‹ Prequel: I Told You So



It's hard to believe,
where we are now.
Your hand in mine, babe,
Feels right somehow.

Nick smiled at Riley, as they took a walk he slowly reached to grab her hand and she didn’t pull away which caused a smile to appear on his face. In the 3 weeks that he had been back she didn’t seem to be the Riley he knew, of course he really couldn’t blame her for not exactly trusting him.

She now made him sleep in the guest room, which he didn’t mind. After their walk Nick let out a large yawn.

“I’m going to go to bed night Riley”

Nick said he didn’t attempt to kiss her, he knew better. The next morning Nick was cooking breakfast as Riley came down the stairs.

“Riles…. why do you looks so tired?” he asked

“I didn’t sleep very well,” she yawned out

“Come here. Lay down, go to sleep” Nick says pulling her into the living room and sitting them both down on the sofa. She stares up at him from her place with her head in his lap.

“Sleep! I will be right here when you wake up” he says stroking her hair. With a nod she closes her eyes and falls gently asleep.

“Nick?” she calls through the house as she wakes up to find herself alone covered up on the couch. She walks into the kitchen and see’s a note.

“Riley, since you slept all day I went out to get us some dinner, should be back soon. Love Nick”

As she finishes reading the note she hears footsteps in the hallway and Nick emerges and she smiles at him.

“Feel better?”

She nods and they sit down to eat some dinner

The night is so still
so don't make a sound.
Cause it’s almost perfect,
so, promise you’ll never look down.

They sit still and quiet on the porch that night watching as Elvis runs laps around the backyard. Nick reaches for her hand and she just lets it rest there. Total comfort.
Nick smiles at her and she shyly returns it. After a little while they both go to bed. Not a word spoken and yet perfection obtained. At least in Riley and Nick’s eyes.

We've had our past (I know),
let's leave that behind.
Cause none of it lasts,
all that we have is tonight.

“Riley?!” Nick yells and kinda sings through the house

“Yeah Nick?” she asks confused by his tone

“Come here please” he says and she walks downstairs to see Nick in a suit

“What are you doing?” she asks

“Go change we are going out” Nick says with a smile and Riley laughs and walks up the stairs.

After a beautiful sunset dinner on a waterside patio restaurant, Nick and Riley take a walk down the small beach behind the place.

They are quiet for the majority of the walk, just enjoying the company of each other. As the sun starts to go down Riley shivers in the surprisingly cool air. Nick takes the cue to take off his jacket and drape it over her shoulders.



Nick laughs at her seriousness causing Riley to laugh too.

“What were you going to say goof ball?” Riley asks and Nick nods

“Just that I love you” He says and Riley freezes momentarily.

Sure he wrote it in his note earlier but this is the first time since she let him back in that he’s dared to say it.

“Nick” she whimpers

“What’s wrong?” he asks pulling her into him

“Nothing, it just sounds so good to hear that I love you too”

Cause you're not the only one,
who’s ever, felt this way.
Don't let the world get in;
Just tell me that you'll stay.

“Wanna watch a movie?” Nick asks once they are home and changed into comfortable pajamas. Riley simply nods.

When the room goes black it shakes Nick awake. And he looks around the living room noticing that both him and Riley fell asleep on the couch. He pulls a blanket off the top of the couch and covers them both.

At 2 in the morning Riley opens her eyes and looks around the living room. And she feels arms wrapped around her waist. She gently tries to shake them free to go up to her room. But fails partially waking Nick up.

“Mmmm stay, you’re warm” Nick mumbles and Riley kinda giggles

“Ok so it was lame either way stay… please?” he says snuggling into her neck

“Fine only cause you’re cute”

Now the pain is done,
there's no need to be afraid.
We don't have time to waste,
just tell me that you'll stay.

Riley lay there watching Nick sleep until she dosed back off herself. When she wakes up in the morning she feels Nick move next to her. She smiles at him the gets up to make breakfast.

“You okay?” Nick asks walking into the kitchen and Riley nods. “Are you sure?” he asks and she just turns to him crying.

“Riley what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m fine I swear. I just needed to cry that’s all.”

Nick eyes her skeptically. He then turns to walk out of the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” Riley whimpers out.

“I was just gonna go upstairs and change but I’ll stay here if you want. Baby what’s the matter?”

“Just stay here”
Riley shakes her head stepping back into Nick’s arms. He just stands there in the kitchen hugging her close and rubbing her back.

Beautiful, one of a kind.
You're something special babe,
don't even realize
that you're my heart's desire.

At the Jonas family picnic the next day Nick cannot help but stare at Riley as she plays Frisbee with Frankie. A huge smile spreads across his face as she looks over and winks at him.

They stay at the picnic for a while before deciding to go home and get out of the sun before either one of them gets a sunburn worse then they probably already have.

All I need and more.
I know you're scared,
But I promise, babe,
I'm not who I was before.

“Riles?” Nick asks as they sit on the couch that night watching TV. She nods against his arm urging him to continue and also loving the nickname he’s seemed to have found for her.

“Why do you always look so tired? And what was wrong yesterday morning?” He asks and she freezes.

“I dunno” Riley says and Nick looks at her

“Yes you do”

Riley stares at him as tears well up in her eyes. And Nick wraps his arms tightly around her waist.

“See this what I mean. What’s wrong why are you crying all the time? Don’t give me that you just need to cry crap either. What is the matter?”

“Nick, you know I love you. And it’s so great that I have you back again. But it seems like every night when I fall asleep I feel like I’m going to wake up in the morning and you are going to be gone”

“Riley, are you serious?” he asks concerned

“Yeah, I dunno Nick it’s been amazing having you back, and during the day is amazing. But at night I get scared your going to be gone.”

“Riley, baby… Listen to me okay. I love you and I was an idiot the first time. I just felt like being here was hurting you and I was wrong okay. I was so wrong and don’t you dare think I’m going to leave you ever again because I swear to you every morning when you wake up until the day I die I will be there”

Cause you're not the only one,
who’s ever, felt this way.
Don't let the world get in;
Just tell me that you'll stay.

After taking Elvis for a walk one night nick comes in to see Riley sleeping on the couch in the living room. He takes Elvis’s chain off and the dog runs to get a drink as Nick walks into the living room shutting off the TV and the light he picks Riley up carefully and carries her up the stairs to her room. He shuts the light off and is about to close the door when he sees riley sit up

“Nick…. stay here please?”

He nods and goes to change into his pajamas and he crawls into the bed next to Riley.

“Night Riley” he says quietly

“Night baby” she says leaning over and kissing him sweetly on the lips. Nick looks at her stunned for a moment before kissing her back

Now that the pain is done,
there's no need to be afraid.
We don't have time to waste,
just tell me that you'll stay.

Nick wakes up the next morning and walks into the master bathroom.

“Riley?” Nick calls into the room she sits up and nods. “Come here”

“Yeah Nick,” she asks rubbing her eyes and walking into the bathroom.

“We are gonna have to replace that” he says pointing to the mirror where the words he wrote almost an entire year ago were still slightly smudged but in place. Riley smiles shyly and nods.

He kisses her quickly and walks out of the bathroom her following.

“Ok I’ll be right back I’m gonna go talk to someone about that mirror. I love you”

“I love you too”

Nick turns for the door and hears Riley clear her throat behind him so he turns back around to her.

“Are you really going to leave without a kiss?” she says with a smile

“No way, never forget that” he says kissing her gently. He pulls away after a moment and smiles at her.

“Hurry back. Your brothers are coming over later”

He nods and walks out the door.

Cause you're not the only one,
who’s ever, felt this way.
Don't let the world get in now;
tell me that you'll stay.

With a new mirror in place and the other one long gone Nick and Riley stand in the bathroom looking at the new one.

“ I think I’m going to miss that thing,” Riley says

“No need to. That was a bad memory”

“I know but I had an authentic Nick Jonas signature…. I could have got a lot of money for that” She says with a laugh as Nick scoffs.

“Funny baby” He says in a devious tone before chasing her around the house.

“Stop tickling me!” Riley screams from her spot on the couch

“On one condition” Nick say and she nods. Nick looks at her completely seriously and she scrunches her eyebrows together in confusion

“Marry me,” he says pulling a ring out of his pocket

Riley blinks a few times before starting to cry. Nick looks at her worried

“What’s wrong?” he asks concerned her answer is no

“Nothing is wrong. I’m happy! Of course I’ll marry you, even though you asked in the dorkiest way possible”

Now that the pain is done,
there's no need to be afraid.
We don't have time to waste,
just tell me that you'll stay.

3 kids 2 dogs and a bigger house later Nick smiles at Riley standing in the kitchen feeding their youngest child while the older 2 play outside.

“Guess what cutie?” Riley says to the 1-year-old girl sitting in the high chair with blue eyes like her mother

“Daddy!” she screeches and Riley laughs

“Yes daddy comes home tonight,” She says tickling her. But she shakes her head and points behind Riley.

“DADDY!” she yells again and Riley turns around

“Yeah that’s daddy alright” Riley says and the baby starts clapping.

“When did she start talking?” Nick asks disappointed. He missed 2 out of 3 kids starting to talk because of tour. And the one he witnessed said gamma first.

“Actually about 2 seconds ago” Riley says and Nick’s eyes light up. He kisses Riley causing her to smile into the kiss.

“EWW DADDY!!” He hears and he turns to his oldest son who is only 5

“Hey guys,” he says as the kids run into his arms engulfing him in a hug.

Later that night as Nick and Riley lay in bed he turns to her.

“I have some bad news”

“Nick not another tour?” she asks and Nick lowers his eyes


“Then what?”

“The Jonas Brothers are retiring. We have all decided we have missed to much home family life and too much of our kids growing up.”

He says and Riley looks at him weirdly

“Well?” he asks her

“I’m so glad you are staying home, but what about your guys dream?” she asks

“We have a new dream now. We all have families and our dreams are to stay home and watch out kids grow up”

“Ok. Then I’m happy for you baby”

On cue of the word baby one down the hall starts to cry.

“No Riles stay here. Its my turn” He kisses her one more time before going to chase monsters out from under the bed, cure a bad dream or change a diaper.

Tell me; tell me you'll stay.
Tell me, baby tell me.
Tell me you’re gonna stay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I originally was only going to do one story. Then it was 2 then 3 then 5. However i have once again changed my mind. This is the last one. No more for this story or this couple at least for now.

My next one is for Jenny (Be My Escape) its going to be called Catch Me.

Now I keep forgetting to put song credits on here so I’ll just do the whole series in one

Goodnight My Love- Honor Society
Someday When I Stop Loving You and I Told You So- Carrie Underwood
Stay- Nick Jonas & The Administration :)