Tears, Smiles and a Plane Crash


We were floating for what felt like years. The sea melted into the sky, both as black as each other. The waves got gentler as we went further out.
About ten minutes later we saw more people floating...about 3 more people on one piece of wreckage.
The man who was floating with me nudged me.

"Look, there are people," he said. "Hey, hello," he shouted at them.

I looked up hopefully as they turned around. But I hadn’t seen them before. I felt tears prick my eyes as I thought about my family. I didn’t cry properly as it still didn’t seem real.
We got closer to the people and I realized I had seen one of them before. It was the guy I had seen getting onto the airplane. We got closer and noticed they were holding a light.

"Are you ok?" the man who was sat next to me asked them.

Slowly they all nodded. There was the guy and two other men, one I guessed was his dad. The other man looked terrible. His eyes were red and he had a huge cut down one side of his face.

"Have you seen my daughter?" he cried.

We both shook our heads. We went and joined them and slowly we drifted on.
I thought of my mum and the last thing she had said to me and suddenly tears began pouring down my face. I started shaking uncontrollably and the man grabbed me again. The guy and the man who had lost his daughter looked at me and began to cry desperately as well.
The man held me close to him and I lay in his shoulder. How could this have happened?
It was freezing cold and we were all soaked. We knew we had to get somewhere or we would all freeze to death.

"What is your name dear?" the man asked me gently.

"Mollie," I replied in-between sobs.

"I'm Dave," the man said calmly. "You will be alright, don’t worry. We will all be okay." he said, trying to reassure us as well as himself.

I must have fallen asleep as when I opened my eyes it was getting light. The guy was asleep on his dads shoulder and Dave was asleep as well.
I looked out ahead and saw something that made my heart miss a beat.

"Excuse me, Dave, quick!" I cried. The boy jumped and so did the other man.

"What?" Dave asked me in a panicked voice.

"Is it just me or is that land?" I asked excitedly.

Everyone looked and the atmosphere suddenly lifted. Dave smiled and steered the float more towards the land.

If we could just reach the land we should be safe...or would we?