Copy Cat

Hello there!!! My name is Amileya Elizabeth, but you can call me Miley or Miles.
I look seven, but I'm actually eight, I think.
I might look small, defenseless, and innocent, but I'm not... Trust me.
I was living in France when an army of vampires had attacked my town. A few days before this happened, my brother, Alexander, left, thinking he was saving us from him. But really, he just left us when we needed him the most. I know for a fact, Adym will never forgive him.
Anyways, my town was attacked, everyone was killed. Except Adym and I, who were bitten instead.
Once, we were newborns, we were able to escape from the army of vampires and run for our lives, only to get caught by the Volturi. They gave us a choice. Join or Die.
I think you know the answer already.
You have to read on to find out what this story is really about. But I'm telling you right now, it's not going to be what you seem....

Disclaimer= I do not own the Twilight characters!!!! My characters so far are only Miley and Adym... All the rest belongs to Stephenie Meyer
  1. His New Favorite
    "Of course, I am. I don't rarely see other humans except the ones we drink from" Miley giggled
  2. Tickle Monster!
    "So what do we do with you now?" Aro sighed.
  3. Nice Fishing
    "Were I you, I would not delay too long. We do not offer second chances" Caius said.
  4. Bored out of my mind!
    "Did that really happen to you?" he asked
  5. Girl Gots Guts
    But one thing that surprised me is that she had the guts to jump.
  6. Guilt Trip
    "Let me finish, Jasper!"
  7. Privacy
    "You seriously need to learn something called the 'Invasion of Privacy'. It's not cool to be nosing around in someone else's head, Edward" I mumbled.
  8. Fate
    I think its just destiny. Fate.
  9. "Love you" Oops!
    Are you trying to forget who our real mother is, Miley?
  10. First Day
    "Good morning, Miley" everyone chorused.
  11. Singer
    I think... I just found my Singer...