Tears, Smiles and a Plane Crash

The Beginning

My hands shook as I boarded the plane. Even the really hot guy standing next to me wasn’t making me feel any better. He went to the left as me and my family went to the right.
We took our seats and my mum looked at me.

"You ok, honey?" she asked, looking at my pale face.

I nodded unable to speak. I hated flying. It scared the hell out of me. My dad and my younger sister took the seats in front of us.

2 hours later we were still flying. My mum sat doing her crossword and my dad and my sister were playing a game of snap.

"You wanna play, Mollie?" My sister Kate asked me.

I shook my head as my mum offered me a toffee. She looked at me worriedly.

"You really don’t like flying, do you?" my dad said from the front.

Once again I shook my head.

"Just relax, Mollie," my mum said as she pushed a chocolate bar under my nose. That I couldn’t resist.

I was half way through unwrapping my chocolate bar as we hit turbulence. My dad hit his head on the seat as we hit the turbulence again. The seat belt sign flashed on and the captain made an announcement.

"Ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking. We have...umm....hit some turbulence and should hopefully be out of it any time now."

Everyone looked around. The way the captain had said 'hopefully' we immediately knew something was up. The air-hostess went pale and so did my knuckles as I grabbed on to the seat. My dad looked panicked at my mum and her eyes were wide in shock.

"Daddy, what’s going on?" my sister asked. She was only 5 and didn’t realize the seriousness of the situation.
He didn’t answer and she asked again, this time her voice had a touch of panic. "Daddy, what’s going on?"

The plane dropped so fast that we all flew up. A woman screeched out as her head hit the roof and she fell unconscious. Babies screamed and my mum went white.
The air hostess was shouting to everyone to get into the brace position and panic flew round the plane. Everything went silent and the tension was unbearable. I was so scared I couldn’t even cry.

"This is you captain again. We have hit a slight problem and we have no choice but to go down. Any infants must be placed on their parents lap and everyone else should resume the brace position. Try and remain calm and...." the captain cut off as we hit the biggest part of turbulence and the plane began the nosedive down.

"Mum, dad," I screamed as everyone else began screaming to. My dad looked around and fear shone in his eyes. My sister was too young to know what was going on but she was still terrified. Tears ran down my mothers face as she looked at me.

"I love you darling, just hold on."
Hows this...?
♠ ♠ ♠
Good. Bad. A pile of shit.
Leave a comment to tell me what you think.
And Merry Xmas!!!!!