
mélodie de mort

Sweet serene blue.
Opening his eyes, Lucian drank in the view around him. Not far under his pruning feet, sting ray swam between the array of multicolored coral and sea plants. Jellyfish floated in a small group farther out in the vast blue waters. And...
The faintest sound of melodic singing coming from the distant sea caves danced around his ears.

Lucian's light golden brown hair rippled around his freckled face, as he kicked off from a jutting rock.
Reaching the dark entrance of the caves, the strangely enchanting music grew more vibrant, but still very faint. He was tentative to enter, but as the music went on his intrigue grew.
There were small air pockets only inches from the caves ceiling, where he drew in a breath before descending again. Lucian took notice of the strange patterns and textures along the eroded rock walls, before the darkness engulfed his path.
His body seemed to know where to go on it's own, slipping through a narrow crevice, that any human eye would have missed. A sliver of etheral light shone from an opening farther down the cave, rippling shades of deep green and indigo reflected on the rock. Lucian etched his way toward the opening, a hunger for the source of that enchanting music growing inside him.
A gasp of breath and then plunging back down in the darkness of the waters, he was able to squeeze his way out and into a large cavern. The water spilled out into a pond-like formation. There were more patterns and drawings on the walls, only now they were cast in the light of the etheral glow. He could almost taste it's source.

Lucian climbed onto a flat rock, examining a way around the caves maze of stalagmites. He reached a foot over a wide crack in the rock and pulled the rest of his body over by grabbing onto a low hanging stalactite.
Finally reaching the bend of the cavern, the waters were throbbing with light, the music completely engulfing his senses, and there perched upon the rocks of the pond, a young boy with flowing seaweed green locks, strands of silver slipping stray from the braid bound by fishing net. Lucian's gasp echoed off the walls, as the boy slowly carressed his scaly lower body in the waters. A tail. This was no boy.

The merman gracefully swung his head in suprise, his intense coal black eyes forming slits, danger emanating from his stare. Lucian's emotions ran wild; fear, shock and wonder colliding inside him. Everything about the creature spoke danger, but he just couldn't move. Even though the singing had stopped when Lucian's suprised gasp for air startled the creature, it was if he was already under his spell.
Suddenly the termoil of emotions seemed to fade, and his senses were filled with the wordless melody once again. Even when the waters reached out and seemed to devour him, he was not filled with panic or confusion.
Only the comforting song of death.
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hopefully i won't get bored of this one..
i have actually had this idea for ages.