Tears, Smiles and a Plane Crash


I could feel my stomach come up into my throat as be fell down. People were screaming all around and the stewardess skidded down the aisle and smashed her head against the wall. The trolley which had a kettle full of hot water and glass bottles on top went flying into the people sat behind us. Their screams died after they did.
The lights flickered off and we fell in complete darkness. I was still in the brace position and I could hear my mother sobbing next to me.
A loud thud followed by a wail of a baby, lead to a woman screaming. I didn’t have enough time to feel sorry for her.
It felt like a pirate ship ride at the theme park. My stomach was in my mouth and I could tell we were nearing the end of the fall...I just hoped we hit water at the end.
We crashed down and I barley felt the thud as the front of the plane tore off and I fell into unconsciousness...or maybe I died.

I opened my eyes and found myself lying on a piece of the plane. We were in the water and people were still screaming. I could make out blurry shapes and I didn’t know what had happened.

"Mum, dad" I screamed desperately. As my vision began to focus I saw people trying to climb onto pieces of the wreckage. Several went under and didn’t come back up.
A pretty, blonde girl who looked no older than two was perched on the edge of what looked like a wing. She was going closer to the edge, crying desperately for her mum.
I tried to pull myself over there but my body would let me. I screamed for someone to help her as she fell in. she managed to pull herself up but she couldn’t swim. She fell under and her face was blue the next time she came up.
Now not many people were left. There was only a faint dull screaming and al I could see were bodies floating around. Suddenly I heard a splash and a man appeared.

"Help...." he fell under, he came back up after swallowing a lot of salty water.”Hel...help."

He saw me and looked desperately at me. The piece of wreckage I was on was within arms reach. He grabbed hold and I held his arm as he pulled himself up. I felt blood running down my face and I felt dead inside. This didn’t seem real.

"Mum, dad, ka....no, No!" I cried as a body floated past. I recognized the face instantly. "Kate," I screamed as my only sister lay in the water.

I threw my arm out to grab her and nearly fell in. the man grabbed me and pulled me back. Tears ran down my face. My dad would never have let Kate go. So he must have either died or been unconscious. If he was unconscious he would have died in the water. The man realized that she was my sister and held me tightly.

"Its okay, its okay dear." he wiped the blood and tears off my face and I fell against him.

The sky was pitch black and we drifted into more darkness leaving the dying screams behind us.
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