why?
I: 'Cause you're pretty.
T: She should be a carbon-copy of you.
I: And where do my genes fit into this?
T: Oh, right.
I: Remember to meet me at the lake tonight, Okay?
T: I got it.

T: Mom.
M: Yea, hun?
T: I don't feel so good.