Jealousy Circles


Franks POV.

"HOLY SHIT, GERARD!" I spluttered.

My eyes immediatly flew open, as Gee's arm flew over to my side of the hotel room bed and smacked me in the face. He still seemed to be deep in sleep, as he was snoring & grunting when he moved. Drool ran down the side of his face, which was still covered in black and white makeup from the night before. I looked at the rest of his body, his grungy suit still on.

Seeing these features, my memory automatically switched to last night. We played a show in Detroit, and it wasn't any different than any other "performance." Gerard was drunk off of his ass as usual; spitting everywhere when he sang, and taking swigs of Budweiser in between sets.

It's always difficult seeing him like that, and it's also difficult trying to get him to stop.

I quickly shoved the thoughts out of my head and got out of the hotel room bed. I grabbed the pack of smokes off of the night stand, opened the window, and lit up. I looked out into the bleak summer sky of Michigan, not sure what to make of it. It felt empty and cold to me, but then again that was every city we played at. Vegas, Miami, San Fransisco, Phoenix... even Jersey was starting to become dreary to me.

I hated to think of it. I hated to realized I had no home anymore. All because of this beautiful man who has stolen my heart. I turned my head over to Gerard, and inhaled a puff of smoke.

Why was I living like this? Living in complete hell, living in complete heaven. I couldn't decide which one it was. Gerard was my angel of fire, my devil of peace. The contradictions were clearly aware to me...

I joined this band to influence others, to empower myself. But it has escalated into something much more.

Sinking into my thoughts, I seemed to be slowly spinning out of Earth and into infinity. The streets and buildings of Detroit blurred, and I explored into my head. Thinking of the sweet taste of Gerard's mouth on my own...

I jumped at the feel of someone putting their arms around myself, but quickly settled down, and I know that feel. I knew that smell of that stale beer, I knew it all...

I turned around and looked at the face of Gerard Way. His eyes were soft and he made a sly smile. Seeing the Newport in my hand, he snatched it away and took a drag. This man was amazing - he made smoking look sexy.

"So. Show tonight," I noted.

"Well good morning to you, too, sunshine," He smirked.

"Psh. Sorry, Princess," I laughed.

"Damn straight I'm Princess."

At this point, he grabbed my shoulders and shoved me on the sea foam green bedsheet on the fold out bed. He leaned on me and kissed my lips, his sweet inticing smell infusing in my nostrils. After a few seconds, I took a breath & heaved, "I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

For the remainder of the morning, we watched TV together. His body cuddled and head leaning against my shoulder, I felt like a god. We felt like gods together.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my very first shot at a Frerard. I know it probably sucks, but I really would love feedback. Comments and critique pleaseee.
Thanks so much. :]